# File tests/testthat/test-term-Offset.R in package ergm, part of the # Statnet suite of packages for network analysis, https://statnet.org . # # This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license. It is free, # open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) at # https://statnet.org/attribution . # # Copyright 2003-2025 Statnet Commons ################################################################################ nw <- network(8, dir = FALSE) test_that("Estimation with Offset() operator works", { offset_RE <- ".*offset.* decorator used on term .* with no free parameters is meaningless.*" expect_message( ergm_model(nw ~ edges + offset(Offset(~triangle, which = 1, coef = 0.1))), offset_RE) expect_failure(expect_message( off <- ergm(nw ~ edges + offset(triangle), offset.coef = 0.1), offset_RE), ".* did not throw the expected message.*") expect_failure(expect_message( Off <- ergm(nw ~ edges + Offset(~triangle, which = 1, coef = 0.1)), offset_RE), ".* did not throw the expected message.*") expect_lt( (coef(off)[1] - coef(Off)) / sqrt(vcov(off, sources = "estimation")[1,1] + vcov(Off, sources = "estimation")), qnorm(.9999)) }) test_that("Offset operator with curved terms works", { m <- ergm_model(nw ~ Offset(~edges + triangle + gwesp(0, fixed = T) + gwesp(fixed = F, cutoff = 3), which = 1, coef = 1)) expect_equal(param_names(m), c("triangle", "gwesp.fixed.0", "gwesp", "gwesp.decay")) expect_equal(param_names(m, canonical=TRUE), c("edges", "triangle", "gwesp.fixed.0", "esp#1", "esp#2", "esp#3" )) })