test_that("dummy", { # To avoid deletion of file expect_snapshot({ TRUE }) }) test_that("dm_meta() data model", { skip_if_schema_not_supported() expect_snapshot({ dm_meta(my_test_src()) %>% dm_paste(options = c("select", "keys", "color")) }) }) test_that("dm_meta(simple = TRUE) columns", { # Still stored as snapshot in columns.csv, never cleared skip("Dependent on database version, find better way to record this info") columns <- tryCatch( my_db_test_src() %>% dm_meta(simple = TRUE) %>% .$columns %>% filter(tolower(table_schema) == "information_schema") %>% arrange(table_name, ordinal_position) %>% select(-table_catalog) %>% collect(), error = function(e) { data.frame(error = conditionMessage(e)) } ) path <- withr::local_tempfile(fileext = ".csv") write.csv(columns, path, na = "") expect_snapshot_file(path, name = "columns.csv", variant = my_test_src_name) })