# File tests/testthat/test-term-flexible.R in package ergm, part of the # Statnet suite of packages for network analysis, https://statnet.org . # # This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license. It is free, # open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) at # https://statnet.org/attribution . # # Copyright 2003-2025 Statnet Commons ################################################################################ # a bipartite nw set.seed(143) b1 <- floor(runif(60, 1,100)) b2 <- floor(runif(60, 101, 130)) exbip.el <- cbind(b1,b2) bipnw <- as.network(exbip.el, matrix.type="edgelist", bipartite=100, directed=FALSE) bipnw %v% "Letter" <- letters[1:3] bipnw %v% "Cost" <- c(3,2,1) # another bipartite nw with more ties and 2 attributes set.seed(258) b1 <- floor(runif(150, 1,200)) b2 <- floor(runif(150, 201, 400)) exbip.el <- cbind(b1,b2) bipnw2 <- as.network(exbip.el, matrix.type="edgelist", bipartite=100, directed=FALSE) bipnw2 %v% "Letter" <- letters[1:2] color <- rbinom(400, 1, .4) color[color ==1] <- "Purple" color[color ==0] <- "Gold" bipnw2 %v% "Color" <- color # a directed nw load("sampson.wrong.RData") # Old (wrong) version of sampson's monks set.seed(42) set.edge.attribute(samplike, "YearsTrusted", rbinom(88, 4, .5)) set.seed(296) set.vertex.attribute(samplike, "YearsServed", rbinom(18, 10, .5)) samplike %v% "Trinity" <- c("F", "S", "H") # an undirected nw data(faux.mesa.high) fmh <- faux.mesa.high set.seed(7) set.edge.attribute(fmh, "GradeMet", rbinom(203, 6, .5)) # a small undirected nw w/ lots o' triangles set.seed(20) t<-trunc(runif(160, 1, 20)) set.seed(21) h<-trunc(runif(160, 1, 20)) el <- cbind(t,h) bad <- which(el[,2]==el[,1]) el[bad,2] = el[bad,2]+1 unnw <- network(el, directed=FALSE) unnw %v% "Pet" <- c("dog", "cat") test_that("absdiff, no required type, independent", { s.a <- summary(fmh ~ absdiff("Grade")) e.a <- ergm(fmh ~ absdiff(function(x) x %v% "Grade")) s.ap <- summary(fmh ~ absdiff(~Grade, pow=2)) e.ap <- ergm(fmh ~ absdiff("Grade", pow=2)) expect_summary(s.a, e.a, 79, -4.354) expect_summary(s.ap, e.ap, 195, -3.41) }) test_that("absdiffcat, no required type, independent", { s.a <- summary(fmh ~ absdiffcat("Grade")) e.a <- ergm(fmh ~ absdiffcat("Grade")) s.ab <- summary(fmh ~ absdiffcat(function(x) x %v% "Grade", levels=-(4:5))) e.ab <- ergm(fmh ~ absdiffcat(~Grade, base=(4:5))) expect_summary(s.a, e.a, c(15,15,7,2,1), -c(6.005,5.788,6.063,6.891,6.611)) expect_summary(s.ab, e.ab, c(15,15,7), -c(6.005,5.788,6.063)) }) test_that("balance, dir or undir", { s.0 <- summary(fmh~balance) e.0 <- ergm(fmh~balance, estimate="MPLE") expect_summary(s.0, e.0, 40139, -.02376) }) test_that("cycle, either", { s.0 <- summary(samplike ~ cycle(2:6)) e.0 <- ergm(samplike ~ cycle(2:6), estimate="MPLE") s.1 <- summary(samplike ~ cycle(3:7,semi=TRUE)) e.1 <- ergm(samplike ~ cycle(3:7,semi=TRUE), estimate="MPLE") s.k <- summary(fmh~cycle(3:6)) e.k <- ergm(fmh~cycle(c(4,6)), estimate="MPLE") expect_summary(s.0, e.0, c(28, 39, 111, 260, 651), c(2.118, -0.539, 0.410, -0.022, -0.049)) expect_summary(s.1, e.1, c(57, 216, 787, 2908, 10508), c(-0.0091, 0.1439, 0.0704, -0.0311, 0.0011)) expect_summary(s.k, e.k, c(62,80,138,270), -c(-.1615, .2083)) }) test_that("density, either", { s.0 <- summary(fmh~density) e.0 <- ergm(samplike~density, estimate="MPLE") expect_summary(s.0, e.0, .009708274, -277.5904) }) test_that("diff, no required type but primarily directed, independent", { # Auxiliary variables, useful for calculating the true values of statistics. sthd <- outer(samplike%v%"YearsServed",samplike%v%"YearsServed","-") # YS[t]-YS[h] sm <- as.matrix(samplike) s.a <- summary(samplike ~ diff("YearsServed")) e.a <- ergm(samplike ~ diff(~YearsServed)) s.ad <- summary(samplike ~ diff("YearsServed", dir="h-t")) e.ad <- ergm(samplike ~ diff(function(x) x %v% "YearsServed", dir="h-t")) s.ads2 <- summary(samplike ~ diff(~YearsServed, sign.action="abs")) e.ads2 <- ergm(samplike ~ diff("YearsServed", sign.action="abs")) s.ads3 <- summary(samplike ~ diff(~YearsServed, sign.action="pos")) e.ads3 <- ergm(samplike ~ diff("YearsServed", sign.action="pos")) s.ads4 <- summary(samplike ~ diff(function(x) x %v% "YearsServed", sign.action="neg")) e.ads4 <- ergm(samplike ~ diff("YearsServed", sign.action="neg")) s.ap <- summary(samplike ~ diff(function(x) x %v% "YearsServed", pow=3)) e.ap <- ergm(samplike ~ diff("YearsServed", pow=3)) expect_summary(s.a, e.a, sum(sthd*sm), 0.0631) expect_summary(s.ad, e.ad, sum(-sthd*sm), -0.0631) expect_summary(s.ads2, e.ads2, sum(abs(sthd)*sm), -0.381) expect_summary(s.ads3, e.ads3, sum((sthd+abs(sthd))*sm/2), -0.2843) expect_summary(s.ads4, e.ads4, sum((sthd-abs(sthd))*sm/2), 0.504) expect_summary(s.ap, e.ap, sum(sthd^3*sm), 0.001844) }) test_that("dyadcov, either", { set.seed(120) cov <- matrix(rbinom(324, 1, .5),18,18) cov <- cov+t(cov) s.x <- summary(samplike~dyadcov(cov)) e.x <- ergm(samplike ~ dyadcov(cov)) s.xa <- summary(fmh~dyadcov(fmh, "GradeMet")) (e.xa <- ergm(fmh ~ dyadcov(fmh, "GradeMet"))) |> expect_warning("The MPLE does not exist!") expect_summary(s.x, e.x, c(31,21,14), -+c(.8546, 1.0732, 1.3467)) expect_summary(s.xa, e.xa, 641, 12.31787) }) test_that("edgecov, either", { set.seed(64) cov <- matrix(rbinom(324, 3, .5),18,18) s.x <- summary(samplike~edgecov(cov)) e.x <- ergm(samplike ~ edgecov(cov)) s.xa <- summary(samplike~edgecov(samplike, "YearsTrusted")) e.xa <- ergm(samplike ~ edgecov(samplike, "YearsTrusted")) expect_error(summary(samplike~edgecov('dummy')), "In term .edgecov. in package .ergm.: There is no network attribute named .dummy. or it is not a matrix.") set.network.attribute(samplike,'dummy',cov) n2.x <- summary(samplike~edgecov('dummy')) expect_summary(s.x, e.x, 134, -.5022) expect_summary(s.xa, e.xa, 183, Inf) expect_equal(n2.x, 134, ignore_attr=TRUE) }) test_that("edges, either", { s.0 <- summary(fmh~edges) e.0 <- ergm(samplike~edges, estimate="MPLE") expect_summary(s.0, e.0, 203, -.9072) }) test_that("edgecov, dimension check, unipartite", { cov <- matrix(0, 18, 19) expect_error(summary(samplike~edgecov(cov)), '.*Dyadic covariate matrix has dimension 18x19, 18x18 expected.*') }) test_that("edgecov, dimension check, bipartite", { cov <- matrix(0, 129, 129) expect_error(summary(bipnw~edgecov(cov)), '.*Dyadic covariate matrix has dimension 129x129, 100x29 expected.*') }) #test_that("hamming, any", { # mat.d <- matrix(0,18,18) # mat.u <- matrix(0, 205, 205) # set.seed(456) # # Using a covariate matrix that matches the edges exactly is too easy. # cov.d <- cbind(as.edgelist(samplike)[,2:1], rbinom(88, 3, .5)) # set.seed(145) # cov.u <- cbind(as.edgelist(fmh), rbinom(203, 3, .5)) # # # although there are 4 non-required inputs, giving # # 16 combinations of inputs, I've exlcuded most that # # don't involve 'x' because w/o 'x', the results are # # 0 or largely negative, as the hamming distance is # # compared between identical networks # s.0 <- 0# COMMENTED OUT FOR NOW BECAUSE IT'S BROKEN: summary(samplike~hamming) # s.x <- summary(samplike~hamming(mat.d)) # # and everything commented below is broke. # # # should this really be NA # #e.x <- ergm(fmh~hamming(mat.u), estimate="MPLE") # ## OK # s.xc <- summary(samplike~hamming(mat.d, cov=cov.d)) # # NA # #e.xc <- ergm(fmh~hamming(mat.u, cov=cov.u), estimate="MPLE") # # OK # s.xd <- summary(samplike~hamming(mat.d, defaultweight=.3)) # # NA value # #e.xd <- ergm(samplike~hamming(mat.d, defaultweight=.3), estimate="MPLE") # # OK # s.xca <- summary(samplike~hamming(mat.d, cov=samplike, attrname="YearsTrusted")) # # NA # #e.xca <- ergm(fmh~hamming(mat.u, cov=fmh, attrname="Grade"), estimate="MPLE") # # OK # s.xcd<- summary(samplike~hamming(mat.d, cov=cov.d, defaultweight=.5)) # # NA # #e.xcd<- ergm(samplike~hamming(mat.d, cov=cov.d, defaultweight=.5), estimate="MPLE") # # 0 & NA # #s.xcad<- summary(samplike~hamming(mat.d, samplike, "YearsTrusted", .5)) # #e.xcad<- ergm(samplike~hamming(mat.d, samplike, "YearsTrusted", .5), estimate="MPLE") # # #expect_equal(c(s.0, s.x, s.xc, s.xd, s.xca, s.xcd), c(0, 88, 84, 26.4, 183, 100), ignore_attr=TRUE) #}) test_that("isolatededges, undirected", { s.0 <- summary(fmh~isolatededges) e.0 <- ergm(fmh~isolatededges, estimate="MPLE") s.1 <- summary(bipnw2~isolatededges) e.1 <- ergm(bipnw2~isolatededges, estimate="MPLE") expect_summary(s.0, e.0, 4, .01034) expect_summary(s.1, e.1, 25, -.1611) }) test_that("isolates, either", { s.0 <- summary(samplike~isolates) e.0 <- ergm(fmh~isolates, estimate="MPLE") expect_summary(s.0, e.0, 0, 5.10979) }) #test_that("localtriangle, either", { # set.seed(85) # x <- matrix(rbinom(324, 2, .5),18,18) # s.x <- summary(samplike~localtriangle(x)) # e.x <- ergm(samplike~localtriangle(x), estimate="MPLE") # s.xa <- summary(fmh~localtriangle(fmh, "GradeMet")) # expect_summary(s.x, e.x, 56, -.1553) # expect_equal(s.xa, 61) #}) test_that("meandeg, either", { s.0 <- summary(samplike~meandeg) e.0 <- ergm(fmh~meandeg, estimate="MPLE") expect_summary(s.0, e.0, 4.8889, -474.0647) }) test_that("nodecov, either", { s.a <- summary(samplike~nodecov("YearsServed")) e.a <- ergm(fmh~nodecov("Grade"), estimate="MPLE") s.at <- summary(samplike~nodecov(~YearsServed^2)) e.at <- ergm(fmh~nodecov(~(.%v%"Grade")^2), estimate="MPLE") s.att <- summary(samplike~nodecov(function(x)(x%v%"YearsServed")^2)) s.attt <- summary(samplike~nodecov(~poly(YearsServed,2,raw=TRUE))) expect_summary(s.a, e.a, 906, -.271) expect_summary(s.at, e.at, 5036, -.03199) expect_equal(s.att, 5036, ignore_attr=TRUE) expect_equal(s.attt, c(906, 5036), ignore_attr=TRUE) }) test_that("nodefactor, either", { s.a <- summary(fmh~nodefactor("Grade")) e.a <- ergm(samplike~nodefactor(~group), estimate="MPLE") s.ab <- summary(fmh~nodefactor(function(x) x %v% "Sex", base=(4:5))) e.ab <- ergm(samplike~nodefactor("Trinity", levels=TRUE), estimate="MPLE") expect_summary(s.a, e.a, c(75, 65, 36, 49, 28), -c(.9480, .3273)) expect_summary(s.ab, e.ab, c(235, 171), -c(.4451, .4451, .4706)) }) test_that("nodematch, either", { s.a <- summary(fmh~nodematch("Race")) e.a <- ergm(samplike~nodematch("Trinity"), estimate="MPLE") s.ad <- summary(samplike~nodematch(function(x) x %v% "group", diff=TRUE)) e.ad <- ergm(fmh~nodematch("Sex", diff=TRUE), estimate="MPLE") s.ak <- summary(fmh~nodematch(~Grade, levels=3:4)) e.ak <- ergm(samplike~nodematch(function(x) x %v% "group", levels=2), estimate="MPLE") s.adk <- summary(samplike~nodematch(~Trinity, TRUE, 1:2)) e.adk <- ergm(fmh~nodematch("Race", TRUE, 2), estimate="MPLE") expect_summary(s.a, e.a, 103, -1.45725) expect_summary(s.ad, e.ad, c(23,10,30), -c(4.06317, 4.7032)) expect_summary(s.ak, e.ak, 32, c(1.609, NA)) expect_summary(s.adk, e.adk, c(8,4), -4.700995) }) test_that("nodemix, any", { s.a <- summary(fmh ~ nodemix("Grade")) e.a <- ergm(samplike ~ nodemix(function(x) x %v% "group"), estimate="MPLE") s.ab <- summary(bipnw ~ nodemix("Letter", levels2=TRUE)) e.ab <- ergm(bipnw ~ nodemix(function(x) x %v% "Letter", levels2=-(2:6))) s.ab2 <- summary(fmh ~ nodemix("Race", base=1)) e.ab2 <- ergm(samplike ~ nodemix(~Trinity, base=(3:9))) expect_summary(s.a, e.a, c(0, 33, 0, 2, 23, 1, 4, 7, 9, 1, 2, 6, 1, 17, 1, 1, 4, 5, 5, 6), c(-3.2958369, -2.1747517, -2.5649494, 1.6094379, -3.2958369, -1.4916549, -1.0986123, 0.9162907)) expect_summary(s.ab, e.ab, c(9,8,8,7,7,5,4,6,6), -c(3.497, 4.431, 3.989, 3.989)) expect_summary(s.ab2, e.ab2, c(8,53,13,41,46,0,1,0,0,5,22,10,0,4), -c(1.0116, .82098)) }) test_that("smalldiff", { s.ac.d <- summary(samplike~smalldiff("YearsServed", 3)) s.ac.u <- summary(fmh~smalldiff("Grade", 2)) s.ac.b <- summary(bipnw~smalldiff("Cost", 1)) e.ac.d <- ergm(samplike~smalldiff(~YearsServed, 3), estimate="MPLE") e.ac.u <- ergm(fmh~smalldiff(~Grade, 2), estimate="MPLE") e.ac.b <- ergm(bipnw~smalldiff(function(x) x %v% "Cost", 1), estimate="MPLE") expect_summary(s.ac.d, e.ac.d, 78, -.86903) expect_summary(s.ac.u, e.ac.u, 193, -4.3525) expect_summary(s.ac.b, e.ac.b, 48, -3.8318) }) test_that("threetrail, either", { s.0 <- summary(samplike~threetrail) e.0 <- ergm(fmh~threetrail, estimate="MPLE") s.k <- summary(samplike~threetrail(levels=2)) e.k <- ergm(samplike~threetrail(keep=1:2), estimate="MPLE") expect_summary(s.0, e.0, c(2103, 2326, 1749, 1897), -.2842) expect_summary(s.k, e.k, 2326, -c(.01881, -.00776)) }) test_that("triangles, either", { s.0 <- summary(fmh~triangles) e.0 <- ergm(samplike~triangles, estimate="MPLE") s.a <- summary(fmh~triangles(function(x) x %v% "Race")) e.a <- ergm(samplike~triangle("group"), estimate="MPLE") s.ad <- summary(samplike~triangles(~Trinity, diff=TRUE)) e.ad <- ergm(fmh~triangle("Sex", diff=TRUE), estimate="MPLE") expect_summary(s.0, e.0, 62, -.06997) expect_summary(s.a, e.a, 18, .06354) expect_summary(s.ad, e.ad, c(2, 0, 0), -c(.70278, .44099)) }) test_that("triadcensus, either", { s.0 <- summary(samplike~triadcensus) e.0 <- ergm(fmh~triadcensus, estimate="MPLE") s.d <- summary(samplike~triadcensus(3)) e.d <- ergm(fmh~triadcensus(2:3), estimate="MPLE") expect_summary(s.0, e.0, c(205, 190, 12, 24, 24, 68, 34, 5, 0, 35, 15, 6, 5, 18, 8), -c(.02559, .06254, -2.61531)) expect_summary(s.d, e.d, 12, c(-1.749635, 2.228183)) }) test_that("twopath, either", { s.0 <- summary(samplike~twopath) e.0 <- ergm(fmh~twopath, estimate="MPLE") expect_summary(s.0, e.0, 378, -1.297362) })