# File tests/testthat/test-networkLite.R in package ergm, part of the # Statnet suite of packages for network analysis, https://statnet.org . # # This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license. It is free, # open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) at # https://statnet.org/attribution . # # Copyright 2003-2025 Statnet Commons ################################################################################ ## tests are run conditionally on the availability of the networkLite package if(require("networkLite")) { test_that("network and networkLite simulate and summarize formulas equally in ergm", { net_size <- 100 bip_size <- 40 ffdir <- ~nodemix(~a) + absdiff(~b) + odegrange(2) + idegrange(2) + gwesp + gwnsp(0.3, fixed=TRUE) ffundir <- ~nodemix(~a) + absdiff(~b) + concurrent + gwesp + gwnsp(0.3, fixed=TRUE) for(directed in list(FALSE, TRUE)) { for(bipartite in list(FALSE, bip_size)) { if(directed && bipartite) { next } set.seed(0) nw <- network.initialize(net_size, directed = directed, bipartite = bipartite) nw %v% "a" <- rep(letters[1:5], length.out = net_size) nw %v% "b" <- runif(net_size) nwL <- as.networkLite(nw) coef <- c(-4, 1, 1.5, 0.5, -1, 0.5) set.seed(0) nw_1 <- simulate(nw ~ edges + nodefactor("a") + nodecov(~b^2 + b), coef = coef, output = "network") set.seed(0) nwL_1 <- simulate(nwL ~ edges + nodefactor("a") + nodecov(~b^2 + b), coef = coef, output = "network") expect_s3_class(nwL_1, "networkLite") expect_equal(as.edgelist(nw_1), as.edgelist(nwL_1)) if(directed) { expect_identical(summary(ffdir, basis = nw_1), summary(ffdir, basis = nwL_1)) } else { expect_identical(summary(ffundir, basis = nw_1), summary(ffundir, basis = nwL_1)) } set.seed(0) nw_2 <- simulate(nw_1 ~ edges + nodefactor("a") + nodecov(~b^2 + b), coef = coef, output = "network") set.seed(0) nwL_2 <- simulate(nwL_1 ~ edges + nodefactor("a") + nodecov(~b^2 + b), coef = coef, output = "network") expect_s3_class(nwL_2, "networkLite") expect_equal(as.edgelist(nw_2), as.edgelist(nwL_2)) if(directed) { expect_identical(summary(ffdir, basis = nw_2), summary(ffdir, basis = nwL_2)) } else { expect_identical(summary(ffundir, basis = nw_2), summary(ffundir, basis = nwL_2)) } } } }) test_that("network and networkLite simulate equally in san", { net_size <- 100 bip_size <- 40 ffdir <- ~nodemix(~a) + absdiff(~b) + odegrange(2) + idegrange(2) + gwesp + gwnsp(0.3, fixed=TRUE) ffundir <- ~nodemix(~a) + absdiff(~b) + concurrent + gwesp + gwnsp(0.3, fixed=TRUE) for(directed in list(FALSE, TRUE)) { for(bipartite in list(FALSE, bip_size)) { if(directed && bipartite) { next } set.seed(0) nw <- network.initialize(net_size, directed = directed, bipartite = bipartite) nw %v% "a" <- rep(letters[1:5], length.out = net_size) nw %v% "b" <- runif(net_size) nwL <- as.networkLite(nw) set.seed(0) nw_1 <- san(nw ~ edges + nodefactor("a") + nodecov(~b^2 + b), target.stats = c(1000, 500, 300, 200, 600, 1500)) set.seed(0) nwL_1 <- san(nwL ~ edges + nodefactor("a") + nodecov(~b^2 + b), target.stats = c(1000, 500, 300, 200, 600, 1500)) expect_s3_class(nwL_1, "networkLite") expect_equal(as.edgelist(nw_1), as.edgelist(nwL_1)) if(directed) { expect_identical(summary(ffdir, basis = nw_1), summary(ffdir, basis = nwL_1)) } else { expect_identical(summary(ffundir, basis = nw_1), summary(ffundir, basis = nwL_1)) } set.seed(0) nw_2 <- san(nw_1 ~ edges + nodefactor("a") + nodecov(~b^2 + b), target.stats = c(800, 400, 200, 100, 600, 1200)) set.seed(0) nwL_2 <- san(nwL_1 ~ edges + nodefactor("a") + nodecov(~b^2 + b), target.stats = c(800, 400, 200, 100, 600, 1200)) expect_s3_class(nwL_2, "networkLite") expect_equal(as.edgelist(nw_2), as.edgelist(nwL_2)) if(directed) { expect_identical(summary(ffdir, basis = nw_2), summary(ffdir, basis = nwL_2)) } else { expect_identical(summary(ffundir, basis = nw_2), summary(ffundir, basis = nwL_2)) } } } }) test_that("network and networkLite fit and simulate equal missing-data ergms", { net_size <- 50 bip_size <- 20 for(directed in list(FALSE, TRUE)) { for(bipartite in list(FALSE, bip_size)) { if(directed && bipartite) { next } if(directed) { ergm_formula <- ~edges + odegree(1) + absdiff("age") } else { ergm_formula <- ~edges + degree(1) + absdiff("age") } set.seed(0) nwL <- networkLite(net_size, directed = directed, bipartite = bipartite) nwL <- san(nwL ~ edges, target.stats = network.dyadcount(nwL)/10) nwL %v% "age" <- runif(net_size) na <- sample(c(FALSE,TRUE),network.edgecount(nwL),TRUE) set.seed(0) eL <- ergm(ergm_formula, basis = nwL, control = list(MCMLE.effectiveSize = NULL)) set.edge.attribute(nwL, "na", na) set.seed(0) eLna <- ergm(ergm_formula, basis = nwL, control = list(MCMLE.effectiveSize = NULL)) eL2 <- simulate(eLna) expect_s3_class(eL2, "networkLite") set.seed(0) nw <- network.initialize(net_size, directed = directed, bipartite = bipartite) nw <- san(nw ~ edges, target.stats = network.dyadcount(nw)/10) nw %v% "age" <- runif(net_size) na <- sample(c(FALSE,TRUE),network.edgecount(nw),TRUE) set.seed(0) e <- ergm(ergm_formula, basis = nw, control = list(MCMLE.effectiveSize = NULL)) set.edge.attribute(nw, "na", na) set.seed(0) ena <- ergm(ergm_formula, basis = nw, control = list(MCMLE.effectiveSize = NULL)) e2 <- simulate(ena) expect_equal(coef(e), coef(eL)) expect_equal(coef(ena), coef(eLna)) expect_equal(as.edgelist(e2), as.edgelist(eL2)) expect_equal(as.edgelist(e2, attrname = "na"), as.edgelist(eL2, attrname = "na")) } } }) test_that("network and networkLite fit and simulate equal valued ergms", { net_size <- 50 bip_size <- 20 for(directed in list(FALSE, TRUE)) { for(bipartite in list(FALSE, bip_size)) { if(directed && bipartite) { next } set.seed(0) nwL <- networkLite(net_size, directed = directed, bipartite = bipartite) nwL <- san(nwL ~ edges, target.stats = network.dyadcount(nwL)) nwL %v% "age" <- runif(net_size) set.edge.attribute(nwL, "w", runif(network.edgecount(nwL))) eL <- ergm(nwL ~ absdiff("age"), response = "w", reference = ~Unif(0,1), control = list(MCMLE.effectiveSize = NULL)) eL2 <- simulate(eL) expect_s3_class(eL2, "networkLite") set.seed(0) nw <- network.initialize(net_size, directed = directed, bipartite = bipartite) nw <- san(nw ~ edges, target.stats = network.dyadcount(nw)) nw %v% "age" <- runif(net_size) set.edge.attribute(nw, "w", runif(network.edgecount(nw))) e <- ergm(nw ~ absdiff("age"), response = "w", reference = ~Unif(0,1), control = list(MCMLE.effectiveSize = NULL)) e2 <- simulate(e) expect_equal(coef(e), coef(eL)) expect_equal(as.edgelist(e2, attrname = "w"), as.edgelist(eL2, attrname = "w")) } } }) }