# Generated by 04-dplyr-tests.R, do not edit by hand # Workaround for lazytest test_that("Dummy", { expect_true(TRUE) }) skip_if(Sys.getenv("DUCKPLYR_SKIP_DPLYR_TESTS") == "TRUE") test_that("empty mutate returns input", { df <- tibble(x = 1) gf <- duckplyr_group_by(df, x) expect_equal(duckplyr_mutate(df), df) expect_equal(duckplyr_mutate(df, .by = x), df) expect_equal(duckplyr_mutate(gf), gf) expect_equal(duckplyr_mutate(df, !!!list()), df) expect_equal(duckplyr_mutate(df, !!!list(), .by = x), df) expect_equal(duckplyr_mutate(gf, !!!list()), gf) }) test_that("rownames preserved", { df <- data.frame(x = c(1, 2), row.names = c("a", "b")) df <- duckplyr_mutate(df, y = 2) expect_equal(row.names(df), c("a", "b")) df <- duckplyr_mutate(df, y = 2, .by = x) expect_equal(row.names(df), c("a", "b")) }) test_that("mutations applied progressively", { df <- tibble(x = 1) expect_equal(df %>% duckplyr_mutate(y = x + 1, z = y + 1), tibble(x = 1, y = 2, z = 3)) expect_equal(df %>% duckplyr_mutate(x = x + 1, x = x + 1), tibble(x = 3)) expect_equal(df %>% duckplyr_mutate(x = 2, y = x), tibble(x = 2, y = 2)) df <- data.frame(x = 1, y = 2) expect_equal( df %>% duckplyr_mutate(x2 = x, x3 = x2 + 1), df %>% duckplyr_mutate(x2 = x + 0, x3 = x2 + 1) ) }) test_that("length-1 vectors are recycled (#152)", { df <- tibble(x = 1:4) expect_equal(duckplyr_mutate(df, y = 1)$y, rep(1, 4)) expect_error(duckplyr_mutate(df, y = 1:2)) }) test_that("can remove variables with NULL (#462)", { skip_if(Sys.getenv("DUCKPLYR_FORCE") == "TRUE") df <- tibble(x = 1:3, y = 1:3) gf <- duckplyr_group_by(df, x) expect_equal(df %>% duckplyr_mutate(y = NULL), df[1]) expect_equal(gf %>% duckplyr_mutate(y = NULL), gf[1]) # even if it doesn't exist expect_equal(df %>% duckplyr_mutate(z = NULL), df) # or was just created expect_equal(df %>% duckplyr_mutate(z = 1, z = NULL), df) # regression test for https://github.com/tidyverse/dplyr/issues/4974 expect_equal( duckplyr_mutate(data.frame(x = 1, y = 1), z = 1, x = NULL, y = NULL), data.frame(z = 1) ) }) test_that("duckplyr_mutate() names pronouns correctly (#2686)", { skip_if(Sys.getenv("DUCKPLYR_FORCE") == "TRUE") expect_named(duckplyr_mutate(tibble(x = 1), .data$x), "x") expect_named(duckplyr_mutate(tibble(x = 1), .data[["x"]]), "x") }) test_that("duckplyr_mutate() supports unquoted values", { skip_if(Sys.getenv("DUCKPLYR_FORCE") == "TRUE") df <- tibble(g = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 2), x = 1:5) expect_identical(duckplyr_mutate(df, out = !!1), duckplyr_mutate(df, out = 1)) expect_identical(duckplyr_mutate(df, out = !!(1:5)), duckplyr_mutate(df, out = 1:5)) expect_identical(duckplyr_mutate(df, out = !!quote(1:5)), duckplyr_mutate(df, out = 1:5)) gdf <- duckplyr_group_by(df, g) expect_identical(duckplyr_mutate(gdf, out = !!1), duckplyr_mutate(gdf, out = 1)) }) test_that("assignments don't overwrite variables (#315)", { skip_if(Sys.getenv("DUCKPLYR_FORCE") == "TRUE") df <- tibble(x = 1, y = 2) out <- df %>% duckplyr_mutate(z = {x <- 10; x}) expect_equal(out, tibble(x = 1, y = 2, z = 10)) }) test_that("can mutate a data frame with zero columns", { skip_if(Sys.getenv("DUCKPLYR_FORCE") == "TRUE") df <- new_data_frame(n = 2L) expect_equal(duckplyr_mutate(df, x = 1), data.frame(x = c(1, 1))) }) test_that("duckplyr_mutate() handles symbol expressions", { df <- tibble(x = structure(1, class = "alien")) res <- duckplyr_mutate(df, y = x) expect_identical(df$x, res$y) gf <- duckplyr_group_by(df, x) res <- duckplyr_mutate(df, y = x) expect_identical(df$x, res$y) }) test_that("duckplyr_mutate() supports constants (#6056, #6305)", { df <- data.frame(x = 1:10, g = rep(1:2, each = 5)) y <- 1:10 z <- 1:5 expect_identical(df %>% duckplyr_mutate(y = !!y) %>% duckplyr_pull(y), y) expect_identical(df %>% duckplyr_group_by(g) %>% duckplyr_mutate(y = !!y) %>% duckplyr_pull(y), y) expect_identical(df %>% duckplyr_rowwise() %>% duckplyr_mutate(y = !!y) %>% duckplyr_pull(y), y) expect_snapshot({ (expect_error(df %>% duckplyr_mutate(z = !!z))) (expect_error(df %>% duckplyr_group_by(g) %>% duckplyr_mutate(z = !!z))) (expect_error(df %>% duckplyr_rowwise() %>% duckplyr_mutate(z = !!z))) }) # `.env$` is used for per group evaluation expect_identical(df %>% duckplyr_mutate(y = .env$y) %>% duckplyr_pull(y), y) expect_identical(df %>% duckplyr_group_by(g) %>% duckplyr_mutate(z = .env$z) %>% duckplyr_pull(z), c(z, z)) expect_snapshot({ (expect_error(df %>% duckplyr_group_by(g) %>% duckplyr_mutate(y = .env$y))) (expect_error(df %>% duckplyr_rowwise() %>% duckplyr_mutate(y = .env$y))) }) }) test_that("can't overwrite column active bindings (#6666)", { skip_if(Sys.getenv("DUCKPLYR_FORCE") == "TRUE") skip_if(getRversion() < "3.6.3", message = "Active binding error changed") df <- tibble(g = 1:2, x = 3:4) gdf <- duckplyr_group_by(df, g) # The error seen here comes from trying to `<-` to an active binding when # the active binding function has 0 arguments. expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { duckplyr_mutate(df, y = { x <<- 2 x }) }) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { duckplyr_mutate(df, .by = g, y = { x <<- 2 x }) }) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { duckplyr_mutate(gdf, y = { x <<- 2 x }) }) }) test_that("assigning with `<-` doesn't affect the mask (#6666)", { skip_if(Sys.getenv("DUCKPLYR_FORCE") == "TRUE") df <- tibble(g = 1:2, x = 3:4) gdf <- duckplyr_group_by(df, g) out <- duckplyr_mutate(df, .by = g, y = { x <- x + 2L x }) expect_identical(out$x, c(3L, 4L)) expect_identical(out$y, c(5L, 6L)) out <- duckplyr_mutate(gdf, y = { x <- x + 2L x }) expect_identical(out$x, c(3L, 4L)) expect_identical(out$y, c(5L, 6L)) }) test_that("`across()` inline expansions that use `<-` don't affect the mask (#6666)", { skip_if(Sys.getenv("DUCKPLYR_FORCE") == "TRUE") df <- tibble(g = 1:2, x = 3:4) out <- df %>% duckplyr_mutate( across(x, function(col) { col <- col + 2L col }), .by = g ) expect_identical(out$x, c(5L, 6L)) }) test_that("can't share local variables across expressions (#6666)", { skip_if(Sys.getenv("DUCKPLYR_FORCE") == "TRUE") df <- tibble(x = 1:2, y = 3:4) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { duckplyr_mutate( df, x2 = { foo <- x x }, y2 = { foo } ) }) }) # column types ------------------------------------------------------------ test_that("glue() is supported", { skip_if(Sys.getenv("DUCKPLYR_FORCE") == "TRUE") expect_equal( tibble(x = 1) %>% duckplyr_mutate(y = glue("")), tibble(x = 1, y = glue("")) ) }) test_that("mutate disambiguates NA and NaN (#1448)", { df <- tibble(x = c(1, NA, NaN)) out <- duckplyr_mutate(df, y = x * 1) expect_equal(out$y, df$x) }) test_that("mutate preserves names (#1689, #2675)", { skip_if(Sys.getenv("DUCKPLYR_FORCE") == "TRUE") df <- tibble(a = 1:3) out1 <- df %>% duckplyr_mutate(b = setNames(1:3, letters[1:3])) out2 <- df %>% duckplyr_mutate(b = setNames(as.list(1:3), letters[1:3])) expect_named(out1$b, letters[1:3]) expect_named(out2$b, letters[1:3]) }) test_that("mutate handles matrix columns", { skip_if(Sys.getenv("DUCKPLYR_FORCE") == "TRUE") df <- data.frame(a = rep(1:3, each = 2), b = 1:6) df_regular <- duckplyr_mutate(df, b = scale(b)) df_grouped <- duckplyr_mutate(duckplyr_group_by(df, a), b = scale(b)) df_rowwise <- duckplyr_mutate(duckplyr_rowwise(df), b = scale(b)) expect_equal(dim(df_regular$b), c(6, 1)) expect_equal(dim(df_grouped$b), c(6, 1)) expect_equal(dim(df_rowwise$b), c(6, 1)) }) test_that("mutate handles data frame columns", { skip_if(Sys.getenv("DUCKPLYR_FORCE") == "TRUE") df <- data.frame("a" = c(1, 2, 3), "b" = c(2, 3, 4), "base_col" = c(3, 4, 5)) res <- duckplyr_mutate(df, new_col = data.frame(x = 1:3)) expect_equal(res$new_col, data.frame(x = 1:3)) res <- duckplyr_mutate(duckplyr_group_by(df, a), new_col = data.frame(x = a)) expect_equal(res$new_col, data.frame(x = 1:3)) res <- duckplyr_mutate(duckplyr_rowwise(df), new_col = data.frame(x = a)) expect_equal(res$new_col, data.frame(x = 1:3)) }) test_that("unnamed data frames are automatically unspliced (#2326, #3630)", { skip_if(Sys.getenv("DUCKPLYR_FORCE") == "TRUE") expect_identical( tibble(a = 1) %>% duckplyr_mutate(tibble(b = 2)), tibble(a = 1, b = 2) ) expect_identical( tibble(a = 1) %>% duckplyr_mutate(tibble(b = 2), tibble(b = 3)), tibble(a = 1, b = 3) ) expect_identical( tibble(a = 1) %>% duckplyr_mutate(tibble(b = 2), c = b), tibble(a = 1, b = 2, c = 2) ) }) test_that("named data frames are packed (#2326, #3630)", { skip_if(Sys.getenv("DUCKPLYR_FORCE") == "TRUE") df <- tibble(x = 1) out <- df %>% duckplyr_mutate(y = tibble(a = x)) expect_equal(out, tibble(x = 1, y = tibble(a = 1))) }) test_that("unchop only called for when multiple groups", { skip_if(Sys.getenv("DUCKPLYR_FORCE") == "TRUE") df <- data.frame(g = 1, x = 1:5) out <- duckplyr_mutate(df, x = ts(x, start = c(1971, 1), frequency = 52)) expect_s3_class(out$x, "ts") gdf <- duckplyr_group_by(df, g) out <- duckplyr_mutate(gdf, x = ts(x, start = c(1971, 1), frequency = 52)) expect_s3_class(out$x, "ts") }) # output types ------------------------------------------------------------ test_that("mutate preserves grouping", { gf <- duckplyr_group_by(tibble(x = 1:2, y = 2), x) i <- count_regroups(out <- duckplyr_mutate(gf, x = 1)) expect_equal(i, 1L) expect_equal(duckplyr_group_vars(out), "x") expect_equal(nrow(group_data(out)), 1) i <- count_regroups(out <- duckplyr_mutate(gf, z = 1)) expect_equal(i, 0) expect_equal(group_data(out), group_data(gf)) }) test_that("mutate works on zero-row grouped data frame (#596)", { dat <- data.frame(a = numeric(0), b = character(0), stringsAsFactors = TRUE) res <- dat %>% duckplyr_group_by(b, .drop = FALSE) %>% duckplyr_mutate(a2 = a * 2) expect_type(res$a2, "double") expect_s3_class(res, "grouped_df") expect_equal(res$a2, numeric(0)) expect_type(group_rows(res), "list") expect_equal(attr(group_rows(res), "ptype"), integer()) expect_equal(group_data(res)$b, factor(character(0))) }) test_that("mutate preserves class of zero-row rowwise (#4224, #6303)", { # Each case needs to test both x and identity(x) because these flow # through two slightly different pathways. rf <- duckplyr_rowwise(tibble(x = character(0))) out <- duckplyr_mutate(rf, x2 = identity(x), x3 = x) expect_equal(out$x2, character()) expect_equal(out$x3, character()) # including list-of classes of list-cols where possible rf <- duckplyr_rowwise(tibble(x = list_of(.ptype = character()))) out <- duckplyr_mutate(rf, x2 = identity(x), x3 = x) expect_equal(out$x2, character()) expect_equal(out$x3, character()) # an empty list is turns into a logical (aka unspecified) rf <- duckplyr_rowwise(tibble(x = list())) out <- duckplyr_mutate(rf, x2 = identity(x), x3 = x) expect_equal(out$x2, logical()) expect_equal(out$x3, logical()) }) test_that("mutate works on empty data frames (#1142)", { skip_if(Sys.getenv("DUCKPLYR_FORCE") == "TRUE") df <- data.frame() res <- df %>% duckplyr_mutate() expect_equal(nrow(res), 0L) expect_equal(length(res), 0L) res <- df %>% duckplyr_mutate(x = numeric()) expect_equal(names(res), "x") expect_equal(nrow(res), 0L) expect_equal(length(res), 1L) }) test_that("mutate handles 0 rows rowwise (#1300)", { res <- tibble(y = character()) %>% duckplyr_rowwise() %>% duckplyr_mutate(z = 1) expect_equal(nrow(res), 0L) }) test_that("rowwise mutate gives expected results (#1381)", { f <- function(x) ifelse(x < 2, NA_real_, x) res <- tibble(x = 1:3) %>% duckplyr_rowwise() %>% duckplyr_mutate(y = f(x)) expect_equal(res$y, c(NA, 2, 3)) }) test_that("rowwise mutate un-lists existing size-1 list-columns (#6302)", { # Existing column rf <- duckplyr_rowwise(tibble(x = as.list(1:3))) out <- duckplyr_mutate(rf, y = x) expect_equal(out$y, 1:3) # New column rf <- duckplyr_rowwise(tibble(x = 1:3)) out <- duckplyr_mutate(rf, y = list(1), z = y) expect_identical(out$z, c(1, 1, 1)) # Column of data 1-row data frames rf <- duckplyr_rowwise(tibble(x = list(tibble(a = 1), tibble(a = 2)))) out <- duckplyr_mutate(rf, y = x) expect_identical(out$y, tibble(a = c(1, 2))) # Preserves known list-of type rf <- duckplyr_rowwise(tibble(x = list_of(.ptype = character()))) out <- duckplyr_mutate(rf, y = x) expect_identical(out$y, character()) # Errors if it's not a length-1 list df <- duckplyr_rowwise(tibble(x = list(1, 2:3))) expect_snapshot(duckplyr_mutate(df, y = x), error = TRUE) }) test_that("grouped mutate does not drop grouping attributes (#1020)", { d <- data.frame(subject = c("Jack", "Jill"), id = c(2, 1)) %>% duckplyr_group_by(subject) a1 <- names(attributes(d)) a2 <- names(attributes(d %>% duckplyr_mutate(foo = 1))) expect_equal(duckplyr_setdiff(a1, a2), character(0)) }) test_that("duckplyr_mutate() hands list columns with rowwise magic to follow up expressions (#4845)", { test <- duckplyr_rowwise(tibble(x = 1:2)) expect_identical( test %>% duckplyr_mutate(a = list(1)) %>% duckplyr_mutate(b = list(a + 1)), test %>% duckplyr_mutate(a = list(1), b = list(a + 1)) ) }) test_that("mutate keeps zero length groups", { df <- tibble( e = 1, f = factor(c(1, 1, 2, 2), levels = 1:3), g = c(1, 1, 2, 2), x = c(1, 2, 1, 4) ) df <- duckplyr_group_by(df, e, f, g, .drop = FALSE) expect_equal( duckplyr_group_size(duckplyr_mutate(df, z = 2)), c(2, 2, 0) ) }) # other ------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("no utf8 invasion (#722)", { skip("TODO duckdb") skip_if_not(l10n_info()$"UTF-8") skip_if_not_installed("lobstr") source("utf-8.txt", local = TRUE, encoding = "UTF-8") }) test_that("duckplyr_mutate() to UTF-8 column names", { df <- tibble(a = 1) %>% duckplyr_mutate("\u5e78" := a) expect_equal(colnames(df), c("a", "\u5e78")) }) test_that("Non-ascii column names in version 0.3 are not duplicated (#636)", { local_non_utf8_encoding() df <- tibble(a = "1", b = "2") names(df) <- c("a", enc2native("\u4e2d")) res <- df %>% mutate_all(as.numeric) expect_equal(names(res), as_utf8_character(names(df))) }) test_that("mutate coerces results from one group with all NA values (#1463) ", { df <- tibble(x = c(1, 2), y = c(1, NA)) res <- df %>% duckplyr_group_by(x) %>% duckplyr_mutate(z = ifelse(y > 1, 1, 2)) expect_true(is.na(res$z[2])) expect_type(res$z, "double") }) test_that("grouped subsets are not lazy (#3360)", { make_call <- function(x) { quo(!!x) } res <- tibble(name = 1:2, value = letters[1:2]) %>% duckplyr_rowwise() %>% duckplyr_mutate(call = list(make_call(value))) %>% duckplyr_pull() expect_identical(res, list(make_call("a"), make_call("b"))) res <- tibble(name = 1:2, value = letters[1:2]) %>% duckplyr_group_by(name) %>% duckplyr_mutate(call = list(make_call(value))) %>% duckplyr_pull() expect_identical(res, list(make_call("a"), make_call("b"))) }) test_that("duckplyr_mutate() evaluates expression for empty groups", { df <- tibble(f = factor(c("a", "b"), levels = c("a", "b", "c"))) gf <- duckplyr_group_by(df, f, .drop = FALSE) count <- 0 duckplyr_mutate(gf, x = {count <<- count + 1}) expect_equal(count, 3L) }) test_that("DataMask$add() forces chunks (#4677)", { df <- tibble(bf10 = 0.244) %>% duckplyr_mutate( bf01 = 1 / bf10, log_e_bf10 = log(bf10), log_e_bf01 = log(bf01) ) expect_equal(df$log_e_bf01, log(1 / 0.244)) }) test_that("DataMask uses fresh copies of group id / size variables (#6762)", { skip_if(Sys.getenv("DUCKPLYR_FORCE") == "TRUE") df <- tibble(x = 1:2) fn <- function() { df <- tibble(a = 1) # Otherwise, this nested `duckplyr_mutate()` can modify the same # id/size variable as the outer one, which causes havoc duckplyr_mutate(df, b = a + 1) } out <- duckplyr_mutate(df, y = {fn(); x}) expect_identical(out$x, 1:2) expect_identical(out$y, 1:2) }) test_that("duckplyr_mutate() correctly auto-names expressions (#6741)", { df <- tibble(a = 1L) expect_identical(duckplyr_mutate(df, -a), tibble(a = 1L, "-a" = -1L)) foo <- "foobar" expect_identical(duckplyr_mutate(df, foo), tibble(a = 1L, foo = "foobar")) a <- 2L expect_identical(duckplyr_mutate(df, a), tibble(a = 1L)) df <- tibble(a = 1L, "a + 1" = 5L) a <- 2L expect_identical(duckplyr_mutate(df, a + 1), tibble(a = 1L, "a + 1" = 2)) }) # .by ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("can group transiently using `.by`", { df <- tibble(g = c(1, 1, 2, 1, 2), x = c(5, 2, 1, 2, 3)) out <- duckplyr_mutate(df, x = mean(x), .by = g) expect_identical(out$g, df$g) expect_identical(out$x, c(3, 3, 2, 3, 2)) expect_s3_class(out, class(df), exact = TRUE) }) test_that("transient grouping retains bare data.frame class", { df <- data.frame(g = c(1, 1, 2, 1, 2), x = c(5, 2, 1, 2, 3)) out <- duckplyr_mutate(df, x = mean(x), .by = g) expect_s3_class(out, class(df), exact = TRUE) }) test_that("transient grouping retains data frame attributes (#6100)", { skip("Need to fix this and also run all tests with forceful fallback") # With data.frames or tibbles df <- data.frame(g = c(1, 1, 2), x = c(1, 2, 1)) tbl <- as_tibble(df) attr(df, "foo") <- "bar" attr(tbl, "foo") <- "bar" out <- duckplyr_mutate(df, x = mean(x), .by = g) expect_identical(attr(out, "foo"), "bar") out <- duckplyr_mutate(tbl, x = mean(x), .by = g) expect_identical(attr(out, "foo"), "bar") }) test_that("can `NULL` out the `.by` column", { skip_if(Sys.getenv("DUCKPLYR_FORCE") == "TRUE") df <- tibble(x = 1:3) expect_identical( duckplyr_mutate(df, x = NULL, .by = x), new_tibble(list(), nrow = 3) ) }) test_that("catches `.by` with grouped-df", { df <- tibble(x = 1) gdf <- duckplyr_group_by(df, x) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { duckplyr_mutate(gdf, .by = x) }) }) test_that("catches `.by` with rowwise-df", { df <- tibble(x = 1) rdf <- duckplyr_rowwise(df) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { duckplyr_mutate(rdf, .by = x) }) }) # .before, .after, .keep ------------------------------------------------------ test_that(".keep = 'unused' keeps variables explicitly mentioned", { df <- tibble(x = 1, y = 2) out <- duckplyr_mutate(df, x1 = x + 1, y = y, .keep = "unused") expect_named(out, c("y", "x1")) }) test_that(".keep = 'used' not affected by across() or pick()", { skip_if(Sys.getenv("DUCKPLYR_FORCE") == "TRUE") df <- tibble(x = 1, y = 2, z = 3, a = "a", b = "b", c = "c") # This must evaluate every column in order to figure out if should # be included in the set or not, but that shouldn't be counted for # the purposes of "used" variables out <- duckplyr_mutate(df, across(where(is.numeric), identity), .keep = "unused") expect_named(out, names(df)) out <- duckplyr_mutate(df, pick(where(is.numeric)), .keep = "unused") expect_named(out, names(df)) }) test_that(".keep = 'used' keeps variables used in expressions", { df <- tibble(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, x = 1, y = 2) out <- duckplyr_mutate(df, xy = x + y, .keep = "used") expect_named(out, c("x", "y", "xy")) }) test_that(".keep = 'none' only keeps grouping variables", { df <- tibble(x = 1, y = 2) gf <- duckplyr_group_by(df, x) expect_named(duckplyr_mutate(df, z = 1, .keep = "none"), "z") expect_named(duckplyr_mutate(gf, z = 1, .keep = "none"), c("x", "z")) }) test_that(".keep = 'none' retains original ordering (#5967)", { df <- tibble(x = 1, y = 2) expect_named(df %>% duckplyr_mutate(y = 1, x = 2, .keep = "none"), c("x", "y")) # even when grouped gf <- duckplyr_group_by(df, x) expect_named(gf %>% duckplyr_mutate(y = 1, x = 2, .keep = "none"), c("x", "y")) }) test_that("can use .before and .after to control column position", { df <- tibble(x = 1, y = 2) expect_named(duckplyr_mutate(df, z = 1), c("x", "y", "z")) expect_named(duckplyr_mutate(df, z = 1, .before = 1), c("z", "x", "y")) expect_named(duckplyr_mutate(df, z = 1, .after = 1), c("x", "z", "y")) # but doesn't affect order of existing columns df <- tibble(x = 1, y = 2) expect_named(duckplyr_mutate(df, x = 1, .after = y), c("x", "y")) }) test_that("attributes of bare data frames are retained when `.before` and `.after` are used (#6341)", { # We require `[` methods to be in charge of keeping extra attributes for all # data frame subclasses (except for data.tables) df <- vctrs::data_frame(x = 1, y = 2) attr(df, "foo") <- "bar" out <- duckplyr_mutate(df, z = 3, .before = x) expect_identical(attr(out, "foo"), "bar") }) test_that(".keep and .before/.after interact correctly", { df <- tibble(x = 1, y = 1, z = 1, a = 1, b = 2, c = 3) %>% duckplyr_group_by(a, b) expect_named(duckplyr_mutate(df, d = 1, x = 2, .keep = "none"), c("x", "a", "b", "d")) expect_named(duckplyr_mutate(df, d = 1, x = 2, .keep = "none", .before = "a"), c("x", "d", "a", "b")) expect_named(duckplyr_mutate(df, d = 1, x = 2, .keep = "none", .after = "a"), c("x", "a", "d", "b")) }) test_that("dropping column with `NULL` then readding it retains original location", { df <- tibble(x = 1, y = 2, z = 3, a = 4) df <- duckplyr_group_by(df, z) expect_named(duckplyr_mutate(df, y = NULL, y = 3, .keep = "all"), c("x", "y", "z", "a")) expect_named(duckplyr_mutate(df, b = a, y = NULL, y = 3, .keep = "used"), c("y", "z", "a", "b")) expect_named(duckplyr_mutate(df, b = a, y = NULL, y = 3, .keep = "unused"), c("x", "y", "z", "b")) # It isn't treated as a "new" column expect_named(duckplyr_mutate(df, y = NULL, y = 3, .keep = "all", .before = x), c("x", "y", "z", "a")) }) test_that("setting a new column to `NULL` works with `.before` and `.after` (#6563)", { skip_if(Sys.getenv("DUCKPLYR_FORCE") == "TRUE") df <- tibble(x = 1, y = 2, z = 3, a = 4) expect_named(duckplyr_mutate(df, b = NULL, .before = 1), names(df)) expect_named(duckplyr_mutate(df, b = 1, b = NULL, .before = 1), names(df)) expect_named(duckplyr_mutate(df, b = NULL, b = 1, .before = 1), c("b", "x", "y", "z", "a")) expect_named(duckplyr_mutate(df, b = NULL, c = 1, .after = 2), c("x", "y", "c", "z", "a")) }) test_that(".keep= always retains grouping variables (#5582)", { df <- tibble(x = 1, y = 2, z = 3) %>% duckplyr_group_by(z) expect_equal( df %>% duckplyr_mutate(a = x + 1, .keep = "none"), tibble(z = 3, a = 2) %>% duckplyr_group_by(z) ) expect_equal( df %>% duckplyr_mutate(a = x + 1, .keep = "all"), tibble(x = 1, y = 2, z = 3, a = 2) %>% duckplyr_group_by(z) ) expect_equal( df %>% duckplyr_mutate(a = x + 1, .keep = "used"), tibble(x = 1, z = 3, a = 2) %>% duckplyr_group_by(z) ) expect_equal( df %>% duckplyr_mutate(a = x + 1, .keep = "unused"), tibble(y = 2, z = 3, a = 2) %>% duckplyr_group_by(z) ) }) test_that("duckplyr_mutate() preserves the call stack on error (#5308)", { foobar <- function() stop("foo") stack <- NULL expect_error( withCallingHandlers( error = function(...) stack <<- sys.calls(), duckplyr_mutate(mtcars, foobar()) ) ) expect_true(some(stack, is_call, "foobar")) }) test_that("dplyr data mask can become obsolete", { lazy <- function(x) { list(enquo(x)) } df <- tibble( x = 1:2 ) res <- df %>% duckplyr_rowwise() %>% duckplyr_mutate(y = lazy(x), .keep = "unused") expect_equal(names(res), c("x", "y")) expect_error(eval_tidy(res$y[[1]])) }) test_that("duckplyr_mutate() deals with 0 groups (#5534)", { df <- data.frame(x = numeric()) %>% duckplyr_group_by(x) expect_equal( duckplyr_mutate(df, y = x + 1), data.frame(x = numeric(), y = numeric()) %>% duckplyr_group_by(x) ) expect_snapshot({ duckplyr_mutate(df, y = max(x)) }) }) test_that("functions are not skipped in data pronoun (#5608)", { f <- function(i) i + 1 df <- tibble(a = list(f), b = 1) two <- df %>% duckplyr_rowwise() %>% duckplyr_mutate(res = .data$a(.data$b)) %>% duckplyr_pull(res) expect_equal(two, 2) }) test_that("duckplyr_mutate() casts data frame results to common type (#5646)", { df <- data.frame(x = 1:2, g = 1:2) %>% duckplyr_group_by(g) res <- df %>% duckplyr_mutate(if (g == 1) data.frame(y = 1) else data.frame(y = 1, z = 2)) expect_equal(res$z, c(NA, 2)) }) test_that("duckplyr_mutate() supports empty list columns in rowwise data frames (#5804", { res <- tibble(a = list()) %>% duckplyr_rowwise() %>% duckplyr_mutate(n = lengths(a)) expect_equal(res$n, integer()) }) test_that("duckplyr_mutate() fails on named empty arguments (#5925)", { expect_error( duckplyr_mutate(tibble(), bogus = ) ) }) # Error messages ---------------------------------------------------------- test_that("duckplyr_mutate() give meaningful errors", { expect_snapshot({ tbl <- tibble(x = 1:2, y = 1:2) # setting column to NULL makes it unavailable (expect_error(tbl %>% duckplyr_mutate(y = NULL, a = sum(y)))) (expect_error(tbl %>% duckplyr_group_by(x) %>% duckplyr_mutate(y = NULL, a = sum(y)) )) # incompatible column type (expect_error(tibble(x = 1) %>% duckplyr_mutate(y = mean))) # Unsupported type" df <- tibble(g = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 2), x = 1:5) (expect_error(df %>% duckplyr_mutate(out = env(a = 1)))) (expect_error(df %>% duckplyr_group_by(g) %>% duckplyr_mutate(out = env(a = 1)) )) (expect_error(df %>% duckplyr_rowwise() %>% duckplyr_mutate(out = rnorm) )) # incompatible types across groups (expect_error( data.frame(x = rep(1:5, each = 3)) %>% duckplyr_group_by(x) %>% duckplyr_mutate(val = ifelse(x < 3, "foo", 2)) )) # mixed nulls (expect_error( tibble(a = 1:3, b=4:6) %>% duckplyr_group_by(a) %>% duckplyr_mutate(if(a==1) NULL else "foo") )) (expect_error( tibble(a = 1:3, b=4:6) %>% duckplyr_group_by(a) %>% duckplyr_mutate(if(a==2) NULL else "foo") )) # incompatible size (expect_error( data.frame(x = c(2, 2, 3, 3)) %>% duckplyr_mutate(int = 1:5) )) (expect_error( data.frame(x = c(2, 2, 3, 3)) %>% duckplyr_group_by(x) %>% duckplyr_mutate(int = 1:5) )) (expect_error( data.frame(x = c(2, 3, 3)) %>% duckplyr_group_by(x) %>% duckplyr_mutate(int = 1:5) )) (expect_error( data.frame(x = c(2, 2, 3, 3)) %>% duckplyr_rowwise() %>% duckplyr_mutate(int = 1:5) )) (expect_error( tibble(y = list(1:3, "a")) %>% duckplyr_rowwise() %>% duckplyr_mutate(y2 = y) )) (expect_error( data.frame(x = 1:10) %>% duckplyr_mutate(y = 11:20, y = 1:2) )) # .data pronoun (expect_error( tibble(a = 1) %>% duckplyr_mutate(c = .data$b) )) (expect_error( tibble(a = 1:3) %>% duckplyr_group_by(a) %>% duckplyr_mutate(c = .data$b) )) # obsolete data mask lazy <- function(x) list(enquo(x)) res <- tbl %>% duckplyr_rowwise() %>% duckplyr_mutate(z = lazy(x), .keep = "unused") (expect_error( eval_tidy(res$z[[1]]) )) # Error that contains { (expect_error( tibble() %>% duckplyr_mutate(stop("{")) )) }) }) test_that("duckplyr_mutate() errors refer to expressions if not named", { expect_snapshot({ (expect_error(duckplyr_mutate(mtcars, 1:3))) (expect_error(duckplyr_mutate(duckplyr_group_by(mtcars, cyl), 1:3))) }) }) test_that("`duckplyr_mutate()` doesn't allow data frames with missing or empty names (#6758)", { df1 <- new_data_frame(set_names(list(1), "")) df2 <- new_data_frame(set_names(list(1), NA_character_)) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { duckplyr_mutate(df1) }) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { duckplyr_mutate(df2) }) })