test_that("dm() API", { expect_snapshot({ dm(a = tibble(), a = tibble(), .name_repair = "unique") dm(a = tibble(), a = tibble(), .name_repair = "unique", .quiet = TRUE) }) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { dm(a = tibble(), a = tibble()) }) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { dm(a = dm()) }) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { dm(a = tibble(), dm_zoom_to(dm_for_filter(), tf_1)) }) }) test_that("dm() works for adding tables", { # is a table added? expect_identical( length(dm_get_tables(dm(dm_for_filter(), data_card_1()))), 7L ) # can I retrieve the tibble under its old name? expect_equivalent_tbl( dm(dm_for_filter(), data_card_1())[["data_card_1()"]], data_card_1() ) # can I retrieve the tibble under a new name? expect_equivalent_tbl( dm(dm_for_filter(), test = data_card_1())[["test"]], data_card_1() ) # use special names with := expect_identical( names(dm(dm_for_filter(), dm := data_card_1(), repair := data_card_2())), c(names(dm_for_filter()), "dm", "repair") ) # we accept even weird table names, as long as they are unique expect_equivalent_tbl( dm(dm_for_filter(), . = data_card_1())[["."]], data_card_1() ) # do I avoid the warning when piping the table but setting the name? expect_silent( expect_equivalent_tbl( dm_for_filter() %>% dm(new_name = data_card_1()) %>% pull_tbl(new_name), data_card_1() ) ) # adding more than 1 table: # 1. Is the resulting number of tables correct? expect_identical( length(dm_get_tables(dm(dm_for_filter(), data_card_1(), data_card_2()))), 8L ) # 2. Is the resulting order of the tables correct? expect_identical( src_tbls_impl(dm(dm_for_filter(), data_card_1(), data_card_2())), c(src_tbls_impl(dm_for_filter()), "data_card_1()", "data_card_2()") ) # Is an error thrown in case I try to give the new table an old table's name if `repair = "check_unique"`? expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { dm(dm_for_filter(), tf_1 = data_card_1(), .name_repair = "check_unique") }) # are in the default case (`repair = 'unique'`) the tables renamed (old table AND new table) according to "unique" default setting expect_identical( dm(dm_for_filter(), tf_1 = data_card_1(), .name_repair = "unique", .quiet = TRUE) %>% src_tbls_impl(), c("tf_1...1", "tf_2", "tf_3", "tf_4", "tf_5", "tf_6", "tf_1...7") ) expect_name_repair_message( expect_equivalent_dm( dm(dm_for_filter(), tf_1 = data_card_1(), .name_repair = "unique"), dm_for_filter() %>% dm_rename_tbl(tf_1...1 = tf_1) %>% dm(tf_1...7 = data_card_1()) ) ) # can I use dm_select_tbl(), selecting among others the new table? expect_silent( dm(dm_for_filter(), tf_7_new = tf_7()) %>% dm_select_tbl(tf_1, tf_7_new, everything()) ) # error in case table srcs don't match expect_dm_error( dm(dm_for_filter(), data_card_1_duckdb()), "not_same_src" ) # adding tables to an empty `dm` works for all sources expect_equivalent_tbl( dm(dm(), test = data_card_1_duckdb())$test, data_card_1() ) }) test_that("dm() for adding tables with compound keys", { expect_snapshot({ dm(dm_for_flatten(), res_flat = result_from_flatten()) %>% dm_paste(options = c("select", "keys")) }) }) test_that("dm() works for dm objects", { expect_equivalent_dm( dm(dm_for_filter()), dm_for_filter() ) expect_equivalent_dm( dm(dm_for_filter(), dm_for_flatten(), dm_for_disambiguate()), bind_rows( dm_get_def(dm_for_filter()), dm_get_def(dm_for_flatten()), dm_get_def(dm_for_disambiguate()) ) %>% dm_from_def() ) }) test_that("are empty_dm() and empty ellipsis handled correctly?", { expect_equivalent_dm( dm(empty_dm()), empty_dm() ) expect_equivalent_dm( dm(empty_dm(), empty_dm(), empty_dm()), empty_dm() ) expect_equivalent_dm( dm(), empty_dm() ) }) test_that("errors: duplicate table names, src mismatches", { expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { dm(dm_for_filter(), dm_for_flatten(), dm_for_filter()) }) expect_dm_error(dm(dm_for_flatten(), dm_for_filter_duckdb()), "not_same_src") }) test_that("auto-renaming works", { expect_equivalent_dm( expect_name_repair_message( dm(dm_for_filter(), dm_for_flatten(), dm_for_filter(), .name_repair = "unique") ), bind_rows( dm_get_def( dm_rename_tbl( dm_for_filter(), tf_1...1 = tf_1, tf_2...2 = tf_2, tf_3...3 = tf_3, tf_4...4 = tf_4, tf_5...5 = tf_5, tf_6...6 = tf_6 ) ), dm_get_def(dm_for_flatten()), dm_get_def(dm_rename_tbl( dm_for_filter(), tf_1...12 = tf_1, tf_2...13 = tf_2, tf_3...14 = tf_3, tf_4...15 = tf_4, tf_5...16 = tf_5, tf_6...17 = tf_6 )) ) %>% dm_from_def() ) expect_silent( dm(dm_for_filter(), dm_for_flatten(), dm_for_filter(), .name_repair = "unique", .quiet = TRUE) ) }) test_that("test error output for src mismatches", { skip_if_not(getRversion() >= "4.0") expect_snapshot({ writeLines(conditionMessage(expect_error( dm(dm_for_flatten(), dm_for_filter_duckdb()) ))) }) }) test_that("output for dm() with dm", { expect_snapshot({ dm() dm(empty_dm()) dm(dm_for_filter()) %>% collect() dm(dm_for_filter(), dm_for_flatten(), dm_for_filter(), .name_repair = "unique", .quiet = TRUE) %>% collect() }) }) test_that("output for dm() with dm (2)", { expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { dm(dm_for_filter(), dm_for_flatten(), dm_for_filter()) }) }) test_that("output for dm() with dm (3)", { expect_snapshot({ dm(dm_for_filter(), dm_for_flatten(), dm_for_filter(), .name_repair = "unique") %>% collect() }) }) test_that("output dm() for dm for compound keys", { expect_snapshot({ dm(dm_for_filter(), dm_for_flatten()) %>% dm_paste(options = c("select", "keys")) dm(dm_for_flatten(), dm_for_filter()) %>% dm_paste(options = c("select", "keys")) }) expect_snapshot({ dm(dm_for_flatten(), dm_for_flatten(), .name_repair = "unique") %>% dm_paste(options = c("select", "keys")) }) }) test_that("can create dm with as_dm()", { expect_equivalent_dm(as_dm(dm_get_tables(dm_test_obj())), dm_test_obj()) }) test_that("creation of empty `dm` works", { expect_true( is_empty(dm()) ) expect_true( is_empty(new_dm()) ) }) test_that("'collect.dm()' collects tables on DB", { def <- dm_for_filter() %>% dm_filter(tf_1 = a > 3) %>% collect() %>% dm_get_def() is_df <- map_lgl(def$data, is.data.frame) expect_true(all(is_df)) }) test_that("'collect.dm_zoomed()' collects tables, with message", { dm_zoomed_for_collect <- dm_for_filter() %>% dm_zoom_to(tf_1) %>% mutate(c = a + 1) expect_message( out <- dm_zoomed_for_collect %>% collect(), "pull_tbl" ) expect_s3_class(out, "data.frame") }) test_that("'compute.dm()' computes tables on DB", { skip("Needs https://github.com/tidyverse/dbplyr/pull/649") def <- dm_for_filter_duckdb() %>% dm_filter(tf_1 = a > 3) %>% { suppress_mssql_message(compute(.)) } %>% dm_get_def() remote_names <- map(def$data, dbplyr::remote_name) expect_equal(lengths(remote_names), rep_along(remote_names, 1)) }) test_that("'compute.dm_zoomed()' computes tables on DB", { skip("Needs https://github.com/tidyverse/dbplyr/pull/649") dm_zoomed_for_compute <- dm_for_filter_duckdb() %>% dm_zoom_to(tf_1) %>% mutate(c = a + 1) # without computing def <- dm_zoomed_for_compute %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% dm_get_def() remote_names <- map(def$data, dbplyr::remote_name) expect_true(any(map_lgl(remote_names, is_null))) # with computing def <- suppress_mssql_message(compute(dm_zoomed_for_compute)) %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% dm_get_def() remote_names <- map(def$data, dbplyr::remote_name) expect_equal(lengths(remote_names), rep_along(remote_names, 1)) }) test_that("some methods/functions for `dm_zoomed` work", { expect_identical( colnames(dm_zoom_to(dm_for_filter(), tf_1)), c("a", "b") ) expect_identical( ncol(dm_zoom_to(dm_for_filter(), tf_1)), 2L ) expect_equivalent_tbl_lists( as.list(dm_for_filter()), dm_get_tables(dm_for_filter()) ) skip_if_remote_src() expect_identical( dim(dm_zoom_to(dm_for_filter(), tf_1)), c(10L, 2L) ) expect_identical( names(dm_zoom_to(dm_for_filter(), tf_2)), colnames(tf_2()) ) }) test_that("length and names for dm work", { expect_length(dm_for_filter(), 6L) expect_identical(names(dm_for_filter()), src_tbls_impl(dm_for_filter())) }) test_that("`pull_tbl()`-methods work", { expect_equivalent_tbl( pull_tbl(dm_for_filter(), tf_5), tf_5() ) expect_equal( pull_tbl(dm_for_filter(), tf_5, keyed = TRUE), dm_get_tables(dm_for_filter(), keyed = TRUE)[["tf_5"]] ) }) test_that("`pull_tbl()`-methods work for (0)", { tbl <- dm_nycflights_small() %>% dm_set_table_description("Flugzeuge" = planes) %>% pull_tbl(planes, keyed = TRUE) skip_if_not_installed("labelled") expect_identical(labelled::label_attribute(tbl), "Flugzeuge") }) test_that("`pull_tbl()`-methods work for (1)", { skip_if_src("maria") expect_equivalent_tbl( dm_for_filter() %>% dm_zoom_to(tf_3) %>% mutate(new_col = row_number(f) * 3) %>% pull_tbl(), mutate(tf_3(), new_col = row_number(f) * 3) ) }) test_that("`pull_tbl()`-methods work (2)", { expect_equivalent_tbl( dm_zoom_to(dm_for_filter(), tf_1) %>% pull_tbl(tf_1), tf_1() ) expect_dm_error( dm_zoom_to(dm_for_filter(), tf_1) %>% pull_tbl(tf_2), "table_not_zoomed" ) expect_dm_error( pull_tbl(dm_for_filter()), "no_table_provided" ) expect_dm_error( dm_for_filter() %>% dm_get_def() %>% mutate(zoom = list(tf_1)) %>% dm_from_def(zoomed = TRUE, validate = FALSE) %>% pull_tbl(), "not_pulling_multiple_zoomed" ) }) test_that("numeric subsetting works", { # check specifically for the right output in one case expect_equivalent_tbl(dm_for_filter()[[4]], tf_4()) # compare numeric subsetting and subsetting by name on chosen src expect_equivalent_tbl( dm_for_filter()[["tf_2"]], dm_for_filter()[[2]] ) # check if reducing `dm` size (and reordering) works on chosen src expect_equivalent_dm( dm_for_filter()[c(1, 5, 3)], dm_select_tbl(dm_for_filter(), 1, 5, 3) ) }) test_that("subsetting `dm` works", { expect_equivalent_tbl(dm_for_filter()$tf_5, tf_5()) expect_equivalent_tbl(dm_for_filter()[["tf_3"]], tf_3()) }) test_that("subsetting `dm_zoomed` works", { skip_if_remote_src() expect_identical( dm_zoom_to(dm_for_filter(), tf_2)$c, pull(tf_2(), c) ) expect_identical( dm_zoom_to(dm_for_filter(), tf_3)[["g"]], pull(tf_3(), g) ) expect_identical( dm_zoom_to(dm_for_filter(), tf_3)[c("g", "f", "g")], tf_3()[c("g", "f", "g")] ) }) test_that("as.list()-method works for local `dm_zoomed`", { skip_if_remote_src() expect_identical( as.list(dm_for_filter() %>% dm_zoom_to(tf_4)), as.list(tf_4()) ) }) # test getters: ----------------------------------------------------------- test_that("dm_get_src() works", { local_options(lifecycle_verbosity = "quiet") expect_dm_error( dm_get_src(1), class = "is_not_dm" ) expect_identical( class(dm_get_src(dm_for_filter())), class(my_test_src()) ) }) test_that("dm_get_con() errors", { expect_dm_error( dm_get_con(1), class = "is_not_dm" ) skip_if_remote_src() expect_dm_error( dm_get_con(dm_for_filter()), class = "con_only_for_dbi" ) }) test_that("dm_get_con() works", { expect_identical( dm_get_con(dm_for_filter_db()), con_from_src_or_con(my_db_test_src()) ) }) test_that("str()", { # https://github.com/cynkra/dm/pull/542/checks?check_run_id=2506393322#step:11:88 skip("FIXME: Unstable on GHA?") expect_snapshot({ dm_for_filter() %>% str() dm_for_filter() %>% dm_zoom_to(tf_2) %>% str() }) }) test_that("output", { expect_snapshot({ print(dm()) nyc_flights_dm <- dm_nycflights_small() collect(nyc_flights_dm) nyc_flights_dm %>% format() nyc_flights_dm %>% dm_filter(flights = (origin == "EWR")) %>% collect() }) }) # Compound tests ---------------------------------------------------------- test_that("output for compound keys", { # FIXME: COMPOUND: Need proper test skip_if_remote_src() # Can't be inside the snapshot car_table <- test_src_frame(!!!mtcars) expect_snapshot({ copy_to(nyc_comp(), mtcars, "car_table") dm(nyc_comp(), car_table) nyc_comp() %>% collect() nyc_comp() %>% dm_filter(flights = (day == 10)) %>% collect() %>% dm_get_def() %>% select(-uuid) nyc_comp() %>% dm_zoom_to(weather) %>% mutate(origin_new = paste0(origin, " airport")) %>% compute() %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% collect() %>% dm_get_def() %>% select(-uuid) nyc_comp() %>% dm_zoom_to(weather) %>% collect() pull_tbl(nyc_comp(), weather) nyc_comp() %>% dm_zoom_to(weather) %>% pull_tbl() }) }) test_that("glimpse.dm() works", { skip_if_remote_src() expect_snapshot({ glimpse(empty_dm()) # glimpse 'standard' dm object glimpse(dm_for_disambiguate()) # glimpse 'standard' dm object with different width glimpse(dm_for_disambiguate(), width = 40) # option "width" inside test_that-environment should always be 80 getOption("width") # # glimpse dm with long names for tables and/or columns glimpse( dm_for_disambiguate() %>% dm_rename( iris_1, gdsjgiodsjgdisogjdsiogjdsigjsdiogjisdjgiodsjgiosdjgiojsdiogjgrjihjrehoierjhiorejhrieojhreiojhieorhjioerjhierjhioerjhioerjhioerjiohjeriosdiogjsdjigjsd = key ) %>% dm_rename_tbl( gdsjgiodsjgdisogjdsiogjdsigjsdiogjisdjgiodsjgiosdjgiojsdiogjgrjihjrehoierjhiorejhrieojhreiojhieorhjioerjhierjhioerjhioerjhioerjiohjeriosdiogjsdjigjsd = iris_1 ) ) # in case no primary keys are present, nothing about primary keys should be printed dm_nycflights13() %>% dm_select_tbl(weather) %>% dm_select(weather, -origin) %>% glimpse() }) }) test_that("glimpse.dm_zoomed() works", { skip_if_remote_src() expect_snapshot({ # doesn't have foreign keys to print dm_nycflights13() %>% dm_zoom_to(airports) %>% glimpse() # has foreign keys to print dm_nycflights13() %>% dm_zoom_to(flights) %>% glimpse(width = 100) # if any primary key has been removed, no primary key is displayed dm_nycflights13() %>% dm_zoom_to(weather) %>% select(-origin) %>% glimpse() # anticipate primary keys being renamed by users dm_nycflights13() %>% dm_zoom_to(weather) %>% rename(origin_location = origin) %>% glimpse() # if any foreign key has been removed, corresponding composite key is not displayed dm_nycflights13() %>% dm_zoom_to(flights) %>% select(-carrier) %>% glimpse() dm_nycflights13() %>% dm_zoom_to(flights) %>% select(-origin) %>% glimpse() # anticipate foreign keys being renamed by users dm_nycflights13() %>% dm_zoom_to(flights) %>% rename(origin_location = origin) %>% glimpse() }) })