require(DSI) require(DSLite) require(dplyr) require(dsBase) require(dsBaseClient) data("mtcars") mtcars_group <- mtcars %>% group_by(cyl) login_data <- .prepare_dslite("filterDS", NULL, list(mtcars = mtcars, mtcars_group = mtcars_group)) conns <- datashield.login(logins = login_data) datashield.assign.table(conns, "mtcars", "mtcars") options( datashield.privacyControlLevel = "banana", = 3, nfilter.subset = 3, nfilter.glm = 0.33, nfilter.string = 80, nfilter.stringShort = 20, nfilter.kNN = 3, nfilter.levels.density = 0.33, nfilter.levels.max = 40, nfilter.noise = 0.25, nfilter.privacy.old = 5 ) disc_settings <- listDisclosureSettingsDS() test_that(".make_tidyverse_call creates call with no additional arguments", { input_string <- "asd, qwe, starts_with('test')" expected_string <- rlang::parse_expr('test |> dplyr::select(asd, qwe, starts_with("test"))') observed_string <- .make_tidyverse_call(.data = "test", fun = "select", tidy_expr = input_string) expect_equal(expected_string, observed_string) }) extra_args <- c(".keep = \"all\", .before = NULL, .after = \"disp\"") input_string <- "asd, qwe, starts_with('test')" test_that(".make_tidyverse_call creates call with additional arguments", { expected_string <- rlang::parse_expr('test |> dplyr::select(asd, qwe, starts_with("test"), .keep = "all", .before = NULL, .after = "disp")') observed_string <- .make_tidyverse_call(.data = "test", fun = "select", tidy_expr = input_string, other_args = extra_args) expect_equal(expected_string, observed_string) }) test_that(".make_tidyverse_call creates call when inc_data = F", { expected_string <- rlang::parse_expr('dplyr::select(asd, qwe, starts_with("test"), .keep = "all", .before = NULL, .after = "disp")') observed_string <- .make_tidyverse_call(.data = "test", fun = "select", tidy_expr = input_string, other_args = extra_args, inc_data = F) expect_equal(expected_string, observed_string) }) test_that(".make_tidyverse_call creates call when inc_data = F", { expected_string <- rlang::parse_expr('dplyr::select(asd, qwe, starts_with("test"), .keep = "all", .before = NULL, .after = "disp")') observed_string <- .make_tidyverse_call(.data = "test", fun = "select", tidy_expr = input_string, other_args = extra_args, inc_data = F) expect_equal(expected_string, observed_string) }) test_that(".make_tidyverse_call creates call when inc_data = F", { expected_string <- rlang::parse_expr('dplyr::select(asd, qwe, starts_with("test"), .keep = "all", .before = NULL, .after = "disp")') observed_string <- .make_tidyverse_call(.data = "test", fun = "select", tidy_expr = input_string, other_args = extra_args, inc_data = F) expect_equal(expected_string, observed_string) }) mtcars_good_arg <- "mpg, cyl, starts_with('g'), ends_with('b')" mtcars_good_str <- .make_tidyverse_call(.data = "mtcars", fun = "select", tidy_expr = mtcars_good_arg) test_that(".execute_with_error_handling works where data and object exists", { observed <- .execute_with_error_handling("select", mtcars_good_str) expect_equal(colnames(observed), c("mpg", "cyl", "gear", "carb")) }) mtcars_wrong_data_str <- .make_tidyverse_call(.data = "data_not_here", fun = "select", tidy_expr = mtcars_good_arg) test_that(".execute_with_error_handling fails with correct message if object doesn't exist", { expect_error( .execute_with_error_handling("select", mtcars_wrong_data_str), "`selectDS`\\s+returned\\s+the\\s+following\\s+error:|object\\s+'mtcars_wrong_data_expr'\\s+not\\s+found" ) }) mtcars_missing_col_arg <- "all_of('test_col'), mpg, cyl, starts_with('g'), ends_with('b')" mtcars_missing_col_str <- .make_tidyverse_call(.data = "mtcars", fun = "select", tidy_expr = mtcars_missing_col_arg) test_that(".execute_with_error_handling fails with correct message if column doesn't exist", { expect_error( .execute_with_error_handling("select", mtcars_missing_col_str), "`selectDS`\\s+returned\\s+the\\s+following\\s+error:|object\\s+'mtcars_missing_col_expr'\\s+not\\s+found" ) }) mtcars_random_arg <- "filter('mpg'), mpg, cyl, starts_with('g'), ends_with('b')" mtcars_random_str <- .make_tidyverse_call(.data = "mtcars", fun = "select", tidy_expr = mtcars_random_arg) test_that(".execute_with_error_handling fails with correct message when unrecognised function passed", { expect_error( .execute_with_error_handling("select", mtcars_random_str), "`selectDS`\\s+returned\\s+the\\s+following\\s+error:|object\\s+'mtcars_random_expr'\\s+not\\s+found" ) }) mtcars_good_arg <- "mpg, cyl, starts_with('g'), ends_with('b')" mtcars_good_expr <- .make_tidyverse_call(.data = "mtcars", fun = "select", tidy_expr = mtcars_good_arg) # mtcars_good_expr <- rlang::parse_expr(mtcars_good_str) test_that(".tidy_eval_handle_errors works where data and object exists", { observed <- .execute_with_error_handling("select", mtcars_good_expr) expect_equal(colnames(observed), c("mpg", "cyl", "gear", "carb")) }) mtcars_good_arg <- "mpg, cyl, starts_with('g'), ends_with('b')" mtcars_wrong_data_expr <- .make_tidyverse_call(.data = "data_not_here", fun = "select", tidy_expr = mtcars_good_arg) test_that(".tidy_eval_handle_errors fails with correct message if object doesn't exist", { expect_error( .execute_with_error_handling("select", mtcars_wrong_data_expr), "`selectDS`\\s+returned\\s+the\\s+following\\s+error:|object\\s+'mtcars_wrong_data_expr'\\s+not\\s+found" ) }) mtcars_missing_col_arg <- "all_of('test_col'), mpg, cyl, starts_with('g'), ends_with('b')" mtcars_missing_col_expr <- .make_tidyverse_call(.data = "mtcars", fun = "select", tidy_expr = mtcars_missing_col_arg) test_that(".tidy_eval_handle_errors fails with correct message if column doesn't exist", { expect_error( .execute_with_error_handling("select", mtcars_missing_col_expr), "`selectDS`\\s+returned\\s+the\\s+following\\s+error:|object\\s+'mtcars_missing_col_expr'\\s+not\\s+found" ) }) mtcars_random_arg <- "filter('mpg'), mpg, cyl, starts_with('g'), ends_with('b')" mtcars_random_expr <- .make_tidyverse_call(.data = "mtcars", fun = "select", tidy_expr = mtcars_random_arg) test_that(".tidy_eval_handle_errors fails with correct message when unrecognised function passed", { expect_error( .execute_with_error_handling("select", mtcars_random_expr), "`selectDS`\\s+returned\\s+the\\s+following\\s+error:|object\\s+'mtcars_random_expr'\\s+not\\s+found" ) }) test_that(".get_encode_dictionary returns the expected encoding key", { expected_encode_list <- list( input = c("(", ")", "\"", ",", " ", ":", "!", "&", "|", "'", "[", "]", "=", "+", "-", "*", "/", "^", ">", "<", "~", "\n"), output = c( "$LB$", "$RB$", "$QUOTE$", "$COMMA$", "$SPACE$", "$COLON$", "$EXCL$", "$AND$", "$OR$", "$APO$", "$LSQ$", "$RSQ", "$EQU$", "$ADD$", "$SUB$", "$MULT$", "$DIVIDE$", "$POWER$", "$GT$", "$LT$", "$TILDE$", "$LINE$" ) ) actual_encode_list <- .get_encode_dictionary() expect_equal(actual_encode_list, expected_encode_list) }) test_that(".get_encode_dictionary returns the expected encoding key", { expected_encode_list <- list( input = c("list", "(", ")", "\"", ",", " ", "c", ":", "!", "&", "|", "=="), output = c("$LIST$", "$LB$", "$RB$", "$QUOTE$", "$COMMA$", "$SPACE$", "$C$", "$COLON$", "$EXCL$", "$AND$", "$OR$", "$EQUALS$") ) actual_encode_list <- .get_encode_dictionary() expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(expected_encode_list, actual_encode_list))) }) expected_string <- "asd, qwe, starts_with('test')" test_that(".decode_tidy_eval correctly decodes an encoded string passed via the R parser", { encoded_string <- "asd$COMMA$$SPACE$qwe$COMMA$$SPACE$starts_with$LB$'test'$RB$" decoded_string <- .decode_tidy_eval(encoded_string, .get_encode_dictionary()) expect_equal(decoded_string, expected_string) }) test_that(".execute_with_error_handling passes if additional arguments are included", { mutate_extra_args <- .make_tidyverse_call("mtcars", "mutate", "new_name_1 = mpg, new_name_2 = drat", ".keep = 'all', .before = NULL, .after = \"disp\"") observed <- .execute_with_error_handling("mutate", mutate_extra_args) expect_equal(colnames(observed), c("mpg", "cyl", "disp", "new_name_1", "new_name_2", "hp", "drat", "wt", "qsec", "vs", "am", "gear", "carb")) }) test_that(".execute_with_error_handling passes if all additional arguments are NULL", { mutate_null_args <- .make_tidyverse_call("mtcars", "mutate", "new_name_1 = mpg, new_name_2 = drat", ".keep = 'all', .before = NULL, .after = NULL") observed <- .execute_with_error_handling("mutate", mutate_null_args) expect_equal(colnames(observed), c("mpg", "cyl", "disp", "hp", "drat", "wt", "qsec", "vs", "am", "gear", "carb", "new_name_1", "new_name_2")) }) test_that(".paste_character_args creates correct string", { true <- "high" false <- "low" missing <- NULL ptype <- NULL size <- NULL expected <- "true = \"high\", false = \"low\", missing = NULL, ptype = NULL, size = NULL" expect_equal( .paste_character_args(true, false, missing, ptype, size), expected ) }) test_that(".get_nfilter_subset_value retrieves value correctly", { expect_equal( .get_nfilter_subset_value(), 3 ) }) test_that(".get_dimensions correctly returns dimensions", { original <- tibble(a = 1:3, b = 4:6) out <- tibble(a = 1:2, b = 1:2) returned <- .get_dimensions(original, out) expect_equal( class(returned), "list" ) expect_equal( returned, list(original = 3, subset = 2) ) }) test_that(".check_subset_size returns an error if subset is too small", { expect_error( .check_subset_size(subset_rows = 3, nfilter.subset = 10), ".*Subset to be created is too small \\(< nfilter\\.subset\\).*" ) }) test_that(".check_subset_size doesn't return an error if subset is large enough", { expect_silent( .check_subset_size(subset_rows = 20, nfilter.subset = 2) ) }) test_that(".check_rows_compared_with_original returns an error correctly", { expect_error( .check_rows_compared_with_original(10, 9, 3), "The difference in row length between the original dataframe and the new dataframe" ) }) test_that(".check_rows_compared_with_original doesn't return an error if different in dimensions is large enough", { expect_silent( .check_rows_compared_with_original(100, 80, 3) ) }) test_that(".check_subset_disclosure_risk returns an error correctly", { original <- tibble(a = 1:3, b = 4:6) out <- tibble(a = 1:2, b = 1:2) expect_error( .check_subset_disclosure_risk(original, out), ".*Subset to be created is too small \\(< nfilter\\.subset\\).*" ) original <- tibble(a = 1:10, b = 1:10) out <- tibble(a = 1:9, b = 1:9) expect_error( .check_subset_disclosure_risk(original, out), "The difference in row length between the original dataframe and the new dataframe" ) }) test_that(".check_subset_disclosure_risk doesn't return errors if subset sizes are ok", { original <- tibble(a = 1:10, b = 1:10) out <- tibble(a = 1:4, b = 1:4) expect_silent( .check_subset_disclosure_risk(original, out) ) original <- tibble(a = 1:10, b = 1:10) out <- tibble(a = 1:5, b = 1:5) expect_silent( .check_subset_disclosure_risk(original, out) ) }) test_that(".check_data_name_length throws an error if length of .data exceeds nfilter.string", { .data <- paste(rep("a", 101), collapse = "") expect_snapshot(.check_data_name_length(.data, disc_settings), error = TRUE) }) test_that(".check_data_name_length does not throw an error if length of .data is within nfilter.string", { .data <- paste(rep("a", 79), collapse = "") expect_silent(.check_data_name_length(.data, disc_settings)) }) arg_permitted <- "asd, sdf, dfg, everything(), starts_with(\"A\"), ends_with(\"Z\")" arg_unpermitted <- "asd, sdf, dfg, everything(), filter(test == 2), slice(3), mutate(new_name = old_name), starts_with(\"A\"), ends_with(\"Z\")" small_var <- paste(rep("a", 5), collapse = "") large_var <- paste(rep("a", 200), collapse = "") test_that(".check_function_names allows permitted names to pass", { expect_silent(.check_function_names(arg_permitted)) }) test_that(".check_function_names blocks unpermitted function names", { arg_unpermitted expect_snapshot( .check_function_names(arg_unpermitted), error = TRUE ) }) test_that(".check_variable_length allows variables with value less than nfilter.string", { expect_silent( .check_variable_length(small_var, disc_settings) ) }) test_that(".check_variable_length blocks variables with value greater than than nfilter.string", { expect_snapshot( .check_variable_length(large_var, disc_settings), error = TRUE ) }) test_that(".tidy_disclosure_checks allows permitted arg to pass", { expect_silent(.check_tidy_disclosure("dataframe", arg_permitted)) }) test_that(".tidy_disclosure_checks blocks argument with unpermitted variable length", { arg_unpermitted_2 <- paste0(large_var, arg_permitted) expect_snapshot( .check_tidy_disclosure("dataframe", arg_unpermitted_2), error = TRUE ) }) test_that(".tidy_disclosure_checks blocks argument with multiple unpermitted function names", { arg_unpermitted_3 <- arg_unpermitted expect_snapshot( .check_tidy_disclosure("dataset", arg_unpermitted_3), error = TRUE ) }) test_that(".tidy_disclosure_checks blocks argument with single unpermitted function name", { arg_unpermitted_4 <- "asd, sdf, dfg, everything(), slice(3), mutate(new_name = old_name), starts_with(\"A\"), ends_with(\"Z\")" expect_snapshot( .check_tidy_disclosure("dataset", arg_unpermitted_4), error = TRUE ) }) test_that("checkPermissivePrivacyControlLevel blocks certain functions when not in permissive mode", { cally <- call("filterDS", "carb$SPACE$$EQU$$EQU$$SPACE$4", "mtcars", NULL, FALSE) options(datashield.privacyControlLevel = "banana") expect_silent( datashield.assign(conns, "test", cally) ) options(datashield.privacyControlLevel = "non-permissive") expect_error( datashield.assign(conns, "test", cally) ) options(datashield.privacyControlLevel = "NULL") expect_error( datashield.assign(conns, "test", cally) ) expect_error( testthat::with_mocked_bindings( datashield.assign(conns, "test", cally), listDisclosureSettingsDS = function() NULL ) ) expect_error( testthat::with_mocked_bindings( datashield.assign(conns, "test", cally), listDisclosureSettingsDS = function() list(datashield.privacyControlLevel = "NULL") ) ) })