# File tests/requireNamespaceTest.R in package ergm, part of the # Statnet suite of packages for network analysis, https://statnet.org . # # This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license. It is free, # open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) at # https://statnet.org/attribution . # # Copyright 2003-2025 Statnet Commons ################################################################################ library(network) data(flo) # Also, while we are at it, test the options setting in .onLoad(). options(ergm.eval.loglik=FALSE) # .onLoad() should not clobber this. requireNamespace('ergm') # Load the namespace, but don't attach the package. # Check that options are either set to default or preserved. stopifnot(getOption("ergm.eval.loglik")==FALSE) stopifnot(getOption("ergm.loglik.warn_dyads")==TRUE) # run a summary ergm::summary_formula(as.network(flo)~density) # try a user-defined ergm term InitErgmTerm.myedges<-ergm:::InitErgmTerm.edges ergm::summary_formula(as.network(flo)~myedges) # actually run ergm() data(sampson, package="ergm") fit <- ergm::ergm(samplike~edges) stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(-log(1/(network.edgecount(samplike)/network.dyadcount(samplike))-1), coef(fit), check.attributes=FALSE))) library(ergm) # Now, attach the package. # Check that options are either set to default or preserved. stopifnot(getOption("ergm.eval.loglik")==FALSE) stopifnot(getOption("ergm.loglik.warn_dyads")==TRUE)