context("S3") n <- 10 dat <- data.frame( x = rep(0:1, times = 5), p = 0.5, z = rnorm(n), y = rnorm(n) ) lmbo <- lm_robust(y ~ z + as.factor(x), data = dat) lmfo <- lm_robust(y ~ z, data = dat, fixed_effects = ~ x) test_that("tidy, glance, summary, and print work", { ## lm_robust lmo <- lm_robust(y ~ x, data = dat, se_type = "classical") capture_output( summary(lmo) ) capture_output( summary(lmfo) ) expect_output( print(summary(lmfo)), "proj\\. model" ) expect_is( tidy(lmo), "data.frame" ) expect_is( tidy(lmfo), "data.frame" ) expect_equal( nrow(tidy(lm_robust(y ~ x, data = dat, se_type = "classical"))), 2 ) expect_equal( nrow(tidy(lmfo)), 1 ) glance_lmo <- glance(lmo) expect_is(glance_lmo , "data.frame") expect_equal(nrow(glance_lmo), 1) expect_equal( colnames(glance(lmo)), c("r.squared", "adj.r.squared", "statistic", "p.value", "df.residual", "nobs", "se_type") ) expect_equal( colnames(coef(summary(lmo))), c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "t value", "Pr(>|t|)", "CI Lower", "CI Upper", "DF") ) capture_output( expect_equivalent( coef(summary(lmo)), print(lmo) ) ) capture_output( expect_equivalent( coef(summary(lmfo)), print(lmfo) ) ) # works with multiple outcomes lmrmo <- lm_robust(cbind(y, x) ~ z, data = dat, se_type = "classical") lmmo <- lm(cbind(y, x) ~ z, data = dat) slmmo <- summary(lmmo) expect_equivalent( as.matrix(tidy(lmrmo)[, c("term", "outcome")]), cbind( rep(c("(Intercept)", "z"), times = 2), rep(c("y", "x"), each = 2) ) ) expect_equal( dimnames(vcov(lmrmo)), list( c("y:(Intercept)", "y:z", "x:(Intercept)", "x:z"), c("y:(Intercept)", "y:z", "x:(Intercept)", "x:z") ) ) expect_equal( coef(lmrmo), coef(lmmo) ) capture_output( expect_equal( rownames(print(lmrmo)), rownames(vcov(lmrmo)) ) ) expect_equal( predict(lmrmo, newdata = dat), predict(lmmo) ) expect_error( predict(lmrmo, newdata = dat, = TRUE), "Can't set `` == TRUE with multivariate outcome" ) expect_error( slmrmo <- summary(lmrmo), NA ) expect_error( glance(lmrmo), "Cannot use `glance` on linear models with multiple responses." ) lmroy <- lm_robust(y ~ z, data = dat, se_type = "classical") lmrox <- lm_robust(x ~ z, data = dat, se_type = "classical") # Only difference is name on fstatistic! expect_equivalent( slmrmo$`Response y`, summary(lmroy) ) expect_equivalent( slmrmo$`Response x`, summary(lmrox) ) expect_equivalent( lapply(slmrmo, function(x) coef(x)[, 1:4]), lapply(slmmo, function(x) coef(x)[, 1:4]) ) expect_equivalent( confint(lmrmo)[1:2,], confint(lmroy) ) expect_equivalent( confint(lmrmo)[3:4,], confint(lmrox) ) ## lm_lin lmlo <- lm_lin(y ~ x, ~ z, data = dat) expect_is( tidy(lmlo), "data.frame" ) capture_output( expect_equivalent( coef(summary(lmlo)), print(lmlo) ) ) glance_lmlo <- glance(lmlo) expect_equal(nrow(glance_lmlo), 1) expect_equal( colnames(glance(lmlo)), c("r.squared", "adj.r.squared", "statistic", "p.value", "df.residual", "nobs", "se_type") ) ## lh_robust lho <- lh_robust( mpg ~ cyl + am, data = mtcars, se_type = "classical", linear_hypothesis = c("cyl = am", "cyl = 3") ) tlho <- tidy(lho) slho <- summary(lho) glho <- glance(lho) ## iv_robust 1st-stage stats. ivro <- iv_robust(y ~ x | z, data = dat, se_type = "classical", diagnostics = T) expect_equivalent( as.numeric(glance(ivro)[c("statistic.weakinst", "p.value.weakinst")]), summary(ivro)$diagnostic_first_stage_fstatistic[c(1, 4)] ) expect_equivalent( as.numeric(glance(ivro)[c("statistic.endogeneity", "p.value.endogeneity")]), summary(ivro)$diagnostic_endogeneity_test[c(1, 4)] ) expect_equivalent( as.logical([c("statistic.overid", "p.value.overid")])), c(T, T) ) ## iv-robust over-identification test ivro_oid <- iv_robust(y ~ x | z + p, data = dat, se_type = "classical", diagnostics = T) expect_equivalent( as.numeric(glance(ivro_oid)[c("statistic.weakinst", "p.value.weakinst")]), summary(ivro_oid)$diagnostic_first_stage_fstatistic[c(1, 4)] ) expect_equivalent( as.numeric(glance(ivro_oid)[c("statistic.endogeneity", "p.value.endogeneity")]), summary(ivro_oid)$diagnostic_endogeneity_test[c(1, 4)] ) expect_equivalent( as.numeric(glance(ivro_oid)[c("statistic.overid", "p.value.overid")]), summary(ivro_oid)$diagnostic_overid_test[c(1, 3)] ) # tidy adds rows for each LH expect_equal( tlho$term, c("(Intercept)", "cyl", "am", "cyl = am", "cyl = 3") ) # glance only glances lm_robust object lro <- lm_robust(mpg ~ cyl + am, data = mtcars, se_type = "classical") expect_identical( glance(lho), glance(lro) ) printsummary_lho <- capture.output(summary(lho)) printsummary_lro <- capture.output(summary(lro)) expect_identical( printsummary_lho[7:16], printsummary_lro[5:14] ) expect_identical( printsummary_lho[19:21], capture.output(summary(lho$lh)) ) expect_output( print(lho$lh), "Estimate.*cyl = am.*cyl = 3" ) # print also gets right number of rows expect_equal( length(capture.output(print(lho$lh))), 3 ) ## horvitz_thompson ht <- horvitz_thompson(y ~ x, condition_prs = p, data = dat) expect_is( tidy(ht), "data.frame" ) expect_equivalent( as.matrix(tidy(ht)[, c("estimate", "std.error", "statistic", "p.value", "conf.low", "conf.high", "df")]), coef(summary(ht)) ) expect_equal( colnames(coef(summary(ht))), c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)", "CI Lower", "CI Upper", "DF") ) capture_output( expect_equivalent( coef(summary(ht)), print(ht) ) ) glance_ht <- glance(ht) expect_equal(nrow(glance_ht), 1) expect_equal( colnames(glance(ht)), c("nobs", "se_type", "condition2", "condition1") ) ## difference_in_means dim <- difference_in_means(y ~ x, data = dat) expect_is( tidy(dim), "data.frame" ) expect_equal( colnames(coef(summary(dim))), c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "t value", "Pr(>|t|)", "CI Lower", "CI Upper", "DF") ) capture_output( expect_equivalent( coef(summary(dim)), print(dim) ) ) glance_dim <- glance(dim) expect_equal(nrow(glance_dim), 1) expect_equal( colnames(glance(dim)), c("design", "df", "nobs", "nblocks", "nclusters", "condition2", "condition1") ) # rank deficient dat$z2 <- dat$z lmro <- lm_robust(y ~ z + z2 + x, data = dat) tidy(lmro) # instrumental variables S3 methods are in the IV test, owing to # the AER dependency # iv_robust }) test_that("vcov works", { skip_if_not_installed("AER") # not identical due to < 1e-15 diffs expect_equal( vcov(lm_robust(y ~ x, data = dat, se_type = "classical")), vcov(lm(y ~ x, data = dat)) ) # support complete with dependencies dat$xdup <- dat$x # save test for 3.5 # expect_equal( # vcov(lm_robust(y ~ x + xdup, data = dat, se_type = "classical")), # vcov(lm(y ~ x + xdup, data = dat)) # ) expect_equal( coef(lm_robust(y ~ x + xdup, data = dat, se_type = "classical")), coef(lm(y ~ x + xdup, data = dat)) ) expect_equal( coef(lm_robust(y ~ x + xdup, data = dat, se_type = "classical"), complete = FALSE), coef(lm(y ~ x + xdup, data = dat), complete = FALSE) ) expect_equal( vcov(lmbo)["z", "z"], vcov(lmfo)["z", "z"] ) expect_error( vcov(lm_lin(y ~ x, ~ z, data = dat)), NA ) expect_error( vcov(lm_robust(y ~ x, data = dat, return_vcov = FALSE)), "return_vcov = TRUE" ) hto <- horvitz_thompson(y ~ x, condition_prs = p, data = dat) expect_equal( vcov(hto), matrix(hto$std.error ^ 2, dimnames = list(hto$term, hto$term)) ) dimo <- difference_in_means(y ~ x, data = dat) expect_equal( vcov(dimo), matrix(dimo$std.error ^ 2, dimnames = list(dimo$term, dimo$term)) ) # Instrumental variables ivo <- AER::ivreg(y ~ x | z, data = dat) ivro <- iv_robust(y ~ x | z, data = dat, se_type = "classical") expect_equal( AER:::vcov.ivreg(ivo), ivro$vcov ) }) test_that("coef and confint work", { lmo <- lm_robust(y ~ x, data = dat) expect_equivalent( coef(lmo), lmo$coefficients ) expect_equivalent( coef(lmfo), lmfo$coefficients ) expect_equivalent( coef(lmbo)["z"], coef(lmfo)["z"] ) expect_equivalent( confint(lmo), cbind(lmo$conf.low, lmo$conf.high) ) expect_equivalent( confint(lmfo), cbind(lmfo$conf.low, lmfo$conf.high) ) expect_equal( confint(lmbo, parm = "z"), confint(lmfo, parm = "z") ) expect_equal( confint(lmbo, parm = "z", level = 0.8), confint(lmfo, parm = "z", level = 0.8) ) lm2o <- lm_robust(y ~ x + z, data = dat) expect_equivalent( coef(lm2o)[2], lm2o$coefficients["x"] ) expect_equivalent( confint(lm2o)[2, , drop = FALSE], confint(lm2o, parm = "x") ) expect_equivalent( confint(lmo, parm = "x", level = 0.90), with( lm_robust(y ~ x, data = dat, alpha = 0.10), cbind(conf.low[2], conf.high[2]) ) ) lmlo <- lm_lin(y ~ x, ~ z, data = dat, se_type = "HC3") expect_equivalent( confint(lmlo), cbind(lmlo$conf.low, lmlo$conf.high) ) dim <- difference_in_means(y ~ x, data = dat) expect_equivalent( coef(dim), dim$coefficients ) expect_equivalent( confint(dim), cbind(dim$conf.low, dim$conf.high) ) ht <- horvitz_thompson(y ~ x, condition_prs = p, data = dat) expect_equivalent( coef(ht), ht$coefficients ) expect_equivalent( confint(ht), cbind(ht$conf.low, ht$conf.high) ) # rank deficient dat$z2 <- dat$z lmro <- lm_robust(y ~ z + z2 + x, data = dat) confint(lmro) coef(lmro) capture.output( expect_equal( nobs(lmro), nobs(summary(lmro)) ) ) }) test_that("predict works", { set.seed(42) n <- 20 dat <- data.frame( x = rep(0:1, times = 10), w = runif(n), z = rnorm(n), cl = as.factor(sample(letters[1:3], size = n, replace = T)), y = rnorm(n) ) lm_out <- lm(y ~ z * x + cl, data = dat) lmr_out <- lm_robust(y ~ z * x + cl, data = dat, se_type = "classical") expect_equivalent( predict(lm_out, dat), predict(lmr_out, dat) ) # various specifications expect_equivalent( predict(lm_out, dat, = T, interval = "confidence")[c(1, 2)], predict(lmr_out, dat, = T, interval = "confidence")[c(1, 2)] ) expect_equivalent( predict(lm_out, dat, = T, interval = "prediction")[c(1, 2)], predict(lmr_out, dat, = T, interval = "prediction")[c(1, 2)] ) # missingness n <- 21 new_dat <- data.frame( x = rep(0:1, times = c(10, 11)), w = runif(n), z = rnorm(n), cl = as.factor(sample(letters[1:3], size = n, replace = T)), y = rnorm(n) ) # remove one level to make sure works with missing levels new_dat <- new_dat[new_dat$cl == "a", ] new_dat[1, "x"] <- NA expect_equivalent( predict(lm_out, new_dat), predict(lmr_out, new_dat) ) # various specifications expect_equivalent( predict(lm_out, new_dat, = T, interval = "confidence")[c(1, 2)], predict(lmr_out, new_dat, = T, interval = "confidence")[c(1, 2)] ) expect_equivalent( predict(lm_out, new_dat, = T, interval = "prediction")[c(1, 2)], predict(lmr_out, new_dat, = T, interval = "prediction")[c(1, 2)] ) # weights lm_out <- lm(y ~ z * x + cl, data = dat, weights = w) lmr_out <- lm_robust(y ~ z * x + cl, data = dat, se_type = "classical", weights = w) expect_equivalent( predict(lm_out, dat), predict(lmr_out, dat) ) expect_equivalent( predict(lm_out, dat, = T, interval = "confidence")[c(1, 2)], predict(lmr_out, dat, = T, interval = "confidence")[c(1, 2)] ) expect_warning( plmo <- predict(lm_out, dat, = T, interval = "prediction")[c(1, 2)], "Assuming constant prediction variance" ) expect_warning( plmro <- predict(lmr_out, dat, = T, interval = "prediction")[c(1, 2)], "Assuming constant prediction variance" ) expect_equivalent( plmo, plmro ) # Now with missingness and newdat expect_equivalent( predict(lm_out, new_dat), predict(lmr_out, new_dat) ) # mimic lm behavior with missing weights (can't get prediction intervals) new_dat$w[3] <- NA # various specifications expect_equivalent( predict(lm_out, new_dat, = T, interval = "confidence", weights = ~ w)[c(1, 2)], predict(lmr_out, new_dat, = T, interval = "confidence", weights = w)[c(1, 2)] ) expect_equivalent( predict(lm_out, new_dat, = T, interval = "prediction", weights = ~w)[c(1, 2)], predict(lmr_out, new_dat, = T, interval = "prediction", weights = w)[c(1, 2)] ) # other arguments expect_equivalent( predict(lm_out, new_dat, = T, interval = "prediction", pred.var = 2.3)[c(1, 2)], predict(lmr_out, new_dat, = T, interval = "prediction", pred.var = 2.3)[c(1, 2)] ) # lm_lin n <- 21 new_dat <- data.frame( x = rep(0:1, times = c(10, 11)), z = rnorm(n), cl = as.factor(sample(letters[1:3], size = n, replace = TRUE)), y = rnorm(n) ) lml_out <- lm_lin(y ~ x, covariates = ~ z + cl, data = dat, se_type = "classical") dat$z_bar <- dat$z - mean(dat$z) dat$clb <- as.numeric(dat$cl == "b") dat$clc <- as.numeric(dat$cl == "c") dat$clb_bar <- dat$clb - mean(dat$clb) dat$clc_bar <- dat$clc - mean(dat$clc) lm_int_out <- lm(y ~ x + x * z_bar + x * clb_bar + x * clc_bar, data = dat) # have to scale new data by old mean values! # now predict does this for you! ok.emoji new_dat$z_bar <- new_dat$z - mean(dat$z) new_dat$clb <- as.numeric(new_dat$cl == "b") new_dat$clc <- as.numeric(new_dat$cl == "c") new_dat$clb_bar <- new_dat$clb - mean(dat$clb) new_dat$clc_bar <- new_dat$clc - mean(dat$clc) # not identical due to some numerical difference, presumably due to the way I save the means from lm_lin expect_equivalent( predict(lml_out, new_dat, = TRUE, interval = "confidence")[c(1, 2)], predict(lm_int_out, new_dat, = TRUE, interval = "confidence")[c(1, 2)] ) # working with rank deficient X head(dat) dat$z2 <- dat$z lm_out <- lm(y ~ z * x + z2 + cl, data = dat) lmr_out <- lm_robust(y ~ z * x + z2 + cl + z, data = dat, se_type = "classical") suppressWarnings({ expect_equivalent( predict(lm_out, dat), predict(lmr_out, dat) ) # various specifications expect_equivalent( predict(lm_out, dat, = T, interval = "confidence")[c(1, 2)], predict(lmr_out, dat, = T, interval = "confidence")[c(1, 2)] ) expect_equivalent( predict(lm_out, dat, = T, interval = "prediction")[c(1, 2)], predict(lmr_out, dat, = T, interval = "prediction")[c(1, 2)] ) }) }) test_that("predict works with fixed effects", { ro <- lm_robust(mpg ~ hp + vs + factor(cyl), data = mtcars) rfo <- lm_robust(mpg ~ hp + vs, fixed_effects = ~ cyl, data = mtcars) lo <- lm(mpg ~ hp + vs + factor(cyl), data = mtcars) plo <- predict(lo, newdata = mtcars) expect_equal( predict(ro, newdata = mtcars), predict(rfo, newdata = mtcars) ) expect_error( predict(rfo, newdata = mtcars, = TRUE), "Can't set ``|TRUE with `fixed_effects`" ) mtcars2 <- data.frame( mpg = 1:3, hp = rnorm(3), vs = rbinom(3, 1, 0.5), cyl = c(4, 2, 4) ) expect_error( predict(ro, newdata = mtcars2), "factor factor\\(cyl\\) has new levels 2" ) expect_error( predict(rfo, newdata = mtcars2), "Can't have new levels in `newdata` `fixed_effects` variable, such as: cyl2" ) mtcars3 <- data.frame( mpg = 1:3, hp = rnorm(3), vs = rbinom(3, 1, 0.5), cyl = c(4, 6, 4) ) expect_equal( predict(ro, newdata = mtcars3), predict(rfo, newdata = mtcars3) ) ## Weights row <- lm_robust(mpg ~ 0 + hp + vs + factor(cyl), weights = wt, data = mtcars) rfow <- lm_robust(mpg ~ hp + vs, fixed_effects = ~ cyl, weights = wt, data = mtcars) low <- lm(mpg ~ hp + vs + factor(cyl), weights = wt, data = mtcars) plow <- predict(low, newdata = mtcars) prow <- predict(row, newdata = mtcars) prfow <- predict(rfow, newdata = mtcars) expect_error( predict(rfow, newdata = mtcars, = TRUE), "Can't set ``|TRUE with `fixed_effects`" ) expect_equal( prow, prfow ) expect_equal( prow, plow ) expect_equivalent( row$fitted.values, low$fitted.values ) expect_equal( row$fitted.values, rfow$fitted.values ) mtcars2 <- data.frame( mpg = 1:3, hp = rnorm(3), vs = rbinom(3, 1, 0.5), cyl = c(4, 2, 4) ) expect_error( predict(row, newdata = mtcars2), "factor factor\\(cyl\\) has new levels 2" ) expect_error( predict(rfow, newdata = mtcars2), "Can't have new levels in `newdata` `fixed_effects` variable, such as: cyl2" ) mtcars3 <- data.frame( mpg = 1:3, hp = rnorm(3), vs = rbinom(3, 1, 0.5), cyl = c(4, 6, 4) ) expect_equal( predict(row, newdata = mtcars3), predict(rfow, newdata = mtcars3) ) ## Clustered roc <- lm_robust(mpg ~ 0 + hp + vs + factor(cyl), clusters = carb, data = mtcars) rfoc <- lm_robust(mpg ~ hp + vs, fixed_effects = ~ cyl, clusters = carb, data = mtcars) proc <- predict(roc, newdata = mtcars) prfoc <- predict(rfoc, newdata = mtcars) expect_equal( roc$fitted.values, rfoc$fitted.values ) expect_equivalent( roc$fitted.values, lo$fitted.values # not weighted, just lm predictions ) expect_equal( proc, prfoc ) expect_equal( prfoc, plo ) ## Clustered, weights rocw <- lm_robust(mpg ~ 0 + hp + vs + factor(cyl), weights = wt, clusters = carb, data = mtcars, se_type = "stata") rfocw <- lm_robust(mpg ~ hp + vs, fixed_effects = ~ cyl, weights = wt, clusters = carb, data = mtcars, se_type = "stata") procw <- predict(rocw, newdata = mtcars) prfocw <- predict(rfocw, newdata = mtcars) expect_equal( rocw$fitted.values, rfocw$fitted.values ) expect_equivalent( rocw$fitted.values, low$fitted.values # not weighted, just lm predictions ) expect_equal( procw, prfocw ) expect_equal( prfocw, plow ) ## Fails with two fixed effects rfocw <- lm_robust(mpg ~ hp + vs, fixed_effects = ~ cyl + carb, data = mtcars) expect_error( predict(rfocw, newdata = mtcars), "Can't use `predict.lm_robust` with more than one set of `fixed_effects`" ) }) test_that("predict.iv_robust works with fixed effects", { skip_if_not_installed("AER") ro <- iv_robust(mpg ~ hp + factor(cyl) | vs + factor(cyl), data = mtcars) rfo <- iv_robust(mpg ~ hp | vs, fixed_effects = ~ cyl, data = mtcars) io <- AER::ivreg(mpg ~ hp + factor(cyl) | vs + factor(cyl), data = mtcars) pio <- predict(io, newdata = mtcars) expect_equal( ro$fitted.values, rfo$fitted.values ) expect_equivalent( rfo$fitted.values, io$fitted.values ) expect_equal( predict(ro, newdata = mtcars), predict(rfo, newdata = mtcars) ) expect_equal( pio, predict(rfo, newdata = mtcars) ) mtcars2 <- data.frame( mpg = 1:3, hp = rnorm(3), vs = rbinom(3, 1, 0.5), cyl = c(4, 2, 4) ) expect_error( predict(ro, newdata = mtcars2), "factor factor\\(cyl\\) has new levels 2" ) expect_error( predict(rfo, newdata = mtcars2), "Can't have new levels in `newdata` `fixed_effects` variable, such as\\: cyl2" ) mtcars3 <- data.frame( mpg = 1:3, hp = rnorm(3), vs = rbinom(3, 1, 0.5), cyl = c(4, 6, 4) ) expect_equal( predict(ro, newdata = mtcars3), predict(rfo, newdata = mtcars3) ) expect_equal( predict(io, newdata = mtcars3), predict(rfo, newdata = mtcars3) ) ## Weights row <- iv_robust(mpg ~ hp + factor(cyl) | vs + factor(cyl), weights = wt, data = mtcars) rfow <- iv_robust(mpg ~ hp | vs, fixed_effects = ~ cyl, weights = wt, data = mtcars) iow <- AER::ivreg(mpg ~ hp + factor(cyl) | vs + factor(cyl), weights = wt, data = mtcars) piow <- predict(iow, newdata = mtcars) prow <- predict(row, newdata = mtcars) prfow <- predict(rfow, newdata = mtcars) expect_equal( prow, prfow ) expect_equal( prow, piow ) expect_equivalent( rfow$fitted.values, iow$fitted.values ) expect_equal( row$fitted.values, rfow$fitted.values ) mtcars2 <- data.frame( mpg = 1:3, hp = rnorm(3), vs = rbinom(3, 1, 0.5), cyl = c(4, 2, 4) ) expect_error( predict(row, newdata = mtcars2), "factor factor\\(cyl\\) has new levels 2" ) expect_error( predict(rfow, newdata = mtcars2), "Can't have new levels in `newdata` `fixed_effects` variable, such as: cyl2" ) mtcars3 <- data.frame( mpg = 1:3, hp = rnorm(3), vs = rbinom(3, 1, 0.5), cyl = c(4, 6, 4) ) expect_equal( predict(row, newdata = mtcars3), predict(rfow, newdata = mtcars3) ) ## Clustered roc <- iv_robust(mpg ~ hp + factor(cyl) | vs + factor(cyl), clusters = carb, data = mtcars) rfoc <- iv_robust(mpg ~ hp | vs, fixed_effects = ~ cyl, clusters = carb, data = mtcars) proc <- predict(roc, newdata = mtcars) prfoc <- predict(rfoc, newdata = mtcars) expect_equal( roc$fitted.values, rfoc$fitted.values ) expect_equivalent( rfoc$fitted.values, io$fitted.values # not weighted, just lm predictions ) expect_equal( proc, prfoc ) expect_equal( prfoc, pio ) ## Clustered, weights rocw <- iv_robust(mpg ~ hp + factor(cyl) | vs + factor(cyl), clusters = carb, weights = wt, data = mtcars, se_type = "stata") rfocw <- iv_robust(mpg ~ hp | vs, fixed_effects = ~ cyl, clusters = carb, weights = wt, data = mtcars, se_type = "stata") procw <- predict(rocw, newdata = mtcars) prfocw <- predict(rfocw, newdata = mtcars) expect_equal( rocw$fitted.values, rfocw$fitted.values ) expect_equivalent( rocw$fitted.values, iow$fitted.values # not weighted, just lm predictions ) expect_equal( procw, prfocw ) expect_equal( prfocw, piow ) ## Fails with two fixed effects rfocw <- iv_robust(mpg ~ hp | vs, fixed_effects = ~ cyl + carb, data = mtcars) expect_error( predict(rfocw, newdata = mtcars), "Can't use `predict.lm_robust` with more than one set of `fixed_effects`" ) }) test_that("tidy conf_level", { mod <- lm_robust(mpg ~ hp + factor(cyl) + gear, mtcars) expect_equal(unname(confint(mod, level = .95)[, 1]), tidy(mod)$conf.low) expect_equal(unname(confint(mod, level = .999)[, 1]), tidy(mod, = TRUE, conf.level = .999)$conf.low) dimmod <- difference_in_means(mpg ~ am, mtcars) expect_equal( unname(confint(dimmod, level = .999)[, 1]), tidy(dimmod, = TRUE, conf.level = .999)$conf.low ) expect_false( tidy(dimmod, = TRUE, conf.level = .999)$conf.low == tidy(dimmod)$conf.low ) htmod <- horvitz_thompson(mpg ~ am, mtcars, condition_prs = 0.5) expect_equal( unname(confint(htmod, level = .999)[, 1]), tidy(htmod, = TRUE, conf.level = .999)$conf.low ) expect_false( tidy(htmod, = TRUE, conf.level = .999)$conf.low == tidy(htmod)$conf.low ) }) test_that("update works", { l1 <- lm_robust(mpg ~ hp, mtcars) l2 <- lm_robust(mpg ~ cyl, mtcars) expect_equal( tidy(l2), tidy(update(l1, . ~ cyl)) ) iv1 <- iv_robust(mpg ~ hp | am, mtcars) iv2 <- iv_robust(mpg ~ cyl | am, mtcars) expect_equal( tidy(iv2), tidy(update(iv1, . ~ cyl | .)) ) }) test_that("setting different alpha in lm_robust call leads to different CIs in tidy", { set.seed(15) library(fabricatr) dat <- fabricate( N = 40, y = rpois(N, lambda = 4), x = rnorm(N), z = rbinom(N, 1, prob = 0.4) ) # Default variance estimator is HC2 robust standard errors lmro05 <- lm_robust(y ~ x + z, data = dat) td1 <- tidy(lmro05) lmro01 <- lm_robust(y ~ x + z, alpha = 0.01, data = dat) td2 <- tidy(lmro01) td3 <- tidy(lmro01, = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95) expect_false(identical(round(td1$conf.low, 2), round(td2$conf.low, 2))) expect_true(identical(round(td1$conf.low, 2), round(td3$conf.low, 2))) }) test_that("conf int for lh_robust works", { set.seed(15) library(fabricatr) dat <- fabricate( N = 40, y = rpois(N, lambda = 4), x = rnorm(N), z = rbinom(N, 1, prob = 0.4) ) # Default variance estimator is HC2 robust standard errors lhro05 <- lh_robust(y ~ x + z, linear_hypothesis = "z - 0.05 = 0", data = dat) td1 <- tidy(lhro05) lhro01 <- lh_robust(y ~ x + z, linear_hypothesis = "z - 0.05 = 0", alpha = 0.01, data = dat) td2 <- tidy(lhro01) td3 <- tidy(lhro05, = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95) expect_false(identical(round(td1$conf.low, 2), round(td2$conf.low, 2))) expect_true(identical(round(td1$conf.low, 2), round(td3$conf.low, 2))) })