require(DSLite) require(DSI) require(dplyr) require(dsTidyverse) require(dsBaseClient) login_data <- .prepare_dslite(assign_method = "arrangeDS", tables = list(mtcars = mtcars)) conns <- datashield.login(logins = login_data) datashield.assign.table(conns, "mtcars", "mtcars") test_that("ds.arrange doesn't return error with correct arguments", { skip_if_not_installed("dsBaseClient") ds.arrange( = "mtcars", tidy_expr = list(cyl), newobj = "ordered_df", datasources = conns ) expect_equal( ds.class("ordered_df", datasources = conns)[[1]], "data.frame" ) }) test_that("ds.arrange doesn't return error with .by_group argument", { skip_if_not_installed("dsBaseClient") ds.arrange( = "mtcars", tidy_expr = list(cyl), .by_group = TRUE, newobj = "ordered_df", datasources = conns ) expect_equal( ds.class("ordered_df", datasources = conns)[[1]], "data.frame" ) }) test_that("ds.arrange returns error if data doesn't exist", { skip_if_not_installed("dsBaseClient") expect_error( ds.arrange( = "doesnt_exist", tidy_expr = list(cyl), newobj = "ordered_df", datasources = conns ) ) }) test_that("ds.arrange works with desc() specification", { skip_if_not_installed("dsBaseClient") ds.arrange( = "mtcars", tidy_expr = list(desc(cyl)), newobj = "desc_df", datasources = conns ) expect_equal( ds.class("desc_df", datasources = conns)[[1]], "data.frame" ) })