testthat::test_that("export function works correctly", { # Create a dummy data frame dummy_df <- data.frame( a = 1:5, b = letters[1:5] ) # Supported formats formats <- c("csv", "tsv", "xlsx", "rds", "RData", "dta") for (fmt in formats) { # Define file path file_path <- paste0(tempfile(), ".", fmt) # Test: Check if the function successfully exports without error testthat::expect_error(epiCleanr::export(dummy_df, file_path), NA) # Read the data back imported_df <- epiCleanr::import(file_path) # Test: Check if the data read back is the same as the original data testthat::expect_equal(dummy_df, imported_df, ignore_attr = TRUE) } # Test: Check if the function raises an error for unsupported formats unsupported_file_path <- paste0(tempfile(), ".unsupported") testthat::expect_error(export(dummy_df, unsupported_file_path)) })