library(dplyr) test_that("ec.clmn with sprintf, column indexes and names", { # dataset + column indexes p <- iris |> inner_join(data.frame(Species=unique(iris$Species), color= rainbow(3))) |> ec.init( tooltip= list(formatter= ec.clmn('Petal Length %@, Width %@', 3,4)), series.param= list(itemStyle= list(color= ec.clmn(6)), symbolSize= ec.clmn(3, scale=3)) ) tmp <- p$x$opts$series[[1]]$itemStyle$color expect_true(tmp == "function(x) {c= String(x.value!=null ? x.value[5] :!=null ?[5] : x[5] ); return c;}") expect_s3_class(tmp, 'JS_EVAL') tmp <- p$x$opts$series[[1]]$symbolSize expect_true(startsWith(tmp, "function(x) {c= String(x.value!=null ? x.value[2]")) expect_s3_class(tmp, 'JS_EVAL') tmp <- p$x$opts$tooltip$formatter expect_match(tmp, "sprintf(`Petal Length %@, Width %@`, vv)", fixed=TRUE) expect_s3_class(tmp, 'JS_EVAL') # dataset + column names p <- iris |> inner_join(data.frame(Species=unique(iris$Species), color= rainbow(3))) |> ec.init( yAxis= list(axisLabel= list(formatter=ec.clmn('%R2@', -1, scale=0.5))), series.param= list( itemStyle= list(color= ec.clmn('color')), symbolSize= ec.clmn('Petal.Length', scale=3) ,tooltip= list(formatter= ec.clmn('Petal Length %@, Width %@', 'Petal.Length','Petal.Width')) ) ,tooltip= list(s=T) # enables series.tooltip # does not pass thru ec.init(df) - cant use colnames! # series= list(list( type='scatter', # itemStyle= list(color= ec.clmn('color')), # use 6 instead of 'color' # symbolSize= ec.clmn(3, scale=3) # )) #,tooltip= list(formatter= ec.clmn('Length %@, Width %@', 'Petal.Length','Petal.Width')) # use 3,4 ) tmp <- p$x$opts$series[[1]] expect_match(tmp$tooltip$formatter, "vv=[['Petal.Length'],['Petal.Width']];", fixed=TRUE) expect_match(tmp$itemStyle$color, "vv=[['color']];", fixed=TRUE) expect_match(tmp$itemStyle$color, "pos=['Sepal.Length'", fixed=TRUE) expect_match(tmp$symbolSize, "vv=[['Petal.Length']];", fixed=TRUE) expect_match(p$x$opts$yAxis[[1]]$formatter, "ss=[-2]", fixed=TRUE) # data + column names tmp <- data.frame(name=names(islands), value=islands) |> filter(value>100) |> arrange(value) p <- ec.init( tooltip= list(s=TRUE), series = list(list(type= 'pie', data=, 'names'), label= list(formatter= ec.clmn('value', scale=2)), tooltip= list(formatter= ec.clmn("%@
%L@", 'name','value'))) ) ) tmp <- p$x$opts$series[[1]]$tooltip$formatter expect_equal(length(unlist(gregexpr('', tmp ))), 4) expect_match(tmp, "[['name'],['value']]", fixed=TRUE) expect_s3_class(tmp, 'JS_EVAL') tmp <- p$x$opts$series[[1]]$label$formatter expect_equal(length(unlist(gregexpr('', tmp ))), 3) expect_is(tmp, 'JS_EVAL') # leaflet + mixed tmp <- quakes |> relocate('long') |> # set order to lon,lat mutate(size= exp(mag)/20) |> head(100) # add accented size p <- tmp |> ec.init(load='leaflet', series.param= list(symbolSize= ec.clmn('size', scale=2)), tooltip= list(formatter= ec.clmn('magnitude %@', 'mag')) # 'mag' is 4th col ) expect_true(grepl("['mag']", p$x$opts$tooltip$formatter, fixed=TRUE )) expect_true(grepl("[['size']]", p$x$opts$series[[1]]$symbolSize, fixed=TRUE )) # data + mixed isl <- data.frame(name=names(islands), value=islands) |> arrange(desc(value)) |> head(13) |> mutate(colr=rainbow(13)) p <- ec.init( title = list(text = "Landmasses over 60,000 mi\u00B2", left = 'center'), tooltip = list(trigger='item', formatter=ec.clmn()), series = list(list(type='pie', radius='50%', data=, 'names'), itemStyle= list(color= ec.clmn('colr')), label=list(position='inside', formatter=ec.clmn("%@\n%@", 'name','value')) )) ) expect_equal("function(x) {pos=[]; c= String(typeof x=='object' ? x.value : x); return c;}", as.character(p$x$opts$tooltip$formatter) ) expect_equal(p$x$opts$series[[1]]$data[[1]]$name, 'Asia') p <- ec.clmn('json', scale=NULL) expect_match(p, 'stringify', fixed=TRUE) p <- ec.clmn('log', scale=0) expect_match(p, 'logged', fixed=TRUE) })