context("Verification - lm_lin replicates Lin 2013") # Lin paper available here: # Citation: # Lin, Winston. 2013. "Agnostic notes on regression adjustments to experimental # data: Reexamining Freedman’s critique." The Annals of Applied Statistics. # Stat. 7(1): 295-318. doi:10.1214/12-AOAS583. # test_that("lm_lin recreates Lin 2013 Table 2", { data("alo_star_men") ## Table 2 # Lin uses "classic sandwich," or in our package, HC0 # unadjusted, Lin est = -0.036, se = 0.158 expect_equivalent( round( tidy( lm_robust( GPA_year1 ~ sfsp, data = alo_star_men, se_type = "HC0" ) )[2, c("estimate", "std.error")], 3 ), c(-0.036, 0.158) ) # usual adjusted for HS gpa, Lin est = -0.083, se = 0.146 expect_equivalent( unlist(round( tidy( lm_robust( GPA_year1 ~ sfsp + gpa0, data = alo_star_men, se_type = "HC0" ) )[2, c("estimate", "std.error")], 3 )), c(-0.083, 0.146) ) # interaction adjusted, Lin est = -0.081, se = 0.146 expect_equivalent( unlist(round( tidy( lm_lin( GPA_year1 ~ sfsp, covariates = ~ gpa0, data = alo_star_men, se_type = "HC0" ) )[2, c("estimate", "std.error")], 3 )), c(-0.081, 0.146) ) }) ## Table 3 too long to run rep_table_3 <- FALSE if (rep_table_3) { data("alo_star_men") ## Table 3 samp_dat <- alo_star_men its <- 250000 set.seed(161235) check_cover <- function(obj, point = 0) { return(obj$conf.low[2] < point & obj$conf.high[2] > point) } ci_dist <- function(obj) { return(obj$conf.high[2] - obj$conf.low[2]) } ci_custom <- function(obj) { return(list( conf.high = coef(obj)[2] + obj$std.error[2] * 1.96, conf.low = coef(obj)[2] - obj$std.error[2] * 1.96 )) } ses <- c("HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3") ests <- matrix( NA, nrow = its, ncol = 3 ) sd_mats <- cover_mats <- width_mats <- array( NA, dim = c(its, length(ses), 3) ) for (i in 1:its) { samp_dat$sfsp <- sample(samp_dat$sfsp) sd_mat <- cover_mat <- width_mat <- matrix( NA, nrow = length(ses), ncol = 3 ) for (j in seq_along(ses)) { unadj <- lm_robust( GPA_year1 ~ sfsp, data = samp_dat, se_type = ses[j] ) tradadj <- lm_robust( GPA_year1 ~ sfsp + gpa0, data = samp_dat, se_type = ses[j] ) intadj <- lm_lin( GPA_year1 ~ sfsp, covariates = ~ gpa0, data = samp_dat, se_type = ses[j] ) sd_mat[j, ] <- c(unadj$std.error[2], tradadj$std.error[2], intadj$std.error[2]) cover_mat[j, ] <- c( check_cover(ci_custom(unadj)), check_cover(ci_custom(tradadj)), check_cover(ci_custom(intadj)) ) width_mat[j, ] <- c( ci_dist(ci_custom(unadj)), ci_dist(ci_custom(tradadj)), ci_dist(ci_custom(intadj)) ) } ests[i, ] <- c(coef(unadj)[2], coef(tradadj)[2], coef(intadj)[2]) sd_mats[i, , ] <- sd_mat cover_mats[i, , ] <- cover_mat width_mats[i, , ] <- width_mat if (i %% 1000 == 0) print(i) } # Panel A colMeans(ests) # Panel B apply(sd_mats, c(2, 3), mean) - apply(ests, 2, sd) # Panel C apply(sd_mats, c(2, 3), sd) # Panel D, not replicated because he uses normal dist. while we use t dist, all slightly larger apply(cover_mats, c(2, 3), mean) # Panel E, not replicated because he uses normal dist. while we use t dist, all slightly larger apply(width_mats, c(2, 3), mean) }