R Under development (unstable) (2025-02-17 r87739 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2025 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(epigrowthfit) > options(warn = 2L, error = if (interactive()) recover) > > > ## egf_model ########################################################### > > x <- egf_model() > nms <- c("curve", "excess", "family", "day_of_week") > > stopifnot(exprs = { + is.list(x) + identical(oldClass(x), "egf_model") + length(x) == 4L + identical(names(x), nms) + + is.character(x[["curve"]]) + length(x[["curve"]]) == 1L + any(x[["curve"]] == eval(formals(egf_model)[["curve"]])) + + is.logical(x[["excess"]]) + length(x[["excess"]]) == 1L + !is.na(x[["excess"]]) + + is.character(x[["family"]]) + length(x[["family"]]) == 1L + any(x[["family"]] == eval(formals(egf_model)[["family"]])) + + is.integer(x[["day_of_week"]]) + length(x[["day_of_week"]]) == 1L + any(x[["day_of_week"]] == 0:7) + }) > > > ## egf_control ######################################################### > > x <- egf_control() > nms <- c("outer_optimizer", "inner_optimizer", "trace", + "profile", "sparse_X", "omp_num_threads") > > stopifnot(exprs = { + is.list(x) + identical(oldClass(x), "egf_control") + length(x) == 6L + identical(names(x), nms) + + is.list(x[["outer_optimizer"]]) + identical(oldClass(x[["outer_optimizer"]]), "egf_optimizer") + + is.list(x[["inner_optimizer"]]) + identical(oldClass(x[["inner_optimizer"]]), "egf_optimizer") + + is.integer(x[["trace"]]) + length(x[["trace"]]) == 1L + any(x[["trace"]] == 0:2) + + is.logical(x[["profile"]]) + length(x[["profile"]]) == 1L + !is.na(x[["profile"]]) + + is.logical(x[["sparse_X"]]) + length(x[["sparse_X"]]) == 1L + !is.na(x[["sparse_X"]]) + + is.integer(x[["omp_num_threads"]]) + length(x[["omp_num_threads"]]) == 1L + x[["omp_num_threads"]] > 0L + }) > > > ## egf_optimizer ####################################################### > > x <- egf_optimizer() > nms <- c("f", "args", "control") > > stopifnot(exprs = { + is.list(x) + identical(oldClass(x), "egf_optimizer") + length(x) == 3L + identical(names(x), nms) + + is.function(x[["f"]]) && !is.primitive(x[["f"]]) + identical(names(formals(x[["f"]])), c("par", "fn", "gr", "control", "...")) + + is.list(x[["args"]]) + match(names(x[["args"]]), c("par", "fn", "gr", "control", "..."), 0L) == 0L + + is.list(x[["control"]]) + }) > > > ## egf_parallel ######################################################## > > x <- egf_parallel() > nms <- c("method", "outfile", "cores", "args", "cl") > > stopifnot(exprs = { + is.list(x) + identical(oldClass(x), "egf_parallel") + length(x) == 5L + identical(names(x), nms) + + is.character(x[["method"]]) + length(x[["method"]]) == 1L + any(x[["method"]] == eval(formals(egf_parallel)[["method"]])) + + is.character(x[["outfile"]]) + length(x[["outfile"]]) == 1L + !is.na(x[["outfile"]]) + + is.integer(x[["cores"]]) + length(x[["cores"]]) == 1L + x[["cores"]] > 0L + + is.list(x[["args"]]) + + is.null(x[["cl"]]) || + (is.list(x[["cl"]]) && identical(oldClass(x[["cl"]]), c("SOCKcluster", "cluster"))) + }) > > > ## egf_control_plot #################################################### > > reference <- list(window = NULL, + data = list(main = NULL, short = NULL, long = NULL), + predict = list(value = NULL, ci = NULL), + asymptote = NULL, + box = NULL, + axis = list(x = NULL, y = NULL), + title = list(main = NULL, sub = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL), + doubling = c(legend = NULL, value = NULL, ci = NULL)) > > recurseOK <- + function(x, reference) { + if (is.null(reference)) + stopifnot(is.list(x)) + else + stopifnot(exprs = { + is.list(x) + length(x) == length(reference) + identical(names(x), names(reference)) + mapply(recurseOK, x, reference) + }) + TRUE + } > > x <- egf_control_plot() > > stopifnot(exprs = { + is.list(x) + identical(oldClass(x), "egf_control_plot") + recurseOK(x, reference) + }) > > proc.time() user system elapsed 1.15 0.23 1.39