data(uciCT) options(deparse.max.lines = 2L) suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) options(dtwclust_sdtw_cent_return_attrs = FALSE, dtwclust_suggest_bigmemory = FALSE) # environment to save objects for regression tests persistent <- new.env() # data data <- CharTraj data_subset <- data[1L:20L] data_reinterpolated <- reinterpolate(CharTraj, new.length = max(lengths(CharTraj))) data_reinterpolated_subset <- data_reinterpolated[1L:20L] data_multivariate <- CharTrajMV[1L:20L] data_matrix <-, data_reinterpolated) # labels labels <- CharTrajLabels labels_subset <- labels[1L:20L] labels_shuffled <- sample(labels) # family (environments) and proctime will vary from run to run, that's unavoidable reset_nondeterministic <- function(obj, = TRUE) { if (inherits(obj, "TSClusters") && methods::validObject(obj)) { obj@family <- new("tsclustFamily") obj@proctime[1L:5L] <- 0 if (inherits(obj@control$distmat, "Distmat")) obj@control$distmat <- obj@distmat if ( obj@datalist <- list() } obj } # return file name for rds files file_name <- function(object, x32 = FALSE) { if (x32 && .Machine$sizeof.pointer == 4L) paste0("rds/x32/", as.character(substitute(object)), ".rds") else paste0("rds/", as.character(substitute(object)), ".rds") } # expect_equal for specific slots expect_equal_slots <- function(current, target, slots = c("cluster", "centroids", "cldist"), ...) { for (object_slot in slots) { expect_equal(slot(current, object_slot), slot(target, object_slot), ..., info = paste("slot =", object_slot)) } } expect_known_rds <- function(object, path, ..., info = NULL, update = TRUE) { file <- if (missing(path)) paste0("rds/", rlang::enexpr(object)) else path if (!file.exists(file)) { warning("Creating reference value", call. = FALSE) saveRDS(object, file, version = 2) succeed() } else { ref_val <- readRDS(file) comp <- compare(object, ref_val, ...) if (update && !comp$equal) { saveRDS(object, file, version = version) } expect(comp$equal, sprintf("%s has changed from known value recorded in %s.\n%s", file, encodeString(file, quote = "'"), comp$message), info = info) } invisible(object) }