context("Estimator - iv_robust") N <- 20 dat <- data.frame( y = rnorm(N), x = rnorm(N), x2 = rnorm(N), z2 = rnorm(N), w = runif(N), clust = sample(letters[1:3], size = N, replace = TRUE) ) dat$z <- dat$x * 0.5 + rnorm(N) dat$x1_c <- dat$x test_that("iv_robust warnings and errors are correct", { expect_warning( ivro <- iv_robust(mpg ~ hp + cyl | am, data = mtcars, se_type = "HC0"), "More regressors than instruments" ) expect_error( iv_robust(mpg ~ hp + cyl, data = mtcars), "Must specify a `formula` with both regressors and instruments." ) }) test_that("iv_robust matches AER + ivpack", { skip_if_not_installed("AER") skip_if_not_installed("ivpack") skip("ivpack is not available") ivco <- iv_robust(y ~ x | z, data = dat, se_type = "classical") ivfit <- AER::ivreg(y ~ x | z, data = dat) ivo <- summary(ivfit) expect_equivalent( as.matrix(tidy(ivco)[, c("estimate", "std.error", "statistic", "p.value")]), coef(ivo)[, 1:4] ) # Same as stata if you specify `small` as a stata option # which applies the N / N-k finite sample correction expect_equivalent( ivfit$fitted.values, ivco$fitted.values ) # Stata defaults to HC0 as well, but does HC1 with `small` ivro <- iv_robust(y ~ x | z, data = dat, se_type = "HC0") capture_output(ivpackrob <- expect_equivalent( as.matrix(tidy(ivro)[, c("estimate", "std.error", "statistic", "p.value")]), ivpackrob[, 1:4] ) expect_equivalent( ivfit$fitted.values, ivro$fitted.values ) # "Stata" clustered SEs are CR0, but they are the same as below with `small` ivclusto <- iv_robust(y ~ x | z, data = dat, se_type = "stata", clusters = clust) capture_output(ivpackclust <-, dat$clust)) # Our p-values are bigger (ivpack is be using less conservative DF, we use J - 1 which # is what stata uses for clusters w/ `small` and in OLS) expect_equivalent( as.matrix(tidy(ivclusto)[, c("estimate", "std.error")]), ivpackclust[, c(1, 2)] ) expect_equivalent( ivfit$fitted.values, ivclusto$fitted.values ) # Weighting classical ivw <- AER::ivreg(y ~ x | z, data = dat, weights = w) ivcw <- iv_robust(y ~ x | z, data = dat, weights = w, se_type = "classical") ivregsum <- summary(ivcw) expect_equivalent( as.matrix(tidy(ivcw)[, c("estimate", "std.error", "statistic", "p.value")]), coef(ivregsum)[, 1:4] ) expect_equivalent( ivw$fitted.values, ivcw$fitted.values ) # HC0 weighted ivrw <- iv_robust(y ~ x | z, data = dat, weights = w, se_type = "HC0") capture_output(ivpackrobw <- expect_equivalent( as.matrix(tidy(ivrw)[, c("estimate", "std.error", "statistic", "p.value")]), ivpackrobw[, 1:4] ) expect_equivalent( ivrw$fitted.values, ivcw$fitted.values ) # Stata weighted ivclrw <- iv_robust(y ~ x | z, data = dat, clusters = clust, weights = w, se_type = "stata") ivclw <- AER::ivreg(y ~ x | z, data = dat, weights = w) capture_output(ivclwse <-, clusterid = dat$clust)) expect_equivalent( as.matrix(tidy(ivclrw)[1:2, c("estimate", "std.error")]), ivclwse[, c(1, 2)] ) expect_equivalent( ivclrw$fitted.values, ivclw$fitted.values ) # Rank-deficiency # HC0 ivdefr <- iv_robust(y ~ x + x1_c| z + z2, data = dat, se_type = "HC0") ivdef <- AER::ivreg(y ~ x + x1_c| z + z2, data = dat) capture_output(ivdefse <- expect_equal( coef(ivdefr), coef(ivdef) ) expect_equivalent( as.matrix(tidy(ivdefr)[1:2, c("estimate", "std.error", "statistic", "p.value")]), ivdefse[, 1:4] ) expect_equivalent( ivdefr$fitted.values, ivdef$fitted.values ) # # Does not work if instrument is collinear with other instrument # ivdefri <- iv_robust(y ~ z + z2| x + x1_c, data = dat, se_type = "HC0") # ivdefi <- AER::ivreg(y ~ z + z2| x + x1_c, data = dat) # ivdefsei <- # # # No longer equal! # expect_equal( # coef(ivdefri), # coef(ivdefi) # ) # expect_equivalent( # as.matrix(tidy(ivdefri)[1:2, c("estimate", "std.error", "statistic", "p.value")]), # ivdefsei[, 1:4] # ) # Stata ivdefclr <- iv_robust(y ~ x + x1_c | z + z2, data = dat, clusters = clust, se_type = "stata") ivdefcl <- AER::ivreg(y ~ x + x1_c | z + z2, data = dat) capture_output(ivdefclse <-, clusterid = dat$clust)) expect_equal( coef(ivdefclr), coef(ivdefcl) ) expect_equivalent( as.matrix(tidy(ivdefclr)[1:2, c("estimate", "std.error")]), ivdefclse[, c(1, 2)] ) expect_equivalent( ivdefclr$fitted.values, ivdefcl$fitted.values ) # HC0 Weighted ivdefrw <- iv_robust(y ~ x + x1_c| z + z2, weights = w, data = dat, se_type = "HC0") ivdefw <- AER::ivreg(y ~ x + x1_c| z + z2, weights = w, data = dat) capture_output(ivdefsew <- expect_equal( coef(ivdefrw), coef(ivdefw) ) expect_equivalent( as.matrix(tidy(ivdefrw)[1:2, c("estimate", "std.error", "statistic", "p.value")]), ivdefsew[, 1:4] ) expect_equivalent( ivdefrw$fitted.values, ivdefw$fitted.values ) # Stata weighted ivdefclr <- iv_robust(y ~ x + x1_c | z + z2, data = dat, weights = w, clusters = clust, se_type = "stata") ivdefcl <- AER::ivreg(y ~ x + x1_c | z + z2, data = dat, weights = w) capture_output(ivdefclse <-, clusterid = dat$clust)) expect_equal( coef(ivdefclr), coef(ivdefcl) ) expect_equivalent( as.matrix(tidy(ivdefclr)[1:2, c("estimate", "std.error")]), ivdefclse[, c(1, 2)] ) expect_equivalent( ivdefclr$fitted.values, ivdefcl$fitted.values ) # F-stat fails properly with blocks of size 1 set.seed(42) N <- 20 dat <- data.frame(y = rnorm(N), x = rnorm(N), z = rnorm(N), bl = sample(letters, size = N, replace = T)) ivr <- iv_robust(y ~ bl + x | bl + z, data = dat, se_type = "stata") expect_equivalent( ivr$fstatistic[1], NA_integer_ ) }) test_that("iv_robust matches AER + clubSandwich", { skip_if_not_installed("AER") skip_if_not_installed("clubSandwich") skip_on_cran() # ClubSandwich IV tests for (se_type in cr_se_types) { ivfit <- AER::ivreg(y ~ x | z, data = dat) ivfitw <- AER::ivreg(y ~ x | z, weights = w, data = dat) # Standard IV models ivcr <- iv_robust(y ~ x | z, data = dat, clusters = clust, se_type = se_type) clubsand <- clubSandwich::coef_test(ivfit, vcov = ifelse(se_type == "stata", "CR1S", se_type), cluster = dat$clust, test = ifelse(se_type == "CR2", "Satterthwaite", "naive-t")) clubsand <- cols <- c("estimate", "std.error", "statistic", "df", "p.value") expect_equivalent( as.matrix(tidy(ivcr)[, cols]), as.matrix(clubsand[,-1]) ) expect_equivalent( ivfit$fitted.values, ivcr$fitted.values ) # Weighted IV models ivcrw <- iv_robust(y ~ x | z, data = dat, clusters = clust, weights = w, se_type = se_type) clubsandw <- clubSandwich::coef_test(ivfitw, vcov = ifelse(se_type == "stata", "CR1S", se_type), cluster = dat$clust, test = ifelse(se_type == "CR2", "Satterthwaite", "naive-t")) clubsandw <- expect_equivalent( as.matrix(tidy(ivcrw)[, cols]), as.matrix(clubsandw[,-1]) ) expect_equivalent( ivfitw$fitted.values, ivcrw$fitted.values ) # Rank-deficiency ivfit_rd <- AER::ivreg(y ~ x + x1_c | z + z2, data = dat) ivcr_rd <- iv_robust(y ~ x + x1_c | z + z2, data = dat, clusters = clust, se_type = se_type) clubsand_rd <- clubSandwich::coef_test(ivfit_rd, vcov = ifelse(se_type == "stata", "CR1S", se_type), cluster = dat$clust, test = ifelse(se_type == "CR2", "Satterthwaite", "naive-t")) clubsand_rd <- expect_equivalent( na.omit(as.matrix(tidy(ivcr_rd)[, cols])), na.omit(as.matrix(clubsand_rd[,-1])) ) expect_equivalent( ivfit_rd$fitted.values, ivcr_rd$fitted.values ) # Rank-deficient, weighted ivfitw_rd <- AER::ivreg(y ~ x + x1_c | z + z2, weights = w, data = dat) ivcrw_rd <- iv_robust(y ~ x + x1_c | z + z2, data = dat, weights = w, clusters = clust, se_type = se_type) clubsandw_rd <- clubSandwich::coef_test(ivfitw_rd, vcov = ifelse(se_type == "stata", "CR1S", se_type), cluster = dat$clust, test = ifelse(se_type == "CR2", "Satterthwaite", "naive-t")) clubsandw_rd <- expect_equivalent( na.omit(as.matrix(tidy(ivcrw_rd)[, cols])), na.omit(as.matrix(clubsandw_rd[,-1])) ) expect_equivalent( ivfitw_rd$fitted.values, ivcrw_rd$fitted.values ) } }) test_that("iv_robust different specifications work", { skip_if_not_installed("AER") skip_if_not_installed("ivpack") skip("ivpack not available") # More instruments than endog. regressors ivro <- iv_robust(mpg ~ wt | hp + cyl, data = mtcars, se_type = "HC0") ivo <- AER::ivreg(mpg ~ wt | hp + cyl, data = mtcars) capture_output(ivpo <- expect_equivalent( as.matrix(tidy(ivro)[, c("estimate", "std.error", "statistic", "p.value")]), ivpo[, 1:4] ) # . notation for multiple exog, doesnt work! # ivro <- iv_robust(mpg ~ wt + hp + vs | . - vs + cyl, data = mtcars, se_type = "HC0") # ivo <- AER::ivreg(mpg ~ wt + hp + vs | . - vs + cyl, data = mtcars) # ivpo <- # expect_equivalent( # as.matrix(tidy(ivro)[, c("estimate", "std.error", "statistic", "p.value")]), # ivpo[, 1:4] # ) # . notation in general ivro <- iv_robust(mpg ~ .| ., data = mtcars, se_type = "HC0") ivo <- AER::ivreg(mpg ~ . | ., data = mtcars) capture_output(ivpo <- expect_equivalent( as.matrix(tidy(ivro)[, c("estimate", "std.error", "statistic", "p.value")]), ivpo[, 1:4] ) }) test_that("S3 methods", { skip_if_not_installed("AER") ivo <- AER::ivreg(mpg ~ hp + cyl | wt + gear, data = mtcars) ivro <- iv_robust(mpg ~ hp + cyl | wt + gear, data = mtcars, se_type = "classical") expect_equal( vcov(ivro), vcov(ivo) ) expect_is( tidy(ivro), "data.frame" ) expect_equal( nrow(tidy(ivro)), 3 ) summary(ivro) siv <- capture_output( summary(ivro), print = TRUE ) expect_true( grepl( "iv\\_robust\\(formula = mpg \\~ hp \\+ cyl \\| wt \\+ gear, data = mtcars,", siv ) ) expect_true( grepl( "F\\-statistic\\: 33\\.73 on 2 and 29 DF, p\\-value\\: 2\\.706e\\-08", siv ) ) capture_output( expect_equivalent( coef(summary(ivro)), print(ivro) ) ) expect_equivalent( ivro$fstatistic, summary(ivo)$waldtest[-2] ) expect_equal( predict(ivro, newdata = mtcars), predict(ivo) ) glance_ivro <- glance(ivro) expect_equal(nrow(glance_ivro), 1) expect_equal( colnames(glance(ivro)), c("r.squared", "adj.r.squared", "df.residual", "nobs", "se_type", "statistic", "p.value", "statistic.weakinst", "p.value.weakinst", "statistic.endogeneity", "p.value.endogeneity", "statistic.overid", "p.value.overid") ) # no intercept ivo <- AER::ivreg(mpg ~ hp + cyl + 0 | wt + gear, data = mtcars) ivro <- iv_robust(mpg ~ hp + cyl + 0 | wt + gear, data = mtcars, se_type = "classical") expect_equivalent( ivro$fstatistic, summary(ivo)$waldtest[-2] ) }) test_that("IV diagnostics", { skip_if_not_installed("AER") # Load stata diagnostics stata_diags <- read.table( "stata-iv-diagnostics.txt", col.names = c("formula", "weights", "options", "diag", "df1", "df2", "val", "pval"), sep = ";", na = ".", stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) formulae <- c( "(hp = wt)" = mpg ~ hp | wt, # mpg ~ 0 + hp | wt, "(hp = wt)0" = mpg ~ 0 + hp | 0 + wt, "(hp am = wt gear)" = mpg ~ hp + am | wt + gear, # mpg ~ 0 + hp + am | wt + gear, "(hp am = wt gear)0" = mpg ~ 0 + hp + am | 0 + wt + gear, "gear (hp = wt)" = mpg ~ hp + gear | wt + gear, # mpg ~ 0 + hp + gear | wt + gear, "gear (hp = wt)0" = mpg ~ 0 + hp + gear | 0 + wt + gear, "gear (hp = wt am)" = mpg ~ hp + gear | wt + gear + am, # mpg ~ 0 + hp + gear | wt + gear + am, # mpg ~ hp + gear | 0 + wt + gear + am, "gear (hp = wt am)0" = mpg ~ 0 + hp + gear | 0 + wt + gear + am ) for (f_n in names(formulae)) { f <- formulae[[f_n]] ivro <- iv_robust(f, data = mtcars, se_type = "classical", diagnostics = TRUE) aer_ivro <- summary(AER::ivreg(f, data = mtcars), diagnostics = TRUE) # Sargan stat seems to be wrong for AER for this model (-ve critical value) if (f_n == "gear (hp = wt am)0") { expect_equivalent( build_ivreg_diagnostics_mat(ivro)[1:2, ], aer_ivro[["diagnostics"]][1:2, ] ) } else { expect_equivalent( build_ivreg_diagnostics_mat(ivro), aer_ivro[["diagnostics"]] ) } stata_diag <- subset( stata_diags, formula == gsub("0", "", f_n) & (grepl("noconstant", options) == grepl("0", f_n)) ) expect_equivalent( build_ivreg_diagnostics_mat(ivro, stata = TRUE), as.matrix(stata_diag[ grepl("small", stata_diag$options) & nchar(stata_diag$weights) == 0, c("df1", "df2", "val", "pval") ]), tolerance = 1e-6 ) # With weights, don't match `overid` test, as we don't report it ivrow <- iv_robust(f, data = mtcars, se_type = "classical", weights = drat, diagnostics = TRUE) ivrow_diag_mat <- build_ivreg_diagnostics_mat(ivrow, stata = TRUE) expect_equivalent(ivrow_diag_mat[nrow(ivrow_diag_mat), ], rep(NA_real_, 4)) expect_equivalent( ivrow_diag_mat[-nrow(ivrow_diag_mat), ], as.matrix(stata_diag[ grepl("small", stata_diag$options) & nchar(stata_diag$weights) > 0 & stata_diag$diag != "overid", c("df1", "df2", "val", "pval") ]), tolerance = 1e-6 ) ivro_hc1 <- iv_robust(f, data = mtcars, se_type = "HC1", diagnostics = TRUE) ivrow_hc1 <- iv_robust(f, data = mtcars, se_type = "HC1", weights = drat, diagnostics = TRUE) expect_equivalent( build_ivreg_diagnostics_mat(ivro_hc1, stata = TRUE), as.matrix(stata_diag[ grepl("rob", stata_diag$options) & nchar(stata_diag$weights) == 0, c("df1", "df2", "val", "pval") ]), tolerance = 1e-6 ) # Again, no overid test reported with weights ivrow_hc1_diag_mat <- build_ivreg_diagnostics_mat(ivrow_hc1, stata = TRUE) expect_equivalent(ivrow_hc1_diag_mat[nrow(ivrow_hc1_diag_mat), ], rep(NA_real_, 4)) expect_equivalent( ivrow_hc1_diag_mat[-nrow(ivrow_hc1_diag_mat), ], as.matrix(stata_diag[ grepl("rob", stata_diag$options) & nchar(stata_diag$weights) > 0 & stata_diag$diag != "overid", c("df1", "df2", "val", "pval") ]), tolerance = 1e-6 ) # tolerance higher here due to larger values in general ivro_crs <- iv_robust(f, data = mtcars, se_type = "stata", clusters = cyl, diagnostics = TRUE) ivro_crs_diag_mat <- build_ivreg_diagnostics_mat(ivro_crs, stata = TRUE) ivrow_crs <- iv_robust(f, data = mtcars, se_type = "stata", clusters = cyl, weights = drat, diagnostics = TRUE) ivrow_crs_diag_mat <- build_ivreg_diagnostics_mat(ivrow_crs, stata = TRUE) expect_equivalent(ivrow_crs_diag_mat[nrow(ivrow_crs_diag_mat), ], rep(NA_real_, 4)) expect_equivalent( ivro_crs_diag_mat[-nrow(ivro_crs_diag_mat), ], as.matrix(stata_diag[ grepl("cluster", stata_diag$options) & nchar(stata_diag$weights) == 0 & stata_diag$diag != "overid", c("df1", "df2", "val", "pval") ]), tolerance = 1e-3 ) # Stata doesn't report overid test with clusters expect_equivalent( ivrow_crs_diag_mat[-nrow(ivrow_crs_diag_mat), ], as.matrix(stata_diag[ grepl("cluster", stata_diag$options) & nchar(stata_diag$weights) > 0 & stata_diag$diag != "overid", c("df1", "df2", "val", "pval") ]), tolerance = 1e-3 ) # Sanity check unmatched diagnostics for (se_type in se_types) { ivro <- iv_robust(f, data = mtcars, se_type = se_type, diagnostics = TRUE) diagnostic_mat <- build_ivreg_diagnostics_mat(ivro) expect_true( all(diagnostic_mat[1:2, ] > 0) & all(diagnostic_mat[3, ] >= 0 |[3, ])) ) } # Test default se_type ivro <- iv_robust(f, data = mtcars, diagnostics = TRUE) diagnostic_mat <- build_ivreg_diagnostics_mat(ivro) expect_true( all(diagnostic_mat[1:2, ] > 0) & all(diagnostic_mat[3, ] >= 0 |[3, ])) ) for (cr_se_type in cr_se_types) { ivro <- iv_robust(f, data = mtcars, se_type = cr_se_type, clusters = cyl, diagnostics = TRUE) diagnostic_mat <- build_ivreg_diagnostics_mat(ivro) expect_true( all(diagnostic_mat[1:2, ] > 0) & all(diagnostic_mat[3, ] >= 0 |[3, ])) ) } } })