require("dse") DSEversion() fuzz.small <- 1e-14 fuzz.large <- 1e-10 digits <- 18 all.ok <- TRUE cat("dse test 7a...\n") d <-20 true.roots <- c(-1/seq(d),1/seq(d),-seq(d),seq(d)) A <- array(0, c(2,length(true.roots),length(true.roots))) A[1,,] <- diag(1,length(true.roots)) A[2,,] <- diag(-true.roots, length(true.roots)) # the following relies on roots using by.poly=FALSE # Splus needed options(expressions=1024) tst <- sort(roots( ARMA(A=A, B=diag(1,length(true.roots)) ),by.poly=FALSE)) good <- sort(true.roots) error <- max(Mod(good - tst)) cat("max. error ", max(error)) if (any( || any(is.nan(error)) || fuzz.small < error ) {printTestValue(c(tst), digits=18) all.ok <- FALSE } # complex roots test cat("dse test 7b...\n") i <- pi*(1:10)/10.1 # this is half circle, but conjs also get generated # div by 10.1 instead of 10 prevents a real root with = conj true.roots <- complex(real=cos(i), imaginary=sin(i)) # on unit circle # scale simplifies sorting true.roots <- c(true.roots*(1+.2*1:10), true.roots*(1:10)/10) A <- array(0, c(3,length(true.roots),length(true.roots))) A[1,,] <- diag(1,length(true.roots)) A[2,,] <- diag(-2*Re(true.roots), length(true.roots)) A[3,,] <- diag(Re(true.roots*Conj(true.roots)), length(true.roots)) est.roots <- roots( ARMA(A=A, B=diag(1,length(true.roots)) )) ec <- 0<=Im(est.roots) z <- est.roots[ ec][order(Mod(est.roots[ ec]))] zz <- true.roots[order(Mod(true.roots))] error <- max(Mod(z - zz)) cat("max. error ", max(error)) if (any( || any(is.nan(error)) || fuzz.small < error ) {printTestValue(c(z), digits=18) printTestValue(c(zz), digits=18) all.ok <- FALSE } cat("dse test 7c...\n") z <- est.roots[!ec][order(Mod(est.roots[!ec]))] zz <- Conj(true.roots)[order(Mod(true.roots))] error <- max(Mod(z - zz)) cat("max. error ", max(error)) if (any( || any(is.nan(error)) || fuzz.small < error ) {printTestValue(c(z), digits=18) printTestValue(c(zz), digits=18) all.ok <- FALSE } if (! all.ok) stop("some tests FAILED")