test_that("functions working with graphs do the right thing?", { join_list_tbl_1 <- tibble( lhs = c("tf_2", "tf_3", "tf_4", "tf_5", "tf_6"), rhs = c("tf_1", "tf_2", "tf_3", "tf_4", "tf_5"), rank = as.numeric(2:6), has_father = rep(TRUE, 5) ) join_list_tbl_3 <- tibble::tribble( ~lhs, ~rhs, ~rank, ~has_father, "tf_2", "tf_3", 2, TRUE, "tf_4", "tf_3", 3, TRUE, "tf_1", "tf_2", 4, TRUE, "tf_5", "tf_4", 5, TRUE, "tf_6", "tf_5", 6, TRUE ) expect_identical_graph( igraph::graph_from_data_frame( tibble( tables = c("tf_1", "tf_2", "tf_2", "tf_3", "tf_4", "tf_5", "tf_6"), ref_tables = c("tf_2", "tf_7", "tf_3", "tf_4", "tf_5", "tf_6", "tf_7") ), directed = FALSE ), create_graph_from_dm(dm_for_filter_w_cycle()) ) expect_snapshot({ attr(igraph::E(create_graph_from_dm(nyc_comp())), "vnames") }) }) test_that("empty graph", { opt <- igraph::igraph_options(print.id = FALSE) on.exit(igraph::igraph_options(opt)) expect_snapshot({ create_graph_from_dm(empty_dm()) create_graph_from_dm(dm(x = tibble(a = 1))) }) })