# File tests/testthat/test-bridge-target.stats.R in package ergm, part of the # Statnet suite of packages for network analysis, https://statnet.org . # # This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license. It is free, # open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) at # https://statnet.org/attribution . # # Copyright 2003-2025 Statnet Commons ################################################################################ attach(MLE.tools) library(ergm) library(statnet.common) data(florentine) y <- flomarriage test_that("Log-likelihood with attainable target statistics",{ set.seed(1) ts <- 3 llk.ergm <- as.vector(logLik(ergm(flomarriage~edges, target.stats=ts))) llk <- edges.llk(y,e=ts) expect_equal(llk,llk.ergm) }) test_that("Log-likelihood with unattainable target statistics",{ set.seed(1) ts <- 3.5 llk.ergm <- as.vector(logLik(ergm(flomarriage~edges, target.stats=ts))) llk <- edges.llk(y,e=ts) expect_equal(llk,llk.ergm,tolerance=0.05) }) # A nearly empty network with 0 triangles: nw0 <- network.initialize(10, directed = FALSE) nw0[1, 2] <- 1 # A network with 8 triangles: nw1 <- nw0 nw1[cbind(1:9, 2:10)] <- 1 nw1[cbind(1:8, 3:10)] <- 1 # mle <-coef( ergm(nw1~triangles, eval.loglik = FALSE)) mle <- -0.2144383 # hard-code to save time set.seed(1) for (theta in c(mle, rnorm(1, -0.5, 0.25))) { # MLE and a random value test_that(paste("log-likelihood calculation for the situation where network stats differ significantly from target stats:", if (theta == mle) "MLE" else format(theta)), { # network stats != target stats llk0 <- ergm.bridge.dindstart.llk(nw0~triangles, coef = theta, target.stats = 8, llkonly = FALSE) # network stats == target stats llk1 <- ergm.bridge.dindstart.llk(nw1~triangles, coef = theta, llkonly = FALSE) # difference |Z| < 3 expect_lt((llk0$llk - llk1$llk)^2 / (llk0$vcov.llr + llk1$vcov.llr), 9) }) } detach(MLE.tools)