# selection works with grouped data frames (#2624) Code out <- mutate_if(gdf, is.factor, as.character) Message `mutate_if()` ignored the following grouping variables: * Column `Species` # colwise verbs deprecate quosures (#4330) Code (expect_warning(mutate_at(mtcars, vars(mpg), quo(mean(.))))) Output Warning: The `...` argument of `mutate_at()` can't contain quosures as of dplyr 0.8.3. i Please use a one-sided formula, a function, or a function name. Code (expect_warning(summarise_at(mtcars, vars(mpg), quo(mean(.))))) Output Warning: The `...` argument of `summarise_at()` can't contain quosures as of dplyr 0.8.3. i Please use a one-sided formula, a function, or a function name. # colwise mutate gives meaningful error messages Code (expect_error(mutate_at(tibble(), "test", ~1))) Output Error in `tbl_at_vars()`: ! Can't subset columns that don't exist. x Column `test` doesn't exist. Code tbl <- tibble(gr1 = rep(1:2, 4), gr2 = rep(1:2, each = 4), x = 1:8) tbl <- group_by(tbl, gr1) (expect_error(summarise_at(tbl, vars(gr1), mean))) Output Error in `tbl_at_vars()`: ! Can't subset columns that don't exist. x Column `gr1` doesn't exist. Code (expect_error(mutate_all(mtcars, length, 0, 0))) Output Error in `mutate()`: i In argument: `mpg = .Primitive("length")(mpg, 0, 0)`. Caused by error: ! 3 arguments passed to 'length' which requires 1 Code (expect_error(mutate_all(mtcars, mean, na.rm = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE))) Output Error in `mutate()`: i In argument: `mpg = (function (x, ...) ...`. Caused by error in `mean.default()`: ! formal argument "na.rm" matched by multiple actual arguments