require(DSLite) require(DSI) require(dplyr) require(dsTidyverse) require(dsBaseClient) data("mtcars") login_data <- .prepare_dslite() conns <- datashield.login(logins = login_data) test_that(".get_datasources returns datasources found by datashield.connections_find() when datasources is NULL", { expect_equal( with_mocked_bindings( .get_datasources(datasources = NULL), "datashield.connections_find" = function() conns ), conns ) }) test_that(".get_datasources returns provided datasources when datasources is not NULL", { expect_equal( .get_datasources(datasources = conns), conns ) }) test_that(".verify_datasources throws an error if datasources contain non-DSConnection objects", { datasources <- c(conns, "not a DSConnection") expect_error(.verify_datasources(datasources), "The 'datasources' were expected to be a list of DSConnection-class objects") }) test_that(".verify_datasources does not throw an error if all datasources are DSConnection objects", { datasources <- conns expect_silent(.verify_datasources(datasources)) }) test_that(".set_datasources returns datasources found by datashield.connections_find() when datasources is NULL", { expect_equal( with_mocked_bindings( .set_datasources(datasources = NULL), "datashield.connections_find" = function() conns ), conns ) }) test_that(".set_datasources returns provided datasources when datasources is not NULL", { expect_equal( .set_datasources(datasources = conns), conns ) }) test_that(".set_datasources throws an error if datasources contain non-DSConnection objects", { datasources <- c(conns, "not a DSConnection") expect_error(.set_datasources(datasources), "The 'datasources' were expected to be a list of DSConnection-class objects") }) test_that(".set_datasources does not throw an error if all datasources are DSConnection objects", { datasources <- conns expect_silent(.set_datasources(datasources)) }) test_that(".set_new_obj returns new object name when provided", { newobj <- "my_new_object" result <- .set_new_obj(.data = "my_data", newobj = newobj) expect_equal(result, newobj) }) test_that(".set_new_obj defaults to .data if no new object name is provided", { result <- .set_new_obj(.data = "my_data", newobj = NULL) expect_equal(result, "my_data") }) test_that(".get_encode_dictionary returns the expected encoding key", { expected_encode_list <- list( input = c("(", ")", "\"", ",", " ", "!", "&", "|", "'", "=", "+", "-", "*", "/", "^", ">", "<", "~", "\n"), output = c( "$LB$", "$RB$", "$QUOTE$", "$COMMA$", "$SPACE$", "$EXCL$", "$AND$", "$OR$", "$APO$", "$EQU$", "$ADD$", "$SUB$", "$MULT$", "$DIVIDE$", "$POWER$", "$GT$", "$LT$", "$TILDE$", "$LINE$" ) ) actual_encode_list <- .get_encode_dictionary() expect_equal(actual_encode_list, expected_encode_list) }) test_that(".get_encode_dictionary returns the expected encoding key", { expected_encode_list <- list( input = c("list", "(", ")", "\"", ",", " ", "c", ":", "!", "&", "|", "=="), output = c("$LIST$", "$LB$", "$RB$", "$QUOTE$", "$COMMA$", "$SPACE$", "$C$", "$COLON$", "$EXCL$", "$AND$", "$OR$", "$EQUALS$") ) actual_encode_list <- .get_encode_dictionary() expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(expected_encode_list, actual_encode_list))) }) test_that(".remove_list removes 'list(' portion from a string", { input_string <- "list(a, b, c)" output_string <- .remove_list(input_string) expect_equal(output_string, "a, b, c") }) test_that(".remove_list handles input without 'list(' correctly", { input_string <- "c(a, b, c)" output_string <- .remove_list(input_string) expect_equal(output_string, "c(a, b, c") }) test_that(".format_args_as_string correctly formats including 'list'", { expr <- rlang::expr( list(LAB_TSC, starts_with("LAB"), ends_with("ED")) ) expected <- "LAB_TSC, starts_with(\"LAB\"), ends_with(\"ED\")" result <- .format_args_as_string(expr) expect_equal(result, expected) }) test_that(".format_args_as_string correctly formats excluding 'list'", { expr <- rlang::expr( c(LAB_TSC, starts_with("LAB"), ends_with("ED")) ) expected <- "c(LAB_TSC, starts_with(\"LAB\"), ends_with(\"ED\")" result <- .format_args_as_string(expr) expect_equal(result, expected) }) test_that(".encode_tidy_eval correctly encodes strings with permitted values", { encode_key <- .get_encode_dictionary() input_string <- "asd, qwe, starts_with('test')" expected_output <- "asd$COMMA$$SPACE$qwe$COMMA$$SPACE$starts_with$LB$$APO$test$APO$$RB$" result <- .encode_tidy_eval(input_string, encode_key) expect_equal(result, expected_output) }) test_that(".encode_tidy_eval correctly encodes strings with unpermitted values", { encode_key <- .get_encode_dictionary() input_string <- "asd, qwe, wer == rew &}{}%" expected_output <- "asd$COMMA$$SPACE$qwe$COMMA$$SPACE$wer$SPACE$$EQU$$EQU$$SPACE$rew$SPACE$$AND$}{}%" result <- .encode_tidy_eval(input_string, encode_key) expect_equal(result, expected_output) }) test_that(".build_cally build correct call object", { input_string <- "LAB_TSC, starts_with(\"LAB\"), ends_with(\"ED\")" expected <- call("mutateDS", "LAB_TSC, starts_with(\"LAB\"), ends_with(\"ED\")", "mydata") returned <- .build_cally("mutateDS", list(input_string, "mydata")) expect_equal(expected, returned) expected <- call( "mutateDS", "LAB_TSC, starts_with(\"LAB\"), ends_with(\"ED\")", "mydata", "extra_arg_1", "extra_arg_2" ) returned <- .build_cally("mutateDS", list(input_string, "mydata", "extra_arg_1", "extra_arg_2")) expect_equal(expected, returned) }) test_that(".make_serverside_call encodes and builds call object", { input_string <- "c(LAB_TSC, starts_with(\"LAB\"), ends_with(\"ED\")" tidy_select <- .format_args_as_string(rlang::enquo(input_string)) returned <- .make_serverside_call("mutateDS", tidy_select, list("mydata")) expected <- call("mutateDS", "$QUOTE$c$LB$LAB_TSC$COMMA$$SPACE$starts_with$LB$\\$QUOTE$LAB\\$QUOTE$$RB$$COMMA$$SPACE$ends_with$LB$\\$QUOTE$ED\\$QUOTE$$RB$", "mydata") expect_equal(expected, returned) returned <- .make_serverside_call("mutateDS", tidy_select, list("mydata", "extra_arg_1", "extra_arg_2")) expected <- call( "mutateDS", "$QUOTE$c$LB$LAB_TSC$COMMA$$SPACE$starts_with$LB$\\$QUOTE$LAB\\$QUOTE$$RB$$COMMA$$SPACE$ends_with$LB$\\$QUOTE$ED\\$QUOTE$$RB$", "mydata", "extra_arg_1", "extra_arg_2" ) expect_equal(expected, returned) }) test_that(".check_tidy_args returns correct errors", { expect_error( .check_tidy_args( = NULL, newobj = "test", check_df = TRUE, check_obj = TRUE), " is not a character vector" ) expect_error( .check_tidy_args( = "test", newobj = NULL, check_df = TRUE, check_obj = TRUE), "newobj is not a character vector" ) expect_silent( .check_tidy_args( = "test", newobj = "test", check_df = TRUE, check_obj = TRUE) ) })