# Generated by 04-dplyr-tests.R, do not edit by hand # Workaround for lazytest test_that("Dummy", { expect_true(TRUE) }) skip_if(Sys.getenv("DUCKPLYR_SKIP_DPLYR_TESTS") == "TRUE") # Basic behaviour ------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("sample preserves class", { expect_s3_class(sample_n(mtcars, 1), "data.frame") expect_s3_class(sample_n(as_tibble(mtcars), 1), "tbl_df") expect_s3_class(sample_frac(mtcars, 1), "data.frame") expect_s3_class(sample_frac(as_tibble(mtcars), 1), "tbl_df") }) # Ungrouped -------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("sample respects weight", { df <- data.frame(x = 1:2, y = c(0, 1)) expect_equal(sample_n(df, 1, weight = y)$x, 2) expect_equal(sample_frac(df, 0.5, weight = y)$x, 2) }) test_that("slice does not evaluate the expression in empty groups (#1438)", { res <- mtcars %>% duckplyr_group_by(cyl) %>% duckplyr_filter(cyl==6) %>% duckplyr_slice(1:2) expect_equal(nrow(res), 2L) expect_error( res <- mtcars %>% duckplyr_group_by(cyl) %>% duckplyr_filter(cyl==6) %>% sample_n(size=3), NA ) expect_equal(nrow(res), 3L) }) # Grouped ---------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("sampling grouped tbl samples each group", { sampled <- mtcars %>% duckplyr_group_by(cyl) %>% sample_n(2) expect_s3_class(sampled, "grouped_df") expect_equal(duckplyr_group_vars(sampled), "cyl") expect_equal(nrow(sampled), 6) expect_equal(map_int(group_rows(sampled), length), c(2,2,2)) }) test_that("grouped sample respects weight", { df2 <- tibble( x = rep(1:2, 100), y = rep(c(0, 1), 100), g = rep(1:2, each = 100) ) grp <- df2 %>% duckplyr_group_by(g) expect_equal(sample_n(grp, 1, weight = y)$x, c(2, 2)) expect_equal(sample_frac(grp, 0.5, weight = y)$x, rep(2, nrow(df2) / 2)) }) test_that("grouped sample accepts NULL weight from variable (for saeSim)", { df <- tibble( x = rep(1:2, 10), y = rep(c(0, 1), 10), g = rep(1:2, each = 10) ) weight <- NULL expect_no_error(sample_n(df, nrow(df), weight = weight)) expect_no_error(sample_frac(df, weight = weight)) grp <- df %>% duckplyr_group_by(g) expect_no_error(sample_n(grp, nrow(df) / 2, weight = weight)) expect_no_error(sample_frac(grp, weight = weight)) }) test_that("sample_n and sample_frac can call n() (#3413)", { df <- tibble( x = rep(1:2, 10), y = rep(c(0, 1), 10), g = rep(1:2, each = 10) ) gdf <- duckplyr_group_by(df, g) expect_equal(nrow(sample_n(df, n())), nrow(df)) expect_equal(nrow(sample_n(gdf, n())), nrow(gdf)) expect_equal(nrow(sample_n(df, n() - 2L)), nrow(df) - 2) expect_equal(nrow(sample_n(gdf, n() - 2L)), nrow(df) - 4) }) test_that("sample_n and sample_frac handles lazy grouped data frames (#3380)", { df1 <- data.frame(x = 1:10, y = rep(1:2, each=5)) df2 <- data.frame(x = 6:15, z = 1:10) res <- df1 %>% duckplyr_group_by(y) %>% duckplyr_anti_join(df2, by="x") %>% sample_n(1) expect_equal(nrow(res), 1L) res <- df1 %>% duckplyr_group_by(y) %>% duckplyr_anti_join(df2, by="x") %>% sample_frac(0.2) expect_equal(nrow(res), 1L) }) # Errors -------------------------------------------- test_that("sample_*() gives meaningful error messages", { expect_snapshot({ df2 <- tibble( x = rep(1:2, 100), y = rep(c(0, 1), 100), g = rep(1:2, each = 100) ) grp <- df2 %>% duckplyr_group_by(g) # base R error messages (expect_error( sample_n(grp, nrow(df2) / 2, weight = y) )) (expect_error( sample_frac(grp, 1, weight = y) )) # can't sample more values than obs (without replacement) (expect_error( mtcars %>% duckplyr_group_by(cyl) %>% sample_n(10) )) # unknown type (expect_error( sample_n(list()) )) (expect_error( sample_frac(list()) )) "# respects weight" df <- data.frame(x = 1:2, y = c(0, 1)) (expect_error( sample_n(df, 2, weight = y) )) (expect_error( sample_frac(df, 2) )) (expect_error( sample_frac(df %>% duckplyr_group_by(y), 2) )) (expect_error( sample_frac(df, 1, weight = y) )) }) })