# File tests/testthat/test-drop.R in package ergm, part of the # Statnet suite of packages for network analysis, https://statnet.org . # # This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license. It is free, # open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) at # https://statnet.org/attribution . # # Copyright 2003-2025 Statnet Commons ################################################################################ data(sampson) # Just one covariate. Note that the .mcmc tests mainly test detection # and overriding of control$force.main. Note that 1/2 has been subtracted from the "maxed" matrices. This is to test detection of non-0-1 extremeness. test_that("one covariate", { samplike.m <- as.matrix(samplike, matrix.type="adjacency") maxed.mple <- ergm(samplike~edgecov(samplike.m-1/2)) expect_equal(coef(maxed.mple), Inf) maxed.mcmc <- ergm(samplike~edgecov(samplike.m-1/2),control=control.ergm(force.main=TRUE)) expect_equal(coef(maxed.mcmc), Inf) mined.mple <- ergm(samplike~edgecov(-samplike.m)) expect_equal(coef(mined.mple), -Inf) mined.mcmc <- ergm(samplike~edgecov(-samplike.m),control=control.ergm(force.main=TRUE)) expect_equal(coef(mined.mcmc), -Inf) }) # Now, blank out some of the 1s in the matrix so that you still have a # dropped term, but now multiple parameters are meaningful. test_that("multiple covariates", { samplike.m <- as.matrix(samplike, matrix.type="adjacency") samplike.m[4:10,4:10] <- 0 truth <- c(edges = logit((network.edgecount(samplike)-sum(samplike.m))/(network.dyadcount(samplike)-sum(samplike.m))), edgecov.samplike.m = Inf) maxed.mple <- ergm(samplike~edges+edgecov(samplike.m)) expect_equal(coef(maxed.mple), truth) maxed.mcmc <- ergm(samplike~edges+edgecov(samplike.m), control=control.ergm(force.main=TRUE, MCMLE.maxit=10)) expect_equal(coef(maxed.mcmc), truth, tolerance = 0.05) expect_equal(logLik(maxed.mcmc), logLik(maxed.mple), tolerance = 0.05, ignore_attr = TRUE) truth <- c(edges = logit((network.edgecount(samplike)-sum(samplike.m))/(network.dyadcount(samplike)-sum(samplike.m))), `edgecov.-samplike.m` = -Inf) mined.mple <- ergm(samplike~edges+edgecov(-samplike.m)) expect_equal(coef(mined.mple), truth) mined.mcmc <- ergm(samplike~edges+edgecov(-samplike.m), control=control.ergm(force.main=TRUE, MCMLE.maxit=10)) expect_equal(coef(mined.mcmc), truth, tolerance=0.05) expect_equal(logLik(mined.mcmc), logLik(mined.mple), tolerance = 0.05, ignore_attr = TRUE) }) # This is mainly to make sure it doesn't crash for dyad-dependent # and curved terms. crash.test <- function() { set.seed(1) y <- network.initialize(10, directed=FALSE) y[1,2]<-y[2,3]<-y[3,4]<-1 dummy <- ergm(y~edges+triangles+degree(2)+kstar(2)+kstar(5)+gwdegree, control=control.ergm(MCMLE.maxit=3), verbose=TRUE) # It doesn't seem to stop for a while. } test_that("doesn't crash for dyad-dependent and curved terms", { capture_warnings(expect_error(crash.test(), NA)) })