# woe_table do not accept different length inputs Code embed:::woe_table(rep(c(0, 1), 20), rep(letters[1:4], 5)) Condition Error in `embed:::woe_table()`: ! 'outcome' must have exactly 2 categories (has 4) # woe_table accepts only outcome with 2 distinct categories Code embed:::woe_table(rep(letters[1:3], 10), rep(c(0, 1, 2), 10)) Condition Error in `embed:::woe_table()`: ! 'outcome' must have exactly 2 categories (has 3) --- Code embed:::woe_table(rep(letters[1:3], 10), rep(c(0), 30)) Condition Error in `embed:::woe_table()`: ! 'outcome' must have exactly 2 categories (has 1) --- Code embed:::woe_table(df$x2, df$x1) Condition Error in `embed:::woe_table()`: ! 'outcome' must have exactly 2 categories (has 3) # add_woe accepts only outcome with 2 distinct categories Code dictionary(df %>% filter(y %in% "B"), "y") Condition Error in `dictionary()`: ! 'outcome' must have exactly 2 categories (has 1) # add_woe do not accept dictionary with unexpected layout Code add_woe(df, outcome = "y", x1, dictionary = iris) Condition Error in `add_woe()`: ! column "variable" is missing in dictionary. --- Code add_woe(df, outcome = "y", x1, dictionary = iris %>% mutate(variable = 1)) Condition Error in `add_woe()`: ! column "predictor" is missing in dictionary. # step_woe Code woe_models <- prep(rec, training = credit_tr) Condition Warning: Some columns used by `step_woe()` have categories with less than 10 values: 'Home', 'Job' --- Code prep(rec_all_nominal, training = credit_tr, verbose = TRUE) Output oper 1 step woe [training] Condition Warning: Some columns used by `step_woe()` have categories with less than 10 values: 'Home', 'Job' Output The retained training set is ~ 0.14 Mb in memory. Message -- Recipe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Inputs Number of variables by role outcome: 1 predictor: 13 -- Training information Training data contained 2000 data points and 186 incomplete rows. -- Operations * WoE version against outcome Status for: Home and Marital, ... | Trained --- Code prep(rec_all_numeric, training = credit_tr) Condition Error in `step_woe()`: Caused by error in `prep()`: x All columns selected for the step should be string, factor, or ordered. * 9 integer variables found: `Seniority`, `Time`, `Age`, ... # 2-level factors Code recipe(Species ~ ., data = iris3) %>% step_woe(group, outcome = vars(Species)) %>% prep() Condition Error in `step_woe()`: Caused by error in `dictionary()`: ! 'outcome' must have exactly 2 categories (has 3) # empty printing Code rec Message -- Recipe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Inputs Number of variables by role outcome: 1 predictor: 10 -- Operations * WoE version against outcome mpg for: --- Code rec Message -- Recipe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Inputs Number of variables by role outcome: 1 predictor: 10 -- Training information Training data contained 32 data points and no incomplete rows. -- Operations Condition Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `variable`. Message * WoE version against outcome mpg for: | Trained # keep_original_cols - can prep recipes with it missing Code rec <- prep(rec) Condition Warning: `keep_original_cols` was added to `step_woe()` after this recipe was created. i Regenerate your recipe to avoid this warning. # printing Code print(rec) Message -- Recipe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Inputs Number of variables by role outcome: 1 predictor: 13 -- Operations * WoE version against outcome Status for: Job and Home --- Code prep(rec) Condition Warning: Some columns used by `step_woe()` have categories with less than 10 values: 'Home', 'Job' Message -- Recipe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Inputs Number of variables by role outcome: 1 predictor: 13 -- Training information Training data contained 4454 data points and 415 incomplete rows. -- Operations * WoE version against outcome Status for: Job and Home | Trained