# Generated by 04-dplyr-tests.R, do not edit by hand # Workaround for lazytest test_that("Dummy", { expect_true(TRUE) }) skip_if(Sys.getenv("DUCKPLYR_SKIP_DPLYR_TESTS") == "TRUE") test_that("row_slice recomputes groups", { gf <- duckplyr_group_by(data.frame(g = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3)), g) out <- dplyr_row_slice(gf, c(1L, 3L, 5L)) expect_equal(group_data(out)$.rows, list_of(1L, 2L, 3L)) out <- dplyr_row_slice(gf, c(4L, 3L)) expect_equal(group_data(out)$.rows, list_of(c(1L, 2L))) }) test_that("row_slice preserves empty groups if requested", { gf <- duckplyr_group_by(data.frame(g = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3)), g, .drop = FALSE) out <- dplyr_row_slice(gf, c(3L, 4L)) expect_equal(group_data(out)$.rows, list_of(integer(), c(1L, 2L), integer())) }) # dplyr_col_modify -------------------------------------------------------- test_that("empty cols returns input", { df <- data.frame(x = 1) expect_equal(dplyr_col_modify(df, list()), df) }) test_that("applies tidyverse recycling rules", { expect_equal( dplyr_col_modify(data.frame(x = 1:2), list(y = 1)), data.frame(x = 1:2, y = c(1, 1)) ) expect_equal( dplyr_col_modify(data.frame(x = integer()), list(y = 1)), data.frame(x = integer(), y = integer()) ) expect_error( dplyr_col_modify(data.frame(x = 1:4), list(y = 1:2)), class = "vctrs_error_recycle_incompatible_size" ) }) test_that("can add, remove, and replace columns", { df <- data.frame(x = 1, y = 2) expect_equal(dplyr_col_modify(df, list(y = NULL)), data.frame(x = 1)) expect_equal(dplyr_col_modify(df, list(y = 3)), data.frame(x = 1, y = 3)) expect_equal(dplyr_col_modify(df, list(z = 3)), data.frame(x = 1, y = 2, z = 3)) }) test_that("doesn't expand row names", { df <- data.frame(x = 1:10) out <- dplyr_col_modify(df, list(y = 1)) expect_equal(.row_names_info(out, 1), -10) }) test_that("preserves existing row names", { df <- data.frame(x = c(1, 2), row.names = c("a", "b")) out <- dplyr_col_modify(df, list(y = 1)) expect_equal(row.names(df), c("a", "b")) }) test_that("reconstruct method gets a data frame", { seen_df <- NULL local_methods( dplyr_reconstruct.dplyr_foobar = function(data, template) { if (is.data.frame(data)) { seen_df <<- TRUE } NextMethod() } ) df <- foobar(data.frame(x = 1)) seen_df <- FALSE dplyr_col_modify(df, list(y = 2)) expect_true(seen_df) seen_df <- FALSE dplyr_row_slice(df, 1) expect_true(seen_df) }) # dplyr_reconstruct ------------------------------------------------------- test_that("classes are restored", { expect_identical( dplyr_reconstruct(tibble(), data.frame()), data.frame() ) expect_identical( dplyr_reconstruct(tibble(), tibble()), tibble() ) expect_identical( dplyr_reconstruct(tibble(), new_data_frame(class = "foo")), new_data_frame(class = "foo") ) }) test_that("attributes of `template` are kept", { expect_identical( dplyr_reconstruct(new_tibble(list(), nrow = 1), new_data_frame(foo = 1)), new_data_frame(n = 1L, foo = 1) ) }) test_that("compact row names are retained", { data <- vec_rbind(tibble(a = 1), tibble(a = 2)) template <- tibble() x <- dplyr_reconstruct(data, template) expect <- tibble(a = c(1, 2)) expect_identical(x, expect) # Explicitly ensure internal row name structure is identical expect_identical( .row_names_info(x, type = 0L), .row_names_info(expect, type = 0L) ) }) test_that("dplyr_reconstruct() strips attributes before dispatch", { local_methods( dplyr_reconstruct.dplyr_foobar = function(data, template) { out <<- data } ) df <- foobar(data.frame(x = 1), foo = "bar") out <- NULL dplyr_reconstruct(df, df) expect_identical(out, data.frame(x = 1)) df <- foobar(data.frame(x = 1, row.names = "a"), foo = "bar") out <- NULL dplyr_reconstruct(df, df) expect_identical(out, data.frame(x = 1, row.names = "a")) }) test_that("`dplyr_reconstruct()` retains attribute ordering of `template`", { df <- vctrs::data_frame(x = 1) expect_identical( attributes(dplyr_reconstruct(df, df)), attributes(df) ) }) test_that("`dplyr_reconstruct()` doesn't modify the original `data` in place", { data <- new_data_frame(list(x = 1), foo = "bar") template <- vctrs::data_frame(x = 1) out <- dplyr_reconstruct(data, template) expect_null(attr(out, "foo")) expect_identical(attr(data, "foo"), "bar") }) test_that("`dplyr_reconstruct()`, which gets and sets attributes, doesn't touch `row.names` (#6525)", { skip("TODO duckdb") skip_if_no_lazy_character() dplyr_attributes <- function(x) { .Call(ffi_test_dplyr_attributes, x) } dplyr_set_attributes <- function(x, attributes) { .Call(ffi_test_dplyr_set_attributes, x, attributes) } df <- vctrs::data_frame(x = 1) attributes <- attributes(df) attributes$row.names <- new_lazy_character(function() "a") attributes <- as.pairlist(attributes) df_with_lazy_row_names <- dplyr_set_attributes(df, attributes) # Ensure `data` row names aren't materialized x <- dplyr_reconstruct(df_with_lazy_row_names, df) attributes <- dplyr_attributes(df_with_lazy_row_names) expect_false(lazy_character_is_materialized(attributes$row.names)) # `data` row names should also propagate into the result unmaterialized attributes <- dplyr_attributes(x) expect_false(lazy_character_is_materialized(attributes$row.names)) # Ensure `template` row names aren't materialized x <- dplyr_reconstruct(df, df_with_lazy_row_names) attributes <- dplyr_attributes(df_with_lazy_row_names) expect_false(lazy_character_is_materialized(attributes$row.names)) })