# File tests/testthat/test-simulate-batch.R in package ergm, part of the # Statnet suite of packages for network analysis, https://statnet.org . # # This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license. It is free, # open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) at # https://statnet.org/attribution . # # Copyright 2003-2025 Statnet Commons ################################################################################ test_that("simulate.formula() returns the same number of networks and stats regardless of batch size and they are (on average) similar", { nw0 <- network.initialize(10) set.seed(1) unbatched <- simulate(nw0 ~ edges, nsim = 100, coef = -1, control = snctrl(), simplify = FALSE) batched1 <- simulate(nw0 ~ edges, nsim = 100, coef = -1, control = snctrl(MCMC.batch = 1), simplify = FALSE) batched2 <- simulate(nw0 ~ edges, nsim = 100, coef = -1, control = snctrl(MCMC.batch = 2), simplify = FALSE) expect_equal(lapply(attr(unbatched, "stats"), dim), lapply(attr(batched1, "stats"), dim)) expect_equal(lapply(attr(unbatched, "stats"), dim), lapply(attr(batched2, "stats"), dim)) expect_equal(lengths(unbatched), lengths(batched1)) expect_equal(lengths(unbatched), lengths(batched2)) expect_gte(suppressWarnings(ks.test(as.matrix(attr(unbatched, "stats")), as.matrix(attr(batched1, "stats")))$p.value), .05) expect_gte(suppressWarnings(ks.test(as.matrix(attr(unbatched, "stats")), as.matrix(attr(batched2, "stats")))$p.value), .05) }) test_that("simulate.formula() returns the same number of networks and stats regardless of batch size and they are (on average) similar, with parallel", { nw0 <- network.initialize(10) # NB: setup_strategy= is a workaround an issue in OSX: see https://github.com/rstudio/rstudio/issues/6692 . cl <- parallel::makeCluster(2, setup_strategy = "sequential") parallel::parSapply(cl, 1:2, set.seed) unbatched <- simulate(nw0 ~ edges, nsim = 30, coef = -1, control = snctrl(parallel = cl), simplify = FALSE) batched1 <- simulate(nw0 ~ edges, nsim = 30, coef = -1, control = snctrl(MCMC.batch = 1, parallel = cl), simplify = FALSE) batched6 <- simulate(nw0 ~ edges, nsim = 30, coef = -1, control = snctrl(MCMC.batch = 6, parallel = cl), simplify = FALSE) parallel::stopCluster(cl) expect_equal(lapply(attr(unbatched, "stats"), dim), lapply(attr(batched1, "stats"), dim)) expect_equal(lapply(attr(unbatched, "stats"), dim), lapply(attr(batched6, "stats"), dim)) expect_equal(lengths(unbatched), lengths(batched1)) expect_equal(lengths(unbatched), lengths(batched6)) expect_gte(suppressWarnings(ks.test(as.matrix(attr(unbatched, "stats")), as.matrix(attr(batched1, "stats")))$p.value), .05) expect_gte(suppressWarnings(ks.test(as.matrix(attr(unbatched, "stats")), as.matrix(attr(batched6, "stats")))$p.value), .05) })