# Generated by 04-dplyr-tests.R, do not edit by hand # Workaround for lazytest test_that("Dummy", { expect_true(TRUE) }) skip_if(Sys.getenv("DUCKPLYR_SKIP_DPLYR_TESTS") == "TRUE") test_that("matches values in order", { x <- 1:3 expect_equal( case_when( x <= 1 ~ 1, x <= 2 ~ 2, x <= 3 ~ 3 ), c(1, 2, 3) ) }) test_that("unmatched gets missing value", { x <- 1:3 expect_equal( case_when( x <= 1 ~ 1, x <= 2 ~ 2 ), c(1, 2, NA) ) }) test_that("missing values can be replaced (#1999)", { x <- c(1:3, NA) expect_equal( case_when( x <= 1 ~ 1, x <= 2 ~ 2, is.na(x) ~ 0 ), c(1, 2, NA, 0) ) }) test_that("NA conditions (#2927)", { expect_equal( case_when( c(TRUE, FALSE, NA) ~ 1:3, TRUE ~ 4L ), c(1L, 4L, 4L) ) }) test_that("any `TRUE` overrides an `NA`", { x <- c(1, 2, NA, 3) expect <- c("one", "not_one", "missing", "not_one") # `TRUE` overriding before the `NA` expect_identical( case_when( is.na(x) ~ "missing", x == 1 ~ "one", .default = "not_one" ), expect ) # `TRUE` overriding after the `NA` expect_identical( case_when( x == 1 ~ "one", is.na(x) ~ "missing", .default = "not_one" ), expect ) }) test_that("atomic conditions (#2909)", { expect_equal( case_when( TRUE ~ 1:3, FALSE ~ 4:6 ), 1:3 ) expect_equal( case_when( NA ~ 1:3, TRUE ~ 4:6 ), 4:6 ) }) test_that("zero-length conditions and values (#3041)", { expect_equal( case_when( TRUE ~ integer(), FALSE ~ integer() ), integer() ) expect_equal( case_when( logical() ~ 1, logical() ~ 2 ), numeric() ) }) test_that("case_when can be used in anonymous functions (#3422)", { res <- tibble(a = 1:3) %>% duckplyr_mutate(b = (function(x) case_when(x < 2 ~ TRUE, .default = FALSE))(a)) %>% duckplyr_pull() expect_equal(res, c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)) }) test_that("case_when() can be used inside duckplyr_mutate()", { out <- mtcars[1:4, ] %>% duckplyr_mutate(out = case_when( cyl == 4 ~ 1, .data[["am"]] == 1 ~ 2, .default = 0 )) %>% duckplyr_pull() expect_identical(out, c(2, 2, 1, 0)) }) test_that("case_when() accepts logical conditions with attributes (#6678)", { x <- structure(c(FALSE, TRUE), label = "foo") expect_identical(case_when(x ~ 1, .default = 2), c(2, 1)) }) test_that("can pass quosures to case_when()", { fs <- local({ x <- 3:1 quos( x < 2 ~ TRUE, TRUE ~ FALSE ) }) expect_identical(case_when(!!!fs), c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)) }) test_that("can pass nested quosures to case_when()", { fs <- local({ foo <- mtcars$cyl[1:4] quos( !!quo(foo) == 4 ~ 1, TRUE ~ 0 ) }) expect_identical(case_when(!!!fs), c(0, 0, 1, 0)) }) test_that("can pass unevaluated formulas to case_when()", { x <- 6:8 fs <- exprs( x == 7L ~ TRUE, TRUE ~ FALSE ) expect_identical(case_when(!!!fs), c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)) out <- local({ x <- 7:9 case_when(!!!fs) }) expect_identical(out, c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)) }) test_that("unevaluated formulas can refer to data mask", { fs <- exprs( cyl == 4 ~ 1, am == 1 ~ 2, TRUE ~ 0 ) out <- mtcars[1:4, ] %>% duckplyr_mutate(out = case_when(!!!fs)) %>% duckplyr_pull() expect_identical(out, c(2, 2, 1, 0)) }) test_that("unevaluated formulas can contain quosures", { quo <- local({ n <- 4 quo(n) }) fs <- exprs( cyl == !!quo ~ 1, am == 1 ~ 2, TRUE ~ 0 ) out <- mtcars[1:4, ] %>% duckplyr_mutate(out = case_when(!!!fs)) %>% duckplyr_pull() expect_identical(out, c(2, 2, 1, 0)) }) test_that("NULL inputs are compacted", { x <- 1:3 bool <- FALSE out <- case_when( x == 2 ~ TRUE, if (bool) x == 3 ~ NA, .default = FALSE ) expect_identical(out, c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)) bool <- TRUE out <- case_when( x == 2 ~ TRUE, if (bool) x == 3 ~ NA, .default = FALSE ) expect_identical(out, c(FALSE, TRUE, NA)) }) test_that("passes through `.default` correctly", { expect_identical(case_when(FALSE ~ 1, .default = 2), 2) expect_identical(case_when(FALSE ~ 1:5, .default = 2), rep(2, 5)) expect_identical(case_when(FALSE ~ 1:5, .default = 2:6), 2:6) }) test_that("`.default` isn't part of recycling", { # Because eventually we want to only take the output size from the LHS conditions, # so having `.default` participate in the common size is a step in the wrong # direction expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { case_when(FALSE ~ 1L, .default = 2:5) }) }) test_that("`.default` is part of common type computation", { expect_identical(case_when(TRUE ~ 1L, .default = 2), 1) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { case_when(TRUE ~ 1L, .default = "x") }) }) test_that("passes through `.ptype` correctly", { expect_identical(case_when(TRUE ~ 1, .ptype = integer()), 1L) }) test_that("passes through `.size` correctly", { expect_identical(case_when(TRUE ~ 1, .size = 2), c(1, 1)) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { case_when(TRUE ~ 1:2, .size = 3) }) }) # Errors ------------------------------------------------------------------ test_that("invalid type errors are correct (#6261) (#6206)", { expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { case_when(TRUE ~ 1, TRUE ~ "x") }) }) test_that("`NULL` formula element throws meaningful error", { expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { case_when(1 ~ NULL) }) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { case_when(NULL ~ 1) }) }) test_that("throws chained errors when formula evaluation fails", { expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { case_when(1 ~ 2, 3 ~ stop("oh no!")) }) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { case_when(1 ~ 2, stop("oh no!") ~ 4) }) }) test_that("case_when() give meaningful errors", { expect_snapshot({ (expect_error( case_when( c(TRUE, FALSE) ~ 1:3, c(FALSE, TRUE) ~ 1:2 ) )) (expect_error( case_when( c(TRUE, FALSE) ~ 1, c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE) ~ 2, c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, NA) ~ 3 ) )) (expect_error( case_when(50 ~ 1:3) )) (expect_error( case_when(paste(50)) )) (expect_error( case_when(y ~ x, paste(50)) )) (expect_error( case_when() )) (expect_error( case_when(NULL) )) (expect_error( case_when(~1:2) )) }) })