# Generated by 04-dplyr-tests.R, do not edit by hand # Workaround for lazytest test_that("Dummy", { expect_true(TRUE) }) skip_if(Sys.getenv("DUCKPLYR_SKIP_DPLYR_TESTS") == "TRUE") test_that("key vars are found", { vars <- join_cols(c("x", "y"), c("x", "z"), by = join_by(x)) expect_equal(vars$x$key, c(x = 1L)) expect_equal(vars$y$key, c(x = 1L)) vars <- join_cols(c("a", "x", "b"), c("x", "a"), by = join_by(x)) expect_equal(vars$x$key, c(x = 2L)) expect_equal(vars$y$key, c(x = 1L)) vars <- join_cols(c("x", "y"), c("a", "x", "z"), by = join_by(y == z)) expect_equal(vars$x$key, c(y = 2L)) expect_equal(vars$y$key, c(z = 3L)) vars <- join_cols(c("x", "y"), c("a", "x", "z"), by = join_by(y >= z)) expect_equal(vars$x$key, c(y = 2L)) expect_equal(vars$y$key, c(z = 3L)) }) test_that("y key matches order and names of x key", { vars <- join_cols(c("x", "y", "z"), c("c", "b", "a"), by = join_by(x == a, y == b)) expect_equal(vars$x$key, c(x = 1L, y = 2L)) expect_equal(vars$y$key, c(a = 3L, b = 2L)) }) test_that("duplicate column names are given suffixes", { vars <- join_cols(c("x", "y"), c("x", "y"), by = join_by(x)) expect_equal(vars$x$out, c("x" = 1, "y.x" = 2)) expect_equal(vars$y$out, c("y.y" = 2)) # including join vars when keep = TRUE vars <- join_cols(c("x", "y"), c("x", "y"), by = join_by(x), keep = TRUE) expect_equal(vars$x$out, c("x.x" = 1, "y.x" = 2)) expect_equal(vars$y$out, c("x.y" = 1, "y.y" = 2)) vars <- join_cols(c("x", "y"), c("x", "y"), by = join_by(x < x), keep = TRUE) expect_equal(vars$x$out, c("x.x" = 1, "y.x" = 2)) expect_equal(vars$y$out, c("x.y" = 1, "y.y" = 2)) # suffixes don't create duplicates vars <- join_cols(c("x", "y", "y.x"), c("x", "y"), by = join_by(x)) expect_equal(vars$x$out, c("x" = 1, "y.x" = 2, "y.x.x" = 3)) expect_equal(vars$y$out, c("y.y" = 2)) # but not when they're the join vars vars <- join_cols(c("A", "A.x"), c("B", "A.x", "A"), by = join_by(A.x)) expect_named(vars$x$out, c("A.x.x", "A.x")) expect_named(vars$y$out, c("B", "A.y")) # or when no suffix is requested vars <- join_cols(c("x", "y"), c("x", "y"), by = join_by(x), suffix = c("", ".y")) expect_equal(vars$x$out, c("x" = 1, "y" = 2)) expect_equal(vars$y$out, c("y.y" = 2)) }) test_that("duplicate non-equi key columns are given suffixes", { vars <- join_cols(c("a", "y", "z"), c("b", "y", "z"), by = join_by(y >= y, z <= z)) expect_equal(vars$x$out, c("a" = 1, "y.x" = 2, "z.x" = 3)) expect_equal(vars$y$out, c("b" = 1, "y.y" = 2, "z.y" = 3)) }) test_that("NA names are preserved", { vars <- join_cols(c("x", NA), c("x", "z"), by = join_by(x)) expect_named(vars$x$out, c("x", NA)) vars <- join_cols(c("x", NA), c("x", NA), by = join_by(x)) expect_named(vars$x$out, c("x", "NA.x")) expect_named(vars$y$out, "NA.y") }) test_that("by default, `by` columns omitted from `y` with equi-conditions, but not non-equi conditions" , { # equi keys always keep the LHS name, regardless of whether of not a duplicate exists in the RHS # non-equi keys will get a suffix if a duplicate exists vars <- join_cols(c("x", "y", "z"), c("x", "y", "z"), by = join_by(x == y, y > z)) expect_equal(vars$x$out, c("x" = 1, "y" = 2, "z.x" = 3)) expect_equal(vars$y$out, c("x.y" = 1, "z.y" = 3)) # unless specifically requested with `keep = TRUE` vars <- join_cols(c("x", "y", "z"), c("x", "y", "z"), by = join_by(x == y, y > z), keep = TRUE) expect_equal(vars$x$out, c("x.x" = 1, "y.x" = 2, "z.x" = 3)) expect_equal(vars$y$out, c("x.y" = 1, "y.y" = 2, "z.y" = 3)) }) test_that("can't mix non-equi conditions with `keep = FALSE` (#6499)", { expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { join_cols(c("x", "y"), c("x", "z"), by = join_by(x, y > z), keep = FALSE) }) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { join_cols(c("xl", "xu"), c("yl", "yu"), by = join_by(xl >= yl, xu < yu), keep = FALSE) }) # Doesn't make sense here. # With right/full joins we'd have to merge both `yl` and `yu` into `x` somehow. expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { join_cols("x", c("yl", "yu"), by = join_by(between(x, yl, yu)), keep = FALSE) }) # Doesn't make sense here. # With right/full joins, based on how the binary conditions are generated # we'd merge: # - `yu` into `xl` # - `yl` into `xu` # Which can result in `xl` and `xu` columns that don't maintain a `xl <= xu` # invariant. expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { join_cols(c("xl", "xu"), c("yl", "yu"), by = join_by(overlaps(xl, xu, yl, yu)), keep = FALSE) }) }) test_that("can duplicate key between non-equi conditions", { vars <- join_cols("x", c("xl", "xu"), by = join_by(x > xl, x < xu)) expect_identical(vars$x$key, c(x = 1L, x = 1L)) expect_identical(vars$x$out, c(x = 1L)) expect_identical(vars$y$key, c(xl = 1L, xu = 2L)) expect_identical(vars$y$out, c(xl = 1L, xu = 2L)) expect_identical( join_cols("x", c("xl", "xu"), by = join_by(x > xl, x < xu), keep = NULL), join_cols("x", c("xl", "xu"), by = join_by(x > xl, x < xu), keep = TRUE) ) }) test_that("can't duplicate key between equi condition and non-equi condition", { expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, join_cols("x", c("xl", "xu"), by = join_by(x > xl, x == xu))) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, join_cols(c("xl", "xu"), "x", by = join_by(xl < x, xu == x))) }) test_that("emits useful messages", { # names expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, join_cols(c("x", "y"), c("y", "y"), join_by(y))) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, join_cols(c("y", "y"), c("x", "y"), join_by(y))) xy <- c("x", "y") xyz <- c("x", "y", "z") # join vars errors expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, join_cols(xy, xy, by = as_join_by(list("1", y = "2")))) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, join_cols(xy, xy, by = as_join_by(list(x = "1", "2")))) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, join_cols(xy, xy, by = as_join_by(c("x", NA)))) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, join_cols(xy, xy, by = as_join_by(c("aaa", "bbb")))) # join vars uniqueness expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, join_cols(xy, xy, by = as_join_by(c("x", "x", "x")))) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, join_cols(xyz, xyz, by = join_by(x, x > y, z))) # suffixes expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, join_cols(xy, xy, by = join_by(x), suffix = "x")) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, join_cols(xy, xy, by = join_by(x), suffix = c("", NA))) }) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # join_cast_common() test_that("takes common type", { x <- tibble(a = 1, b = 2L) y <- tibble(a = 1L, b = 3) vars <- join_cols(names(x), names(y), by = join_by(a, b)) out <- join_cast_common(x, y, vars) expect_identical(out$x, tibble(a = 1, b = 2)) expect_identical(out$y, tibble(a = 1, b = 3)) }) test_that("finalizes unspecified columns (#6804)", { vars <- join_cols(x_names = "x", y_names = "x", by = join_by(x)) x <- tibble(x = NA) y <- tibble(x = NA) out <- join_cast_common(x, y, vars) expect_identical(out$x, tibble(x = NA)) expect_identical(out$y, tibble(x = NA)) x <- tibble(x = NA) y <- tibble(x = unspecified()) out <- join_cast_common(x, y, vars) expect_identical(out$x, tibble(x = NA)) expect_identical(out$y, tibble(x = logical())) x <- tibble(x = unspecified()) y <- tibble(x = unspecified()) out <- join_cast_common(x, y, vars) expect_identical(out$x, tibble(x = logical())) expect_identical(out$y, tibble(x = logical())) }) test_that("references original column in `y` when there are type errors (#6465)", { x <- tibble(a = 1) y <- tibble(b = "1") x_key <- x y_key <- set_names(y, names(x)) vars <- join_cols(names(x), names(y), by = join_by(a == b)) expect_snapshot({ (expect_error(join_cast_common(x_key, y_key, vars))) }) })