context("plot_perturb") ######################### # plot_perturb testthat # ######################### # Generate testing data ## Environmental Covariates library(envi) library( library(spatstat.geom) library(spatstat.random) set.seed(1234) # -------------- # # Prepare inputs # # -------------- # # Using the `bei` and `bei.extra` data from {} # Scale environmental Covariates ims <- ims[[1]]$v <- scale(ims[[1]]$v) ims[[2]]$v <- scale(ims[[2]]$v) # Presence locations presence <- spatstat.geom::marks(presence) <- data.frame("presence" = rep(1, presence$n), "lon" = presence$x, "lat" = presence$y) # (Pseudo-)Absence locations absence <- spatstat.random::rpoispp(0.008, win = ims[[1]]) spatstat.geom::marks(absence) <- data.frame("presence" = rep(0, absence$n), "lon" = absence$x, "lat" = absence$y) # Combine into readable format obs_locs <- spatstat.geom::superimpose(presence, absence, check = FALSE) spatstat.geom::marks(obs_locs)$id <- seq(1, obs_locs$n, 1) spatstat.geom::marks(obs_locs) <- spatstat.geom::marks(obs_locs)[ , c(4, 2, 3, 1)] # Specify categories for varying degrees of spatial uncertainty ## Creates three groups spatstat.geom::marks(obs_locs)$levels <- as.factor(stats::rpois(obs_locs$n, lambda = 0.05)) # Run perlrren test_perlrren <- perlrren(obs_ppp = obs_locs, covariates = ims, radii = c(10, 100, 500), n_sim = 10) test_that("plot_perturb throws error with invalid arguments", { # plot_perturb without perlrren output expect_error( plot_perturb(input = NULL) ) # incorrect length mean_cols expect_error( plot_perturb(input = test_perlrren, mean_cols = c("#8b3a3a", "#cccccc")) ) # incorrect length var_cols expect_error( plot_perturb(input = test_perlrren, var_cols = c("#cccccc")) ) # incorrect length cov_labs expect_error( plot_perturb(input = test_perlrren, cov_labs = c("V1")) ) } ) test_that("plot_obs works", { skip_on_cran() expect_silent( plot_perturb(input = test_perlrren, cref0 = "EPSG:5472") ) # cref0 = NULL expect_silent( plot_perturb(input = test_perlrren, cref0 = NULL) ) # With spatial transformation expect_silent( plot_perturb(input = test_perlrren, cref0 = "EPSG:5472", cref1 = "EPSG:4326") ) # Without prediction expect_silent( plot_perturb(input = test_perlrren, predict = FALSE) ) } )