# File tests/testthat/test-metrics.R in package ergm, part of the # Statnet suite of packages for network analysis, https://statnet.org . # # This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license. It is free, # open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) at # https://statnet.org/attribution . # # Copyright 2003-2025 Statnet Commons ################################################################################ attach(MLE.tools) theta0err<- 1 # Perturbation in the initial values tolerance<-5 # Result must be within 5*MCMCSE of truth. n<-20 # Number of nodes d<-.1 # Density ms <-c(0,.05) # Missingness rates metrics <- c("naive", "lognormal", "Median.Likelihood") run.metric.test<-function(y){ truth<-edges.theta(y) for(metric in metrics){ test_that(paste0("Metric test for: ", metric, ", n = ", n, ", naive density = ", network.edgecount(y)/network.dyadcount(y), ", missing fraction = ", network.naedgecount(y)/network.dyadcount(y), "."), { mcmcfit<-ergm(y~edges, control=control.ergm(force.main=TRUE, init=truth+theta0err, MCMLE.metric=metric),eval.loglik=FALSE, verbose=FALSE) mcmcOK<-abs(truth-coef(mcmcfit))/sqrt(diag(vcov(mcmcfit, source="estimation"))) expect_lt(mcmcOK, tolerance) }) } } for(m in ms){ set.seed(123) y<-mk.missnet(n, d, m, TRUE, FALSE) run.metric.test(y) } detach(MLE.tools)