data("sample_explan_data") data("sample_extent_data") sample_explan_data <- sample_explan_data[1:3, ] test_that("stops if no occcurence data provided and method buffer chosen", { expect_error( spatiotemp_pseudoabs( n.pseudoabs = 1000, spatial.method = "buffer", temporal.method = "random", spatial.buffer = c(100, 1000), temporal.ext = c('2020-6-16', '2022-6-16') ) ) }) test_that("stops if no spatial.method provided", { expect_error( spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 1000, temporal.method = "random", spatial.ext = c(0, 20, 0, 20), temporal.ext = c('2020-6-16', '2022-6-16') ) ) }) test_that("stops if no temporal.method provided", { expect_error( spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 1000, spatial.method = "random", spatial.ext = c(0, 20, 0, 20), temporal.ext = c('2020-6-16', '2022-6-16') ) ) }) test_that("stops if n.pseudoabs is not numeric", { expect_error( spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = "onethousands", temporal.method = "random", spatial.method = "random", spatial.ext = c(0, 20, 0, 20), temporal.ext = c('2020-6-16', '2022-6-16') ) ) }) test_that("stops if temporal.method specified not accepted", { expect_error( spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 100, temporal.method = "static", spatial.method = "random", spatial.ext = c(0, 20, 0, 20), temporal.ext = c('2020-6-16', '2022-6-16') ) ) }) test_that("stops if spatial.method specified not accepted", { expect_error( spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 100, temporal.method = "random", spatial.method = "static", spatial.ext = c(0, 20, 0, 20), temporal.ext = c('2020-6-16', '2022-6-16') ) ) }) test_that("stops if temporal.method buffer but no buffer given", { expect_error( spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 100, temporal.method = "buffer", spatial.method = "random", spatial.ext = c(0, 20, 0, 20) ) ) }) test_that("stops if temporal.method buffer but incorrect class", { expect_error( spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 100, temporal.method = "buffer", spatial.method = "random", spatial.ext = c(0, 20, 0, 20), temporal.buffer = "five days" ) ) }) test_that("stops if temporal.method buffer but buffer incorrect length", { expect_error( spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 100, temporal.method = "buffer", spatial.method = "random", spatial.ext = c(0, 20, 0, 20), temporal.buffer = c(5, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9) ) ) }) test_that("stops if temporal.method buffer but buffer first further away than second", { expect_error( spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 100, temporal.method = "buffer", spatial.method = "random", spatial.ext = c(0, 20, 0, 20), temporal.buffer = c(30, 5) ) ) }) test_that("stops if temporal.method random but no temporal.ext given", { expect_error( spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 100, temporal.method = "random", spatial.method = "random", spatial.ext = c(0, 20, 0, 20) ) ) }) test_that("stops if temporal.method random but temporal.ext given wrong class", { expect_error( spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 100, temporal.method = "random", spatial.method = "random", spatial.ext = c(0, 20, 0, 20), temporal.ext = 4 ) ) }) test_that("stops if temporal.method random but two dates not given in temporal.ext", { expect_error( spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 100, temporal.method = "random", spatial.method = "random", spatial.ext = c(0, 20, 0, 20), temporal.ext = "2000-04-05" ) ) }) test_that("stops if temporal.method random and temporal.ext contains invalid date", { expect_error( spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 100, temporal.method = "random", spatial.method = "random", spatial.ext = c(0, 20, 0, 20), temporal.ext = c("2004-15-01", "2000-04-05") ) ) }) test_that("stops if temporal.method random and temporal.ext not in date order", { expect_error( spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 100, temporal.method = "random", spatial.method = "random", spatial.ext = c(0, 20, 0, 20), temporal.ext = c("2004-01-01", "2000-04-05") ) ) }) test_that("stops if spatial.method buffer but no buffer given", { expect_error( spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 100, temporal.method = "random", spatial.method = "buffer", temporal.ext = c("2000-12-01", "2004-04-05") ) ) }) test_that("stops if spatial.method buffer but incorrect class", { expect_error( spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 100, temporal.method = "random", spatial.method = "buffer", spatial.buffer = c("300m") , temporal.ext = c("2000-12-01", "2004-04-05") ) ) }) test_that("stops if spatial.method buffer but buffer incorrect length", { expect_error( spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 100, temporal.method = "random", spatial.method = "buffer", spatial.buffer = c(2, 3, 4, 5, 6), temporal.ext = c("2000-12-01", "2004-04-05") ) ) }) test_that("stops if spatial.method buffer but buffer first further away than second", { expect_error( spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 100, temporal.method = "random", spatial.method = "buffer", spatial.buffer = c(300, 10), temporal.ext = c("2000-12-01", "2004-04-05") ) ) }) test_that("stops if spatial.method random but no spatial.ext given", { expect_error( spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 100, temporal.method = "random", spatial.method = "random", temporal.ext = c("2000-12-01", "2004-04-05") ) ) }) test_that("stops if temporal.method random but spatial.ext given wrong class", { expect_error( spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 10, temporal.method = "random", spatial.method = "random", spatial.ext = "faraway", temporal.ext = c("2000-12-01", "2004-04-05") ) ) }) test_that("Success if temporal buffer and spatial buffer method", { results <- spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 10, temporal.method = "buffer", spatial.method = "buffer", spatial.buffer = c(100, 1000), temporal.buffer = c(14, 30) ) expect_equal(class(results), "data.frame") }) test_that("Success if temporal buffer and spatial buffer method", { results <- spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 10, temporal.method = "buffer", spatial.method = "buffer", spatial.buffer = c(100, 1000), temporal.buffer = c(14, 30) ) expect_equal(nrow(results), 10) }) test_that("Success if temporal buffer and spatial buffer method, and n.pseudoabs default", { results <- spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, temporal.method = "buffer", spatial.method = "buffer", spatial.buffer = c(100, 1000), temporal.buffer = c(14, 30) ) expect_equal(nrow(results), 100) }) test_that("Success if spatial extent numeric", { numeric <- c(20, 36, -35, -12) results <- spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 10, temporal.method = "buffer", spatial.method = "random", spatial.ext = numeric, temporal.buffer = c(14, 30) ) expect_equal(class(results), "data.frame") }) test_that("Success if spatial extent sf multipol", { results <- spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 10, temporal.method = "buffer", spatial.method = "random", spatial.ext = sample_extent_data$geometry, temporal.buffer = c(14, 30) ) expect_equal(class(results), "data.frame") }) test_that("Success if spatial extent extent", { Extent <- terra::ext(c(20, 36, -35, -12)) results <- spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 10, temporal.method = "buffer", spatial.method = "random", spatial.ext = Extent, temporal.buffer = c(14, 30) ) expect_equal(class(results), "data.frame") }) test_that("Success if spatial extent raster", { raster <- terra::rast(terra::ext(c(20, 36, -35, -12))) results <- spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 10, temporal.method = "buffer", spatial.method = "random", spatial.ext = raster, temporal.buffer = c(14, 30) ) expect_equal(class(results), "data.frame") }) test_that("Success if spatial extent polygon", { polygon <- sf::st_polygon(list(cbind(c(20, 12, 36, 36,20), c(-35, -12, -35, -12,-35)))) results <-spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 10, temporal.method = "buffer", spatial.method = "random", spatial.ext = polygon, temporal.buffer = c(14, 30) ) expect_equal(class(results), "data.frame") }) data("sample_extent_data") test_that("Success if sf extent", { results <- spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 10, temporal.method = "buffer", spatial.method = "random", spatial.ext = sample_extent_data, temporal.buffer = c(14, 30) ) expect_equal(class(results), "data.frame") }) test_that("Success if temporal method random and spatial buffer", { results <- spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 10, temporal.method = "random", spatial.method = "buffer", spatial.buffer = c(100, 1000), temporal.ext = c("2005-01-01", "2020-01-01") ) expect_equal(class(results), "data.frame") }) test_that("Success if temporal method random and spatial random, n.pseudoabs default", { results <- spatiotemp_pseudoabs( = sample_explan_data, n.pseudoabs = 10, temporal.method = "random", spatial.method = "buffer", spatial.buffer = c(100, 1000), temporal.ext = c("2005-01-01", "2020-01-01") ) expect_equal(class(results), "data.frame") })