# Generated by 04-dplyr-tests.R, do not edit by hand # Workaround for lazytest test_that("Dummy", { expect_true(TRUE) }) skip_if(Sys.getenv("DUCKPLYR_SKIP_DPLYR_TESTS") == "TRUE") test_that("computes group data when `by` is set", { df <- tibble(x = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 1)) out <- compute_by(by = x, data = df) expect_identical(out$type, "grouped") expect_identical(out$names, "x") expect_identical( out$data, tibble(x = c(1, 2), ".rows" := list_of(c(1L, 2L, 5L), c(3L, 4L))) ) }) test_that("computes `by` group data in order of appearance", { df <- tibble( x = c(5, 4, 5, 5), y = c(2, 3, 1, 2) ) out <- compute_by(by = c(x, y), data = df) expect <- tibble( x = c(5, 4, 5), y = c(2, 3, 1), ".rows" := list_of(c(1L, 4L), 2L, 3L) ) expect_identical(out$data, expect) }) test_that("extracts existing data when `by = NULL`", { df <- data.frame(x = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 1)) out <- compute_by(by = NULL, data = df) expect_identical(out$type, "ungrouped") expect_identical(out$names, character()) # `compute_by()` is always type stable on `$data` and returns a bare tibble expect_identical(out$data, as_tibble(group_data(df))) df <- tibble(x = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 1)) out <- compute_by(by = NULL, data = df) expect_identical(out$type, "ungrouped") expect_identical(out$names, character()) expect_identical(out$data, group_data(df)) gdf <- duckplyr_group_by(df, x) out <- compute_by(by = NULL, data = gdf) expect_identical(out$type, "grouped") expect_identical(out$names, "x") expect_identical(out$data, group_data(gdf)) rdf <- duckplyr_rowwise(df) out <- compute_by(by = NULL, data = rdf) expect_identical(out$type, "rowwise") expect_identical(out$names, character()) expect_identical(out$data, group_data(rdf)) }) test_that("empty selection results in ungrouped group data", { df <- tibble(x = 1) out <- compute_by(by = c(), data = df) expect_identical(out$type, "ungrouped") expect_identical(out$names, character()) expect_identical(out$data, group_data(df)) }) test_that("throws tidyselect errors", { df <- tibble(x = 1) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { compute_by(by = y, data = df) }) }) test_that("can't set `.by` with a grouped-df", { df <- tibble(x = 1:5) gdf <- duckplyr_group_by(df, x) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { compute_by(x, gdf) }) }) test_that("can't set `.by` with a rowwise-df", { df <- tibble(x = 1:5) rdf <- duckplyr_rowwise(df) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { compute_by(x, rdf) }) }) test_that("can tweak the error args", { df <- tibble(x = 1:5) gdf <- duckplyr_group_by(df, x) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { compute_by(x, gdf, by_arg = "x", data_arg = "dat") }) })