data(sample_explan_data) test_that("stops if wrong class for spatial.res", { expect_error( spatiotemp_resolution( = sample_explan_data, spatial.res = "3 decimal places", temporal.res = "year", month.infill = 1 ) ) }) test_that("stops if temporal.res does not match accepted arguments", { expect_error( spatiotemp_resolution( = sample_explan_data, temporal.res = "week", day.infill = 2 ) ) }) test_that("removes records with missing day", { testdata <- sample_explan_data n <- sample(1:nrow(testdata), 1) testdata[n, "day"] <- NA result <- spatiotemp_resolution( = testdata, temporal.res = "day") expect_equal(nrow(result), nrow(testdata) - 1) }) test_that("removes records with missing month", { testdata <- sample_explan_data n <- sample(1:nrow(testdata), 1) testdata[n, "month"] <- NA result <- spatiotemp_resolution( = testdata, temporal.res = "month") expect_equal(nrow(result), nrow(testdata) - 1) }) test_that("removes records with missing year", { testdata <- sample_explan_data n <- sample(1:nrow(testdata), 1) testdata[n, "year"] <- NA result <- spatiotemp_resolution( = testdata, temporal.res = "year") expect_equal(nrow(result), 329) }) test_that("removes records with low spatial resolution", { testdata <- sample_explan_data result <- spatiotemp_resolution( = testdata, spatial.res = 3) expect_equal(nrow(result), 303) }) test_that("Doesn't remove records with low spatial resolution", { result <- spatiotemp_resolution( = sample_explan_data, spatial.res = 0) expect_equal(nrow(result), nrow(sample_explan_data)) })