R Under development (unstable) (2025-01-16 r87584 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2025 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > # This file is part of the standard setup for testthat. > # It is recommended that you do not modify it. > # > # Where should you do additional test configuration? > # Learn more about the roles of various files in: > # * https://r-pkgs.org/testing-design.html#sec-tests-files-overview > # * https://testthat.r-lib.org/articles/special-files.html > > library(testthat) > library(eppoFindeR) > > test_check("eppoFindeR") [1] "Error: wrong EPPO code/URL or SERVICE unavailable" [1] "NA" [1] "Error: wrong EPPO code/URL or SERVICE unavailable" https://wrong.url.passedBEMITA/categorization?authtoken= [ FAIL 1 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 25 ] ══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ── Error ('test-taxonomyRanked.R:6:3'): the output is a dataframe ────────────── Error in `select(., "eppocode", "queriedEppocode", "status")`: Can't select columns that don't exist. x Column `eppocode` doesn't exist. Backtrace: ▆ 1. ├─testthat::expect_equal(...) at test-taxonomyRanked.R:6:3 2. │ └─testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), label, arg = "object") 3. │ └─rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo)) 4. ├─base::is.data.frame(taxonomyRanked(taxonomy, kingdom)) 5. ├─eppoFindeR::taxonomyRanked(taxonomy, kingdom) 6. │ ├─... %>% mutate(rank = ifelse(!is.na(rank), "kingdom", NA)) 7. │ ├─dplyr::left_join(...) 8. │ ├─dplyr:::left_join.data.frame(...) 9. │ │ └─dplyr::auto_copy(x, y, copy = copy) 10. │ │ ├─dplyr::same_src(x, y) 11. │ │ └─dplyr:::same_src.data.frame(x, y) 12. │ │ └─base::is.data.frame(y) 13. │ └─kingdom %>% select("eppocode", "queriedEppocode", "status") 14. ├─dplyr::mutate(., rank = ifelse(!is.na(rank), "kingdom", NA)) 15. ├─dplyr::rename(., rank = "status") 16. ├─dplyr::select(., "status", everything()) 17. ├─dplyr::select(., "eppocode", "queriedEppocode", "status") 18. ├─dplyr:::select.data.frame(., "eppocode", "queriedEppocode", "status") 19. │ └─tidyselect::eval_select(expr(c(...)), data = .data, error_call = error_call) 20. │ └─tidyselect:::eval_select_impl(...) 21. │ ├─tidyselect:::with_subscript_errors(...) 22. │ │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...) 23. │ └─tidyselect:::vars_select_eval(...) 24. │ └─tidyselect:::walk_data_tree(expr, data_mask, context_mask) 25. │ └─tidyselect:::eval_c(expr, data_mask, context_mask) 26. │ └─tidyselect:::reduce_sels(node, data_mask, context_mask, init = init) 27. │ └─tidyselect:::walk_data_tree(new, data_mask, context_mask) 28. │ └─tidyselect:::as_indices_sel_impl(...) 29. │ └─tidyselect:::as_indices_impl(...) 30. │ └─tidyselect:::chr_as_locations(x, vars, call = call, arg = arg) 31. │ └─vctrs::vec_as_location(...) 32. └─vctrs (local) ``() 33. └─vctrs:::stop_subscript_oob(...) 34. └─vctrs:::stop_subscript(...) 35. └─rlang::abort(...) [ FAIL 1 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 25 ] Error: Test failures Execution halted