# File tests/testthat/test-nodrop.R in package ergm, part of the # Statnet suite of packages for network analysis, https://statnet.org . # # This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license. It is free, # open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) at # https://statnet.org/attribution . # # Copyright 2003-2025 Statnet Commons ################################################################################ ### Tests to make sure drop=FALSE works. o <- options(ergm.eval.loglik=FALSE) data(sampson) test_that("shouldn't need to drop", { # MPLE expect_warning(ergm(samplike~edges, control=control.ergm(drop=FALSE)), NA) # MCMC expect_warning(ergm(samplike~edges, control=control.ergm(drop=FALSE, force.main=TRUE, MCMLE.maxit=2)), NA) }) test_that("empty network", { y0 <- network.initialize(10) # MPLE expect_warning(expect_warning(expect_warning( ergm(y0~edges, control=control.ergm(drop=FALSE)), "The MPLE does not exist!"), "Network is empty and no target stats are specified."), "Observed statistic.s. edges are at their smallest attainable values and drop=FALSE. The MLE is poorly defined.") # MCMC expect_warning(expect_warning( ergm(y0~edges, control=control.ergm(drop=FALSE, force.main=TRUE, init=0, MCMLE.maxit=2)), "Network is empty and no target stats are specified."), "Observed statistic.s. edges are at their smallest attainable values and drop=FALSE. The MLE is poorly defined.") }) test_that("full network", { y1 <- as.network(matrix(1,10,10)) # MPLE expect_warning(expect_warning( ergm(y1~edges, control=control.ergm(drop=FALSE)), "The MPLE does not exist!"), "Observed statistic.s. edges are at their greatest attainable values and drop=FALSE. The MLE is poorly defined.") # MCMC expect_warning( ergm(y1~edges, control=control.ergm(drop=FALSE, force.main=TRUE, init=0, MCMLE.maxit=2)), "Observed statistic.s. edges are at their greatest attainable values and drop=FALSE. The MLE is poorly defined.") }) options(o)