test_that("errors if the package does not exist", { # Not ideal but also warns that the package isn't attached. expect_warning( expect_error(document_universe("bad"), "bad"), "should be attached" ) }) test_that("yields the expected tbl", { out <- document_universe(c("datasets")) expect_s3_class(out, "tbl") cols <- c("topic", "alias", "title", "concept", "type", "keyword", "package") expect_named(out, cols) are_type <- unlist(unique(lapply(out, typeof))) expect_equal(are_type, "character") }) test_that("works with multiple packages", { packages <- c("datasets", "grDevices") out <- document_universe(packages) expect_true(setequal(out$package, packages)) }) test_that("warns if a package isn't attached", { packages <- c("tools", "datasets") expect_warning(document_universe(packages), "Not attached.*tools") }) test_that("with no url creates no link", { out <- document_universe("datasets")$topic[[1]] expect_false(grepl("href", out)) }) test_that("with a url creates a link", { out <- document_universe("datasets", url = "https://blah") topic <- out[out$type == "help", "topic"]$topic expect_true(all(grepl("href", topic))) }) test_that("srips the class of S3 methods", { out <- document_universe("base") alias <- unique(out[grepl("all.equal", out$alias), "alias"])[[1]] expect_false(grepl("numeric", alias)) }) test_that("includes the package-level documentation", { out <- document_universe("dverse") expect_true(any(grepl("dverse-package", unique(out$alias)))) }) test_that("includes exported but internal functions", { out <- document_universe("dverse") expect_true("internal" %in% out$keyword) }) test_that("takes a `url_template`", { template <- "https://maurolepore.github.io/{package}/reference/{topic}.html" out <- document_universe("dverse", url_template = template) expect_true(grepl("dverse", out$topic[[1]])) }) test_that("with bad `url_template` errors gracefully", { skip_if_offline() bad <- "https://{bad}/{topic}.html" expect_error(document_universe("dverse", url_template = bad), "not found") }) test_that("vignettes have a reachable link", { # Not using dverse because on developer mode there are no vignettes withr::local_package("tibble") template <- "https://{package}.tidyverse.org/reference/{topic}.html" out <- document_universe("tibble", url_template = template) topic <- out[out$type == "vignette", ]$topic topic <- head(topic) # Errors if there is no vignette expect_false(rlang::is_empty(topic)) expect_true(all(is_online(topic))) })