context("test-dominance-analysis-on-empty-set") test_that("Model without predictors", { y<-rnorm(100) expect_error(dominanceAnalysis(lm(y~1)), "You should have at least two predictors in a dominance analysis") }) test_that("Model with only one predictor", { y<-rnorm(100) x<-rnorm(100) expect_error(dominanceAnalysis(lm(y~x)), "You should have at least two predictors in a dominance analysis")} ) test_that("Model with two grouped predictors", { y<-rnorm(100) x1<-rnorm(100) x2<-rnorm(100) expect_error(dominanceAnalysis(lm(y~x1+x2), terms=c("x1+x2")), "You should have at least two predictors in a dominance analysis")} )