data_curve1 <- data.frame(x1 = sin(1:7/4*pi), x2 = cos(1:7/4*pi)) data_curve2 <- data.frame(x1 = sin(1:15/8*pi), x2 = cos(1:15/8*pi)) data_curves <- list(data_curve1, data_curve2) test_that("Test computed variance and distances in [0,1]", { mean <- compute_elastic_shape_mean(data_curves) expect_gt(mean$variance, 0) expect_lte(mean$variance, 1) for (d in mean$distances) { expect_gte(d, 0) expect_lte(d, 1) } }) test_that("Test variance == sum-of-squared distances / N", { mean <- compute_elastic_shape_mean(data_curves, max_iter = 0) ssdn <- sum(mean$distances^2)*2/(length(mean$distances)*(length(mean$distances) - 1)) expect_equal(mean$variance, ssdn, tolerance = 1e-1) }) test_that("Test unelastic full procrustes mean has distances", { mean <- compute_elastic_shape_mean(data_curves, max_iter = 0) expect_equal(mean$data_curves[[1]]$t, mean$data_curves[[1]]$t_optim) expect_false(is.null(attr(mean$data_curves[[1]], "dist_to_mean"))) mean2 <- compute_elastic_shape_mean(data_curves, max_iter = 0, pfit_method = "polygon") expect_equal(mean2$data_curves[[1]]$t, mean2$data_curves[[1]]$t_optim) expect_false(is.null(attr(mean2$data_curves[[1]], "dist_to_mean"))) }) test_that("Initial rot, scaling do not matter much", { knots <- seq(0, 1, length = 11) # Apply rot, scaling to data_curve2 beta <- 2.5 theta <- 0.7*pi rot <- matrix(c(cos(theta), sin(theta), -sin(theta), cos(theta)), nrow = 2, ncol = 2) data_curve2 <- as.matrix(data_curve2) %*% t(rot) data_curve2 <- colnames(data_curve2) <- c("x1","x2") data_curves <- list(data_curve1, data_curve2) mean1 <- compute_elastic_shape_mean(data_curves, knots = knots, type = "smooth", penalty = 2) mean2 <- compute_elastic_shape_mean(data_curves, knots = knots, type = "polygon", penalty = 2) # Apply different rot, scaling to data_curve2 beta <- 0.25 theta <- 2.3*pi rot <- matrix(c(cos(theta), sin(theta), -sin(theta), cos(theta)), nrow = 2, ncol = 2) data_curve2 <- data_curve <- beta * data.frame(x1 = sin(1:15/8*pi), x2 = cos(1:15/8*pi)) data_curve2 <- as.matrix(data_curve2) %*% t(rot) data_curve2 <- colnames(data_curve2) <- c("x1","x2") data_curves <- list(data_curve1, data_curve2) # Get means "smooth" mean3 <- compute_elastic_shape_mean(data_curves, knots = knots, type = "smooth", penalty = 2) mean4 <- compute_elastic_shape_mean(data_curves, knots = knots, type = "polygon", penalty = 2) expect_equal(mean1$coefs, mean3$coefs, tolerance=1e-1) expect_equal(mean2$coefs, mean4$coefs, tolerance=1e-1) })