# basic tests ------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("basic test: 'group_by()'-methods work", { expect_equivalent_tbl( group_by(dm_zoomed(), e) %>% tbl_zoomed(), group_by(tf_2(), e) ) expect_dm_error( group_by(dm_for_filter()), "only_possible_w_zoom" ) }) test_that("basic test: 'select()'-methods work", { expect_equivalent_tbl( select(dm_zoomed(), e, a = c) %>% tbl_zoomed(), select(tf_2(), e, a = c) ) expect_dm_error( select(dm_for_filter()), "only_possible_w_zoom" ) }) test_that("basic test: 'relocate()'-methods work", { expect_equivalent_tbl( relocate(dm_zoomed(), e) %>% tbl_zoomed(), relocate(tf_2(), e) ) expect_equivalent_tbl( relocate(dm_zoomed(), e, .after = e1) %>% tbl_zoomed(), relocate(tf_2(), e, .after = e1) ) expect_dm_error( relocate(dm_for_filter()), "only_possible_w_zoom" ) }) test_that("basic test: 'rename()'-methods work", { expect_equivalent_tbl( rename(dm_zoomed(), a = c) %>% tbl_zoomed(), rename(tf_2(), a = c) ) expect_dm_error( rename(dm_for_filter()), "only_possible_w_zoom" ) }) test_that("basic test: 'mutate()'-methods work", { expect_equivalent_tbl( mutate(dm_zoomed(), d_2 = d * 2) %>% tbl_zoomed(), mutate(tf_2(), d_2 = d * 2) ) expect_dm_error( mutate(dm_for_filter()), "only_possible_w_zoom" ) }) test_that("basic test: 'transmute()'-methods work", { expect_equivalent_tbl( transmute(dm_zoomed(), d_2 = d * 2) %>% tbl_zoomed(), transmute(tf_2(), d_2 = d * 2) ) expect_dm_error( transmute(dm_for_filter()), "only_possible_w_zoom" ) }) test_that("basic test: 'ungroup()'-methods work", { expect_equivalent_tbl( group_by(dm_zoomed(), e) %>% ungroup() %>% tbl_zoomed(), group_by(tf_2(), e) %>% ungroup() ) expect_dm_error( ungroup(dm_for_filter()), "only_possible_w_zoom" ) }) test_that("basic test: 'summarise()'-methods work", { expect_equivalent_tbl( summarise(dm_zoomed(), d_2 = mean(d, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% tbl_zoomed(), summarise(tf_2(), d_2 = mean(d, na.rm = TRUE)) ) expect_dm_error( summarise(dm_for_filter()), "only_possible_w_zoom" ) }) test_that("basic test: 'count()'-method works", { expect_equivalent_tbl( count(dm_zoomed()) %>% tbl_zoomed(), count(tf_2()) ) expect_equivalent_tbl( count(dm_zoomed(), c) %>% tbl_zoomed(), count(tf_2(), c) ) expect_equivalent_tbl( count(dm_zoomed(), wt = d) %>% tbl_zoomed(), count(tf_2(), wt = d) ) expect_equivalent_tbl( count(dm_zoomed(), sort = TRUE) %>% tbl_zoomed(), count(tf_2(), sort = TRUE) ) expect_equivalent_tbl( count(dm_zoomed(), name = "COUNT") %>% tbl_zoomed(), count(tf_2(), name = "COUNT") ) expect_dm_error( count(dm_for_filter()), "only_possible_w_zoom" ) }) test_that("basic test: 'tally()'-method works", { expect_equivalent_tbl( tally(dm_zoomed()) %>% tbl_zoomed(), tally(tf_2()) ) expect_dm_error( tally(dm_for_filter()), "only_possible_w_zoom" ) }) test_that("basic test: 'filter()'-methods work", { skip_if_src("maria") expect_equivalent_tbl( dm_zoomed() %>% filter(d > mean(d, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% tbl_impl("tf_2"), tf_2() %>% filter(d > mean(d, na.rm = TRUE)) ) }) test_that("basic test: 'filter()'-methods work (2)", { expect_dm_error( filter(dm_for_filter()), "only_possible_w_zoom" ) }) test_that("basic test: 'distinct()'-methods work", { expect_equivalent_tbl( distinct(dm_zoomed(), d_new = d) %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% tbl_impl("tf_2"), distinct(tf_2(), d_new = d) ) expect_dm_error( distinct(dm_for_filter()), "only_possible_w_zoom" ) }) test_that("basic test: 'arrange()'-methods work", { # standard arrange expect_equivalent_tbl( arrange(dm_zoomed(), e) %>% tbl_zoomed(), arrange(tf_2(), e) ) # arrange within groups expect_equivalent_tbl( group_by(dm_zoomed(), e) %>% arrange(desc(d), .by_group = TRUE) %>% tbl_zoomed(), arrange(group_by(tf_2(), e), desc(d), .by_group = TRUE) ) expect_dm_error( arrange(dm_for_filter()), "only_possible_w_zoom" ) }) test_that("basic test: 'slice()'-methods work", { skip_if_remote_src() expect_message( expect_equivalent_tbl(slice(dm_zoomed(), 3:6) %>% tbl_zoomed(), slice(tf_2(), 3:6)), "`slice.dm_zoomed\\(\\)` can potentially" ) # silent when no PK available expect_silent( expect_equivalent_tbl( dm_for_disambiguate() %>% dm_zoom_to(iris_3) %>% slice(1:3) %>% tbl_zoomed(), iris_3() %>% slice(1:3) ) ) # changed for #663: mutate() tracks now all cols that remain expect_message( mutate(dm_zoomed(), c = 1) %>% slice(1:3), "Keeping PK column" ) expect_silent( expect_equivalent_tbl( slice(dm_zoomed(), if_else(d < 5, 1:6, 7:2), .keep_pk = FALSE) %>% tbl_zoomed(), slice(tf_2(), if_else(d < 5, 1:6, 7:2)) ) ) expect_dm_error( slice(dm_for_filter(), 2), "only_possible_w_zoom" ) }) test_that("basic test: 'join()'-methods for `zoomed.dm` work", { expect_equivalent_tbl( left_join(dm_zoomed(), tf_1) %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% tbl_impl("tf_2"), left_join(tf_2(), tf_1(), by = c("d" = "a")) ) expect_equivalent_tbl( inner_join(dm_zoomed(), tf_1) %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% tbl_impl("tf_2"), inner_join(tf_2(), tf_1(), by = c("d" = "a")) ) expect_equivalent_tbl( semi_join(dm_zoomed(), tf_1) %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% tbl_impl("tf_2"), semi_join(tf_2(), tf_1(), by = c("d" = "a")) ) expect_equivalent_tbl( anti_join(dm_zoomed(), tf_1) %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% tbl_impl("tf_2"), anti_join(tf_2(), tf_1(), by = c("d" = "a")) ) # SQLite doesn't implement right join skip_if_src("sqlite") skip_if_src("maria") expect_equivalent_tbl( full_join(dm_zoomed(), tf_1) %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% tbl_impl("tf_2"), full_join(tf_2(), tf_1(), by = c("d" = "a")) ) expect_equivalent_tbl( right_join(dm_zoomed(), tf_1) %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% tbl_impl("tf_2"), right_join(tf_2(), tf_1(), by = c("d" = "a")) ) # these databases don't implement nest join skip_if_src("mssql", "postgres", "sqlite", "maria") # https://github.com/duckdb/duckdb/pull/3829 skip_if_src("duckdb") expect_equivalent_tbl( nest_join(dm_zoomed(), tf_1) %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% tbl_impl("tf_2"), nest_join(tf_2(), tf_1(), by = c("d" = "a"), name = "tf_1") ) }) test_that("basic test: 'join()'-methods for `zoomed.dm` work (2)", { # fails if RHS not linked to zoomed table and no by is given expect_dm_error( left_join(dm_zoomed(), tf_4), "tables_not_neighbors" ) # works, if by is given if (is_db(my_test_src())) { expect_equivalent_tbl( left_join(dm_zoomed(), tf_4, by = c("e" = "j")) %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% tbl_impl("tf_2"), left_join(tf_2(), tf_4(), by = c("e" = "j")) ) expect_equivalent_tbl( left_join(dm_zoomed(), tf_4, by = c("e" = "j", "e1" = "j1")) %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% tbl_impl("tf_2"), left_join(tf_2(), tf_4(), by = c("e" = "j", "e1" = "j1")) ) # explicitly select columns from RHS using argument `select` expect_equivalent_tbl( left_join(dm_zoomed_2(), tf_2, select = c(starts_with("c"), e, e1)) %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% tbl_impl("tf_3"), left_join(tf_3(), select(tf_2(), c, e, e1), by = c("f" = "e", "f1" = "e1")) ) # explicitly select and rename columns from RHS using argument `select` expect_equivalent_tbl( left_join(dm_zoomed_2(), tf_2, select = c(starts_with("c"), d_new = d, e, e1)) %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% tbl_impl("tf_3"), left_join(tf_3(), select(tf_2(), c, d_new = d, e, e1), by = c("f" = "e", "f1" = "e1")) ) } else { if (utils::packageVersion("dplyr") >= "") { expect_equivalent_tbl( left_join(dm_zoomed(), tf_4, by = c("e" = "j"), relationship = "many-to-many") %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% tbl_impl("tf_2"), left_join(tf_2(), tf_4(), by = c("e" = "j"), relationship = "many-to-many") ) expect_equivalent_tbl( left_join(dm_zoomed(), tf_4, by = c("e" = "j", "e1" = "j1"), relationship = "many-to-many") %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% tbl_impl("tf_2"), left_join(tf_2(), tf_4(), by = c("e" = "j", "e1" = "j1"), relationship = "many-to-many") ) } # explicitly select columns from RHS using argument `select` expect_equivalent_tbl( left_join(dm_zoomed_2(), tf_2, select = c(starts_with("c"), e, e1), multiple = "all") %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% tbl_impl("tf_3"), left_join(tf_3(), select(tf_2(), c, e, e1), by = c("f" = "e", "f1" = "e1"), multiple = "all") ) # explicitly select and rename columns from RHS using argument `select` expect_equivalent_tbl( left_join(dm_zoomed_2(), tf_2, select = c(starts_with("c"), d_new = d, e, e1), multiple = "all") %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% tbl_impl("tf_3"), left_join(tf_3(), select(tf_2(), c, d_new = d, e, e1), by = c("f" = "e", "f1" = "e1"), multiple = "all") ) } # a former FK-relation could not be tracked expect_dm_error( dm_zoomed() %>% select(-e) %>% left_join(tf_3), "fk_not_tracked" ) expect_snapshot({ "keys are correctly tracked if selected columns from 'y' have same name as key columns from 'x'" dm_zoomed() %>% left_join(tf_3, select = c(d = g, f, f1)) %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% get_all_keys() "keys are correctly tracked if selected columns from 'y' have same name as key columns from 'x'" dm_zoomed() %>% semi_join(tf_3, select = c(d = g, f, f1)) %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% get_all_keys() }) }) test_that("basic test: 'join()'-methods for `zoomed.dm` work (3)", { skip_if_src("maria") # multi-column "by" argument out <- expect_message_obj( dm_for_disambiguate() %>% dm_zoom_to(iris_2) %>% left_join(iris_2, by = c("key", "Sepal.Width", "other_col")) %>% tbl_zoomed() ) expect_equivalent_tbl( out, left_join( iris_2() %>% rename_at(vars(matches("^[PS]")), ~ paste0(., ".iris_2.x")) %>% rename(Sepal.Width = Sepal.Width.iris_2.x), iris_2() %>% rename_at(vars(matches("^[PS]")), ~ paste0(., ".iris_2.y")), by = c("key", "Sepal.Width" = "Sepal.Width.iris_2.y", "other_col") ) ) }) test_that("basic test: 'join()'-methods for `zoomed.dm` work (3)", { skip_if_src("sqlite") # test RHS-by name collision if (is_db(my_test_src())) { expect_equivalent_dm( dm_for_filter() %>% dm_rename(tf_2, "...1" = d) %>% dm_zoom_to(tf_3) %>% right_join(tf_2) %>% dm_update_zoomed(), dm_for_filter() %>% dm_zoom_to(tf_3) %>% right_join(tf_2) %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% dm_rename(tf_3, "...1" = d) %>% dm_rename(tf_2, "...1" = d) ) } else { expect_equivalent_dm( dm_for_filter() %>% dm_rename(tf_2, "...1" = d) %>% dm_zoom_to(tf_3) %>% right_join(tf_2, multiple = "all") %>% dm_update_zoomed(), dm_for_filter() %>% dm_zoom_to(tf_3) %>% right_join(tf_2, multiple = "all") %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% dm_rename(tf_3, "...1" = d) %>% dm_rename(tf_2, "...1" = d) ) } }) test_that("basic test: 'join()'-methods for `dm` throws error", { expect_dm_error( left_join(dm_for_filter()), "only_possible_w_zoom" ) expect_dm_error( inner_join(dm_for_filter()), "only_possible_w_zoom" ) expect_dm_error( semi_join(dm_for_filter()), "only_possible_w_zoom" ) expect_dm_error( anti_join(dm_for_filter()), "only_possible_w_zoom" ) expect_dm_error( full_join(dm_for_filter()), "only_possible_w_zoom" ) expect_dm_error( right_join(dm_for_filter()), "only_possible_w_zoom" ) expect_dm_error( inner_join(dm_zoom_to(dm_for_filter(), tf_1), tf_7), "table_not_in_dm" ) expect_dm_error( nest_join(dm_for_filter()), "only_possible_w_zoom" ) expect_dm_error( pack_join(dm_for_filter()), "only_possible_w_zoom" ) }) test_that("basic test: 'across' works properly", { expect_equivalent_tbl( dm_for_filter() %>% dm_zoom_to(tf_2) %>% mutate(across(c(1, 3), ~"C")) %>% pull_tbl(), dm_for_filter() %>% pull_tbl(tf_2) %>% mutate(across(c(1, 3), ~"C")) ) expect_equivalent_tbl( dm_for_filter() %>% dm_zoom_to(tf_2) %>% summarize(across(c(c, e), ~"C")) %>% pull_tbl(), dm_for_filter() %>% pull_tbl(tf_2) %>% summarize(across(c(c, e), ~"C")) ) expect_equivalent_tbl( dm_for_filter() %>% dm_zoom_to(tf_2) %>% group_by(d) %>% summarize(across(c(1, 3), ~"C")) %>% pull_tbl(), dm_for_filter() %>% pull_tbl(tf_2) %>% group_by(d) %>% summarize(across(c(1, 3), ~"C")) ) }) # test key tracking for all methods --------------------------------------- # dm_for_filter(), zoomed to tf_2; PK: c; 2 outgoing FKs: d, e; no incoming FKS zoomed_grouped_out_dm <- dm_zoom_to(dm_for_filter(), tf_2) %>% group_by(c, e, e1) # dm_for_filter(), zoomed to tf_3; PK: f; 2 incoming FKs: tf_4$j, tf_2$e; no outgoing FKS: zoomed_grouped_in_dm <- dm_zoom_to(dm_for_filter(), tf_3) %>% group_by(g) test_that("key tracking works", { expect_snapshot({ "rename()" zoomed_grouped_out_dm %>% rename(c_new = c) %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% get_all_keys() zoomed_grouped_out_dm %>% rename(e_new = e) %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% get_all_keys() # FKs should not be dropped when renaming the PK they are pointing to; tibble from `dm_get_all_fks()` shouldn't change zoomed_grouped_in_dm %>% rename(f_new = f) %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% get_all_keys() "summarize()" # grouped by two key cols: "c" and "e" -> these two remain zoomed_grouped_out_dm %>% summarize(d_mean = mean(d)) %>% dm_insert_zoomed("new_tbl") %>% get_all_keys() # grouped_by non-key col means, that no keys remain zoomed_grouped_in_dm %>% summarize(g_list = list(g)) %>% dm_insert_zoomed("new_tbl") %>% get_all_keys() }) }) test_that("key tracking works (2)", { # https://github.com/tidyverse/dbplyr/issues/670 skip_if_remote_src() expect_snapshot({ "transmute()" # grouped by three key cols: "c", "e", "e1" -> these three remain zoomed_grouped_out_dm %>% transmute(d_mean = mean(d)) %>% dm_insert_zoomed("new_tbl") %>% get_all_keys() }) }) test_that("key tracking works (3)", { # FKs that point to a PK that vanished, should also vanish expect_snapshot({ # grouped_by non-key col means, that no keys remain zoomed_grouped_in_dm %>% transmute(g_list = list(g)) %>% dm_insert_zoomed("new_tbl") %>% get_all_keys() }) }) test_that("key tracking works (4)", { # FKs that point to a PK that vanished, should also vanish expect_snapshot({ "mutate()" # grouped by three key cols: "c", "e" and "e1 -> these three remain zoomed_grouped_out_dm %>% mutate(d_mean = mean(d)) %>% select(-d) %>% dm_insert_zoomed("new_tbl") %>% get_all_keys() # grouped_by non-key col means, that only key-columns that remain in the # result tibble are tracked for mutate() zoomed_grouped_in_dm %>% mutate(f = paste0(g, g)) %>% dm_insert_zoomed("new_tbl") %>% get_all_keys() # grouped_by non-key col means, that only key-columns that remain in the # result tibble are tracked for transmute() zoomed_grouped_in_dm %>% mutate(g_new = list(g)) %>% dm_insert_zoomed("new_tbl") %>% get_all_keys() }) }) test_that("key tracking works (5)", { skip_if_remote_src() expect_snapshot({ "chain of renames & other transformations" zoomed_grouped_out_dm %>% summarize(d_mean = mean(d)) %>% ungroup() %>% rename(e_new = e) %>% group_by(e_new, e1) %>% transmute(c = paste0(c, "_animal")) %>% dm_insert_zoomed("new_tbl") %>% get_all_keys() }) }) test_that("key tracking works (6)", { # FKs that point to a PK that vanished, should also vanish expect_snapshot({ zoomed_grouped_in_dm %>% select(g_new = g) %>% get_all_keys("tf_3") }) }) test_that("key tracking works for distinct() and arrange()", { expect_identical( dm_zoomed() %>% distinct(d_new = d) %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% dm_get_all_fks_impl(), dm_for_filter() %>% dm_get_all_fks_impl() %>% filter(child_table != "tf_2") ) expect_identical( dm_zoomed() %>% arrange(e) %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% dm_get_all_fks_impl(), dm_for_filter() %>% dm_get_all_fks_impl() ) expect_identical( dm_for_flatten() %>% dm_zoom_to(fact) %>% select(dim_1_key_1, dim_1_key_2, dim_3_key, dim_2_key) %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% dm_get_all_fks_impl(), dm_for_flatten() %>% dm_get_all_fks_impl() %>% filter(child_fk_cols != new_keys("dim_4_key")) ) # it should be possible to combine 'filter' on a dm_zoomed with all other dplyr-methods; example: 'rename' expect_equivalent_dm( dm_for_filter() %>% dm_zoom_to(tf_2) %>% filter(d < 6) %>% rename(c_new = c, d_new = d) %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% dm_select_tbl(tf_2) %>% dm_rm_pk(tf_2), dm_for_filter()$tf_2 %>% filter(d < 6) %>% rename(c_new = c, d_new = d) %>% dm(tf_2 = .) ) # dm_nycflights13() (with FK constraints) doesn't work on DB # here, FK constraints are not implemented on the DB expect_equivalent_tbl( dm_nycflights_small() %>% dm_zoom_to(weather) %>% summarize(avg_wind_speed = mean(wind_speed, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% tbl_zoomed(), tbl_impl(dm_nycflights_small(), "weather") %>% summarize(avg_wind_speed = mean(wind_speed, na.rm = TRUE)) ) expect_equivalent_tbl( dm_nycflights_small() %>% dm_zoom_to(weather) %>% transmute(celsius_temp = (temp - 32) * 5 / 9) %>% tbl_zoomed(), tbl_impl(dm_nycflights_small(), "weather") %>% transmute(celsius_temp = (temp - 32) * 5 / 9) ) expect_equivalent_tbl( dm_nycflights_small() %>% dm_zoom_to(weather) %>% summarize(avg_wind_speed = mean(wind_speed, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% tbl_zoomed(), tbl_impl(dm_nycflights_small(), "weather") %>% summarize(avg_wind_speed = mean(wind_speed, na.rm = TRUE)) ) expect_equivalent_tbl( dm_nycflights_small() %>% dm_zoom_to(weather) %>% transmute(celsius_temp = (temp - 32) * 5 / 9) %>% tbl_zoomed(), tbl_impl(dm_nycflights_small(), "weather") %>% transmute(celsius_temp = (temp - 32) * 5 / 9) ) # slice() doesn't work on DB and reformatting a datetime on a DB is # currently not possible with a mere `format()` call -> skipping; cf. #358 skip_if_remote_src() # keys tracking when there are no keys to track expect_equivalent_tbl( dm_nycflights_small() %>% dm_zoom_to(weather) %>% mutate(time_hour_fmt = format(time_hour, tz = "UTC")) %>% tbl_zoomed(), tbl_impl(dm_nycflights_small(), "weather") %>% mutate(time_hour_fmt = format(time_hour, tz = "UTC")) ) }) test_that("key tracking works for slice()", { skip_if_remote_src() expect_identical(slice(dm_zoomed(), if_else(d < 5, 1:6, 7:2), .keep_pk = FALSE) %>% col_tracker_zoomed(), set_names(c("d", "e", "e1"))) expect_message( expect_identical(slice(dm_zoomed(), if_else(d < 5, 1:6, 7:2)) %>% col_tracker_zoomed(), set_names(c("c", "d", "e", "e1"))), "Keeping PK" ) expect_identical(slice(dm_zoomed(), if_else(d < 5, 1:6, 7:2), .keep_pk = TRUE) %>% col_tracker_zoomed(), set_names(c("c", "d", "e", "e1"))) }) test_that("can use column as primary and foreign key", { f <- tibble(data_card_1 = 1:3) data_card_1 <- tibble(data_card_1 = 1:3) dm <- dm(f, data_card_1) %>% dm_add_pk(f, data_card_1) %>% dm_add_pk(data_card_1, data_card_1) %>% dm_add_fk(f, data_card_1, data_card_1) expect_equivalent_dm( dm %>% dm_zoom_to(f) %>% dm_update_zoomed(), dm ) }) test_that("'summarize_at()' etc. work", { expect_equivalent_tbl( dm_nycflights_small() %>% dm_zoom_to(airports) %>% summarize_at(vars(lat, lon), list(mean = mean, min = min, max = max), na.rm = TRUE) %>% tbl_zoomed(), dm_nycflights_small() %>% pull_tbl(airports) %>% summarize_at(vars(lat, lon), list(mean = mean, min = min, max = max), na.rm = TRUE) ) expect_equivalent_tbl( dm_nycflights_small() %>% dm_zoom_to(airports) %>% select(3:6) %>% summarize_all(list(mean = mean, sum = sum), na.rm = TRUE) %>% tbl_zoomed(), dm_nycflights_small() %>% pull_tbl(airports) %>% select(3:6) %>% summarize_all(list(mean = mean, sum = sum), na.rm = TRUE) ) skip_if_remote_src() expect_equivalent_tbl( dm_nycflights_small() %>% dm_zoom_to(airports) %>% summarize_if(is_double, list(mean = mean, sum = sum), na.rm = TRUE) %>% tbl_zoomed(), dm_nycflights_small() %>% pull_tbl(airports) %>% summarize_if(is_double, list(mean = mean, sum = sum), na.rm = TRUE) ) }) test_that("unique_prefix()", { expect_equal(unique_prefix(character()), "...") expect_equal(unique_prefix(c("a", "bc", "ef")), "...") expect_equal(unique_prefix(c("a", "bcd", "ef")), "...") expect_equal(unique_prefix(c("a", "....", "ef")), "....") }) # compound tests ---------------------------------------------------------- test_that("output for compound keys", { # FIXME: COMPOUND: Need proper test skip_if_remote_src() zoomed_comp_dm <- nyc_comp() %>% dm_zoom_to(weather) # grouped by one key col and one other col grouped_zoomed_comp_dm_1 <- zoomed_comp_dm %>% group_by(time_hour, wind_dir) # grouped by the two key cols grouped_zoomed_comp_dm_2 <- zoomed_comp_dm %>% group_by(time_hour, origin) expect_snapshot({ # TRANSFORMATION VERBS # mutate() grouped_zoomed_comp_dm_1 %>% mutate(count = n()) %>% col_tracker_zoomed() grouped_zoomed_comp_dm_2 %>% mutate(count = n()) %>% col_tracker_zoomed() # transmute() grouped_zoomed_comp_dm_1 %>% transmute(count = n()) %>% dm_update_zoomed() grouped_zoomed_comp_dm_2 %>% transmute(count = n()) %>% dm_update_zoomed() # summarize() grouped_zoomed_comp_dm_1 %>% summarize(count = n()) %>% dm_update_zoomed() grouped_zoomed_comp_dm_2 %>% summarize(count = n()) %>% dm_update_zoomed() # select() zoomed_comp_dm %>% select(time_hour, wind_dir) %>% dm_update_zoomed() zoomed_comp_dm %>% select(time_hour, origin, wind_dir) %>% dm_update_zoomed() # rename() zoomed_comp_dm %>% rename(th = time_hour, wd = wind_dir) %>% dm_update_zoomed() # distinct() zoomed_comp_dm %>% distinct(origin, wind_dir) %>% dm_update_zoomed() zoomed_comp_dm %>% distinct(origin, wind_dir, time_hour) %>% dm_update_zoomed() # filter() (cf. #437) zoomed_comp_dm %>% filter(pressure < 1020) %>% dm_update_zoomed() # pull() zoomed_comp_dm %>% pull(origin) %>% unique() # slice() zoomed_comp_dm %>% slice(c(1:3, 5:3)) zoomed_comp_dm %>% slice(c(1:3, 5:3), .keep_pk = TRUE) %>% col_tracker_zoomed() # FIXME: COMPOUND:: .keep_pk = FALSE cannot deal with compound keys ATM # zoomed_comp_dm %>% # slice(c(1:3, 5:3), .keep_pk = FALSE) %>% # get_tracked_cols() # JOINS # left_join() zoomed_comp_dm %>% left_join(flights, multiple = "all") %>% nrow() # right_join() zoomed_comp_dm %>% right_join(flights, multiple = "all") %>% nrow() # inner_join() zoomed_comp_dm %>% inner_join(flights, multiple = "all") %>% nrow() # full_join() zoomed_comp_dm %>% full_join(flights, multiple = "all") %>% nrow() # semi_join() zoomed_comp_dm %>% semi_join(flights) %>% nrow() # anti_join() zoomed_comp_dm %>% anti_join(flights) %>% nrow() # nest_join() zoomed_comp_dm %>% nest_join(flights) %>% nrow() }) })