# File tests/testthat/test-bd.R in package ergm, part of the # Statnet suite of packages for network analysis, https://statnet.org . # # This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license. It is free, # open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) at # https://statnet.org/attribution . # # Copyright 2003-2025 Statnet Commons ################################################################################ set.seed(0) vary <- function(x, tol=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)){ apply(x,2,function(x)length(unique(x))) } compvary <- function(x, y, diff.tol = 2, vary.tol=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)){ x <- vary(x, vary.tol) y <- vary(y, vary.tol) (x-y)^2/(x+y)*2 <= diff.tol } test_that("Bounded degree (bd()) maximum constraint for undirected networks", { data(florentine) constr <- simulate(flomarriage~edges, coef=0.5, monitor=~degree(0:network.size(flomarriage)), constraints=~bd(maxout=6), nsim=200, output="stats") degr <- simulate(flomarriage~edges+degrange(7,Inf), coef=c(0.5,-Inf), monitor=~degree(0:network.size(flomarriage)), nsim=200, output="stats") expect_warning(expect_gt(approx.hotelling.diff.test(constr,degr[,-2])$p.value, 0.01), ".*do not vary but equal mu0.*") expect_true(all(compvary(constr,degr[,-2]))) }) test_that("Bounded degree (bd()) constraints for directed networks", { data(sampson) constr <- simulate(samplike~edges, coef=-1, monitor=~odegree(0:network.size(samplike))+idegree(0:network.size(samplike)), constraints=~bd(minout=3,minin=2,maxout=6), nsim=200, output="stats") degr <- simulate(samplike~edges+odegrange(0,3)+idegrange(0,2)+odegrange(7,Inf), coef=c(-1,-Inf, -Inf, -Inf), monitor=~odegree(0:network.size(samplike))+idegree(0:network.size(samplike)), nsim=200, output="stats") expect_warning(expect_gt(approx.hotelling.diff.test(constr,degr[,-(2:4)])$p.value, 0.01), ".*do not vary but equal mu0.*") expect_true(all(compvary(constr,degr[,-(2:4)]))) }) test_that("Bounded degree (bd()) maximum constraint for undirected networks with vector arguments", { nw0 <- network.initialize(8, directed=FALSE) expect_equal(simulate(nw0 ~ edges, monitor = ~ sociality(nodes=TRUE), coef = Inf, constraints = ~bd(maxout=rep(1:2, 4)), output="stats", seed=1)[-1], rep(1:2, 4)) }) test_that("Bounded degree (bd()) minimum constraint for undirected networks with vector arguments", { nw1 <- network.initialize(8, directed=FALSE) nw1[,] <- TRUE expect_equal(simulate(nw1 ~ edges, monitor = ~ sociality(nodes=TRUE), coef = -Inf, constraints = ~bd(minout=rep(6:7,4)), output="stats", seed=0)[-1], rep(6:7, 4)) }) test_that("Bounded degree (bd()) maximum constraint for undirected networks with vector arguments", { nw0 <- network.initialize(8, directed=FALSE) expect_equal(simulate(nw0 ~ edges, monitor = ~ sociality(nodes=TRUE), coef = Inf, constraints = ~bd(maxout=rep(1:2, 4)), output="stats", seed=1)[-1], rep(1:2, 4)) }) test_that("Bounded degree (bd()) minimum out-constraint for directed networks with vector arguments", { nw1 <- network.initialize(8, directed=TRUE) nw1[,] <- TRUE expect_equal(simulate(nw1 ~ edges, monitor = ~ sender(nodes=TRUE), coef = -Inf, constraints = ~bd(minout=rep(6:7,4)), output="stats", seed=0)[-1], rep(6:7, 4)) }) test_that("Bounded degree (bd()) minimum in-constraint for directed networks with vector arguments", { nw1 <- network.initialize(8, directed=TRUE) nw1[,] <- TRUE expect_equal(simulate(nw1 ~ edges, monitor = ~ receiver(nodes=TRUE), coef = -Inf, constraints = ~bd(minin=rep(6:7,4)), output="stats", seed=0)[-1], rep(6:7, 4)) }) test_that("Bounded degree (bd()) constraint raises an error if minin or maxin are used for an undirected network", { nw0 <- network.initialize(8, directed=FALSE) expect_error(simulate(nw0 ~ edges, coef = 0, constraints = ~bd(maxin=rep(1:2, 4))), ".*.minin. and .maxin. cannot be used with undirected networks.*") })