#***************************************** # # (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2017 # Author: Ernesto Arandia & Bradley J Eck # #***************************************** context("using .Call ") test_that("call the funcs",{ expect_silent({ # open the inp file rptFile = "net3.rpt" args <- .C("RENopen", "Net3.inp", rptFile," ", as.integer(-1)) # get functions for nodes ind1 <- .Call("enGetNodeIndex", "10") ind2 <- .Call("enGetNodeIndex", "15") ind3 <- .Call("enGetNodeIndex", "20") id1 <- .Call("enGetNodeID", 1) type1 <- .Call("enGetNodeType", ind3) type2 <- .Call("enGetNodeType", ind2) elev1 <- .Call("enGetNodeValue", ind3, 0) # get functions for links indlink <- .Call("enGetLinkIndex", "20") idlink <- .Call("enGetLinkID", 5) typelink <- .Call("enGetLinkType", indlink) diamlink <- .Call("enGetLinkValue", indlink, 0) nodeslink <- .Call("enGetLinkNodes", indlink) # get functions for patterns idpatt <- .Call("enGetPatternID", 3) indexpatt <- .Call("enGetPatternIndex", "2") lenpatt <- .Call("enGetPatternLen", 5) valpatt <- .Call("enGetPatternValue", 3, 12) # get control ctrl1 <-.Call("enGetControl", 1) ctrl2 <-.Call("enGetControl", 2) ctrl3 <-.Call("enGetControl", 3) ctrl4 <-.Call("enGetControl", 4) ctrl5 <-.Call("enGetControl", 5) # get flow units units <- .Call("enGetFlowUnits") # time parameter timepar <- .Call("enGetTimeParam", 0) # quality type qtype <- .Call("enGetQualType") # get option # version ver <- .Call("enGetVersion") # set control #setctrl <- .Call("enSetControl", 3, 0, 119, 1, 95, 17) #nodevalout <- .Call("enSetNodeValue", 1, 0, 156) #linkvalout <- .Call("enSetLinkValue", 3, 2, 189) #setpatt <- .Call("enSetPattern", 3, as.numeric(rep(621,24)),24) #valpatt <- .Call("enGetPatternValue", 3, 12) # close the toolkit args <- .C("RENclose", as.integer(-1)) # cleanup file.remove(rptFile) }) })