df <- tibble(x = 0L, y = 0.5, z = 1) test_that("can select/rename all variables", { expect_identical(select_all(df), df) expect_identical(select_all(df, toupper), set_names(df, c("X", "Y", "Z"))) expect_identical(select_all(df, toupper), rename_all(df, toupper)) }) test_that("can select/rename with predicate", { expect_identical(select_if(df, is_integerish), select(df, x, z)) expect_identical(select_if(df, is_integerish, toupper), set_names(df[c("x", "z")], c("X", "Z"))) expect_identical(rename_if(df, is_integerish, toupper), set_names(df, c("X", "y", "Z"))) }) test_that("can take list, but only containing single function", { expect_identical( select_if(df, list(~ is_integerish(.)), list(~ toupper(.))), set_names(df[c("x", "z")], c("X", "Z")) ) expect_identical( rename_if(df, list(~ is_integerish(.)), list(~ toupper(.))), set_names(df, c("X", "y", "Z")) ) }) test_that("can select/rename with vars()", { expect_identical(select_at(df, vars(x:y)), df[-3]) expect_identical(select_at(df, vars(x:y), toupper), set_names(df[-3], c("X", "Y"))) expect_identical(rename_at(df, vars(x:y), toupper), set_names(df, c("X", "Y", "z"))) }) test_that("select variants can use grouping variables (#3351, #3480)", { tbl <- tibble(gr1 = rep(1:2, 4), gr2 = rep(1:2, each = 4), x = 1:8) %>% group_by(gr1) expect_identical( select(tbl, gr1), select_at(tbl, vars(gr1)) ) expect_identical( select_all(tbl), tbl ) expect_identical( select_if(tbl, is.integer), tbl ) }) test_that("select_if keeps grouping cols", { by_species <- iris %>% group_by(Species) expect_silent(df <- by_species %>% select_if(is.numeric)) expect_equal(df, by_species[c(5, 1:4)]) }) test_that("select_if() handles non-syntactic colnames", { df <- tibble(`x 1` = 1:3) expect_identical(select_if(df, is_integer)[[1]], 1:3) }) test_that("select_if() handles quoted predicates", { expected <- select_if(mtcars, is_integerish) expect_identical(select_if(mtcars, "is_integerish"), expected) expect_identical(select_if(mtcars, ~ is_integerish(.x)), expected) }) test_that("rename_all() works with grouped data (#3363)", { df <- data.frame(a = 1, b = 2) out <- df %>% group_by(a) %>% rename_all(toupper) expect_identical(out, group_by(data.frame(A = 1, B = 2), A)) }) test_that("scoping (#3426)", { interface <- function(.tbl, .funs = list()) { impl(.tbl, .funs = .funs) } impl <- function(.tbl, ...) { select_all(.tbl, ...) } expect_identical( interface(mtcars, .funs = toupper), select_all(mtcars, .funs = list(toupper)) ) }) test_that("rename variants can rename a grouping variable (#3351)", { tbl <- tibble(gr1 = rep(1:2, 4), gr2 = rep(1:2, each = 4), x = 1:8) %>% group_by(gr1) res <- rename(tbl, GR1 = gr1, GR2 = gr2, X = x) expect_identical( rename_at(tbl, vars(everything()), toupper), res ) expect_identical( rename_all(tbl, toupper), res ) expect_identical( rename_if(tbl, is.integer, toupper), res ) }) test_that("select_all does not change the order of columns (#3351)", { tbl <- group_by(tibble(x = 1:4, y = 4:1), y) expect_identical(select_all(tbl), tbl) tbl <- group_by(tibble(x = 1:4, y = 4:1), x) expect_identical(select_all(tbl), tbl) tbl <- group_by(tibble(x = 1:4, y = 4:1, z = 1:4), y) expect_identical(select_all(tbl), tbl) }) test_that("mutate_all does not change the order of columns (#3351)", { tbl <- group_by(tibble(x = 1:4, y = 1:4), y) expect_message(expect_identical(names(mutate_all(tbl, identity)), names(tbl)), "ignored") tbl <- group_by(tibble(x = 1:4, y = 1:4), x) expect_message(expect_identical(names(mutate_all(tbl, identity)), names(tbl)), "ignored") tbl <- group_by(tibble(x = 1:4, y = 1:4, z = 1:4), y) expect_message(expect_identical(names(mutate_all(tbl, identity)), names(tbl)), "ignored") }) test_that("select_if() and rename_if() handles logical (#4213)", { ids <- "Sepal.Length" expect_identical( iris %>% select_if(!names(.) %in% ids), iris %>% select(-Sepal.Length) ) expect_identical( iris %>% rename_if(!names(.) %in% ids, toupper), iris %>% rename_at(setdiff(names(.), "Sepal.Length"), toupper) ) }) test_that("rename_at() handles empty selection (#4324)", { expect_identical( mtcars %>% rename_at(vars(contains("fake_col")),~paste0("NewCol.",.)), mtcars ) }) test_that("rename_all/at() call the function with simple character vector (#4459)", { fun <- function(x) case_when(x == 'mpg' ~ 'fuel_efficiency', .default = x) out <- rename_all(mtcars,fun) expect_equal(names(out)[1L], 'fuel_efficiency') out <- rename_at(mtcars, vars(everything()), fun) expect_equal(names(out)[1L], 'fuel_efficiency') }) test_that("select_if() discards the column when predicate gives NA (#4486)", { out <- tibble(mycol=c("","",NA)) %>% select_if(~!all(.=="")) expect_identical( out, tibble::new_tibble(list(), nrow = 3L) ) }) # Errors ------------------------------------------------------------------ test_that("colwise select() / rename() give meaningful errors", { expect_snapshot({ df <- tibble(x = 0L, y = 0.5, z = 1) # colwise rename() (expect_error( df %>% rename_all() )) (expect_error( df %>% rename_if(is_integerish) )) (expect_error( df %>% rename_at(vars(x:y)) )) (expect_error( df %>% rename_all(list(tolower, toupper)) )) # colwise select() (expect_error( df %>% select_all(list(tolower, toupper)) )) (expect_error( df %>% select_if(function(.x) 1) )) (expect_error( df %>% select_if(function(.x) c(TRUE, TRUE)) )) (expect_error( data.frame() %>% select_all(.funs = 42) )) }) })