# factor encoded predictor Code class_test <- recipe(x2 ~ ., data = ex_dat) %>% step_lencode_bayes(x3, outcome = vars( x2), verbose = FALSE, options = opts) %>% prep(training = ex_dat, retain = TRUE) Condition --- Code new_values_ch <- bake(class_test, new_data = new_dat_ch) Condition Warning: ! There was 1 column that was a factor when the recipe was prepped: * `x3` i This may cause errors when processing new data. --- Code set.seed(8283) reg_test <- recipe(x1 ~ ., data = ex_dat) %>% step_lencode_bayes(x3, outcome = vars( x1), verbose = FALSE, options = opts) %>% prep(training = ex_dat, retain = TRUE) Condition --- Code new_values_ch <- bake(reg_test, new_data = new_dat_ch) Condition Warning: ! There was 1 column that was a factor when the recipe was prepped: * `x3` i This may cause errors when processing new data. # character encoded predictor Code class_test <- recipe(x2 ~ ., data = ex_dat_ch) %>% step_lencode_bayes(x3, outcome = vars(x2), verbose = FALSE, options = opts, id = "id") %>% prep( training = ex_dat_ch, retain = TRUE, options = opts) Condition --- Code set.seed(8283) reg_test <- recipe(x1 ~ ., data = ex_dat_ch) %>% step_lencode_bayes(x3, outcome = vars(x1), verbose = FALSE, options = opts) %>% prep(training = ex_dat_ch, retain = TRUE) Condition # Works with passing family Code class_test <- recipe(outcome ~ ., data = ex_dat_poisson) %>% step_lencode_bayes( x3, outcome = vars(outcome), verbose = FALSE, options = c(opts, family = stats::poisson)) %>% prep(training = ex_dat_poisson, retain = TRUE) Condition --- Code new_values_ch <- bake(class_test, new_data = new_dat_ch) Condition Warning: ! There was 1 column that was a factor when the recipe was prepped: * `x3` i This may cause errors when processing new data. # case weights Code class_test <- recipe(x2 ~ ., data = ex_dat_cw) %>% step_lencode_bayes(x3, outcome = vars(x2), verbose = FALSE, options = opts) %>% prep(training = ex_dat_cw, retain = TRUE) Condition Code junk <- capture.output(ref_mod <- rstanarm::stan_glmer(formula = x2 ~ (1 | value), data = ex_dat_cw %>% transmute(value = x3, x2), family = binomial(), na.action = na.omit, seed = 34677, chains = 2, iter = 500, weights = wts_int, )) Condition --- Code class_test Message -- Recipe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Inputs Number of variables by role outcome: 1 predictor: 3 case_weights: 1 -- Training information Training data contained 500 data points and no incomplete rows. -- Operations * Linear embedding for factors via Bayesian GLM for: x3 | Trained, weighted # empty printing Code rec Message -- Recipe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Inputs Number of variables by role outcome: 1 predictor: 10 -- Operations * Linear embedding for factors via Bayesian GLM for: --- Code rec Message -- Recipe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Inputs Number of variables by role outcome: 1 predictor: 10 -- Training information Training data contained 32 data points and no incomplete rows. -- Operations * Linear embedding for factors via Bayesian GLM for: | Trained # printing Code print(rec) Message -- Recipe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Inputs Number of variables by role outcome: 1 predictor: 3 -- Operations * Linear embedding for factors via Bayesian GLM for: x3 --- Code prep(rec) Condition Message -- Recipe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Inputs Number of variables by role outcome: 1 predictor: 3 -- Training information Training data contained 500 data points and no incomplete rows. -- Operations * Linear embedding for factors via Bayesian GLM for: x3 | Trained