test_that("Standard learning from MSSQL (schema 'dbo') or Postgres (schema 'public') and get_src_tbl_names() works?", { skip_if_schema_not_supported() skip_if(identical(Sys.getenv("R_COVR"), "true")) # dm_learn_from_mssql() -------------------------------------------------- con_db <- my_test_con() # create an object on the MSSQL-DB that can be learned withr::defer( try(walk( remote_tbl_names, ~ try(DBI::dbExecute(con_db, paste0("DROP TABLE ", .x))) )) ) dm_for_filter_copied <- copy_dm_to(con_db, dm_for_filter(), temporary = FALSE, table_names = ~ unique_db_table_name(.x)) order_of_deletion <- c("tf_2", "tf_1", "tf_5", "tf_6", "tf_4", "tf_3") remote_tbl_names <- map_chr( dm_get_tables(dm_for_filter_copied)[order_of_deletion], dbplyr::remote_name ) %>% DBI::SQL() %>% DBI::dbUnquoteIdentifier(conn = con_db) %>% map_chr(~ .x@name[[length(.x@name)]]) remote_tbl_map <- set_names(remote_tbl_names, gsub("^(tf_.).*$", "\\1", remote_tbl_names)) expect_silent(dm_db_learned_all <- dm_from_con(con_db, learn_keys = TRUE)) # Select and fix table names dm_db_learned <- dm_db_learned_all %>% dm_select_tbl(!!!remote_tbl_map) expect_equivalent_dm( dm_db_learned, dm_for_filter()[order_of_deletion], ignore_on_delete = FALSE, ignore_autoincrement = FALSE ) # learning without keys: expect_silent(dm_db_learned_no_keys <- dm_from_con(con_db, learn_keys = FALSE)) # for learning from DB without learning the key relations dm_for_filter_no_keys <- dm_for_filter()[order_of_deletion] %>% dm_get_def() %>% mutate( pks = list_of(new_pk()), fks = list_of(new_fk()) ) %>% dm_from_def() # Select and fix table names dm_db_learned_no_keys <- dm_db_learned_no_keys %>% dm_select_tbl(!!!remote_tbl_map) expect_equivalent_dm( dm_db_learned_no_keys, dm_for_filter_no_keys ) }) test_that("Learning from specific schema works?", { skip_if_schema_not_supported() # produces a randomized schema name with a length of 4-10 characters # consisting of the symbols in `reservoir` random_schema <- function() { reservoir <- c(letters) how_long <- 10 paste0(reservoir[sample(seq_len(length(reservoir)), how_long, replace = TRUE)], collapse = "") } schema_name <- random_schema() con_db <- my_test_con() schema_name_q <- DBI::dbQuoteIdentifier(con_db, schema_name) DBI::dbExecute(con_db, paste0("CREATE SCHEMA ", schema_name_q)) dm_for_disambiguate_copied <- copy_dm_to( con_db, dm_for_disambiguate(), temporary = FALSE, schema = schema_name ) order_of_deletion <- c("iris_3", "iris_2", "iris_1") remote_tbl_names <- set_names( paste0(schema_name_q, ".", DBI::dbQuoteIdentifier(con_db, order_of_deletion)), order_of_deletion ) withr::defer({ walk( remote_tbl_names, ~ try(DBI::dbExecute(con_db, paste0("DROP TABLE ", .x))) ) try(DBI::dbExecute(con_db, paste0("DROP SCHEMA ", schema_name_q))) }) normalize_table_name <- function(x) { tolower(gsub('["`]', "", x)) } # test 'get_src_tbl_names()' src_tbl_names <- purrr::map_chr( get_src_tbl_names(con_db, schema = schema_name), ~ DBI::dbQuoteIdentifier(con_db, .x) ) expect_identical( sort(normalize_table_name(DBI::SQL(src_tbl_names))), DBI::SQL(sort(normalize_table_name(remote_tbl_names))) ) # learning with keys: dm_db_learned <- dm_from_con(con_db, schema = schema_name, learn_keys = TRUE) %>% dm_select_tbl(!!!order_of_deletion) expect_equivalent_dm( dm_db_learned, dm_for_disambiguate()[order_of_deletion], ignore_autoincrement = FALSE, ignore_on_delete = FALSE ) # learning without keys: dm_db_learned_no_keys <- expect_silent(dm_from_con(con_db, schema = schema_name, learn_keys = FALSE)) %>% dm_select_tbl(!!!order_of_deletion) dm_for_disambiguate_no_keys <- dm_for_disambiguate()[order_of_deletion] %>% dm_get_def() %>% mutate( pks = list_of(new_pk()), fks = list_of(new_fk()) ) %>% dm_from_def() expect_equivalent_dm( dm_db_learned_no_keys, dm_for_disambiguate_no_keys ) }) test_that("Learning from SQLite works (#288)?", { skip("FIXME") src_sqlite <- skip_if_error(src_sqlite()(":memory:", TRUE)) copy_to(src_sqlite(), tibble(a = 1:3), name = "test") expect_equivalent_dm( src_sqlite() %>% dm_from_con() %>% dm_select_tbl(test) %>% collect(), dm(test = tibble(a = 1:3)) ) }) test_that("'schema_if()' works", { con_db <- my_db_test_src()$con # all 3 naming parameters set ('table' is required) expect_equal( schema_if( schema = "schema", table = "table", con = con_db, dbname = "database" )[[1]], DBI::Id(catalog = "database", schema = "schema", table = "table") ) # schema and table set expect_equal( schema_if( schema = "schema", table = "table", con = con_db )[[1]], DBI::Id(schema = "schema", table = "table") ) # dbname and table set expect_error(schema_if(schema = NA, con = con_db, table = "table", dbname = "db")) # only table set expect_equal( schema_if(schema = NA, table = "table", con = con_db)[[1]], DBI::Id(table = "table") ) }) # Learning from other DB on MSSQL ----------------------------------------- test_that("Learning from MSSQL (schema 'dbo') on other DB works?", { skip_if_src_not("mssql") # dm_learn_from_mssql() -------------------------------------------------- con_db <- my_test_con() # delete database after test withr::defer({ try(DBI::dbExecute(con_db, "DROP TABLE [test_database_dm].[dbo].[test_2]")) try(DBI::dbExecute(con_db, "DROP TABLE [test_database_dm].[dbo].[test_1]")) try(DBI::dbExecute(con_db, "DROP DATABASE test_database_dm")) }) # create another DB and 2 connected tables DBI::dbExecute(con_db, "CREATE DATABASE test_database_dm") DBI::dbWriteTable( con_db, DBI::Id(catalog = "test_database_dm", schema = "dbo", table = "test_1"), value = tibble(a = c(5L, 5L, 4L, 2L, 1L), b = 1:5) ) DBI::dbWriteTable( con_db, DBI::Id(catalog = "test_database_dm", schema = "dbo", table = "test_2"), value = tibble(c = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 5L, 4L), d = c(10L, 11L, 10L, 10L, 11L)) ) # set PK DBI::dbExecute(con_db, "ALTER TABLE [test_database_dm].[dbo].[test_1] ALTER COLUMN [b] INTEGER NOT NULL") DBI::dbExecute(con_db, "ALTER TABLE [test_database_dm].[dbo].[test_1] ADD PRIMARY KEY ([b])") # set FK relation DBI::dbExecute(con_db, "ALTER TABLE [test_database_dm].[dbo].[test_2] ADD FOREIGN KEY ([c]) REFERENCES [test_database_dm].[dbo].[test_1] ([b]) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION") # test 'get_src_tbl_names()' expect_identical( get_src_tbl_names(con_db, dbname = "test_database_dm"), list( test_1 = DBI::Id(catalog = "test_database_dm", schema = "dbo", table = "test_1"), test_2 = DBI::Id(catalog = "test_database_dm", schema = "dbo", table = "test_2") ) ) dm_local_no_keys <- dm( test_1 = tibble(a = c(5L, 5L, 4L, 2L, 1L), b = 1:5), test_2 = tibble(c = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 5L, 4L), d = c(10L, 11L, 10L, 10L, 11L)) ) expect_message( dm_db_learned <- dm_from_con(con_db, dbname = "test_database_dm"), "queried successfully", fixed = TRUE ) dm_learned <- dm_db_learned %>% collect() expect_equivalent_dm( dm_learned, dm_local_no_keys %>% dm_add_pk(test_1, b) %>% dm_add_fk(test_2, c, test_1), ignore_autoincrement = TRUE ) # learning without keys: expect_silent( dm_learned_no_keys <- dm_from_con( con_db, dbname = "test_database_dm", learn_keys = FALSE ) %>% collect() ) expect_equivalent_dm( dm_learned_no_keys[c("test_1", "test_2")], dm_local_no_keys ) }) # Learning from a specific schema in another DB on MSSQL ----------------------------------------- test_that("Learning from a specific schema in another DB for MSSQL works?", { skip_if_src_not("mssql") # dm_learn_from_mssql() -------------------------------------------------- con_db <- my_test_con() original_dbname <- attributes(con_db)$info$dbname # delete database after test withr::defer({ # dropping tables and schema is unnecessary try(DBI::dbExecute(con_db, "DROP DATABASE test_database_dm")) }) # create another DB, a schema and 2 connected tables DBI::dbExecute(con_db, "CREATE DATABASE test_database_dm") DBI::dbExecute(con_db, "USE test_database_dm") DBI::dbExecute(con_db, "CREATE SCHEMA dm_test") DBI::dbExecute(con_db, paste0("USE ", original_dbname)) DBI::dbWriteTable( con_db, DBI::Id(catalog = "test_database_dm", schema = "dm_test", table = "test_1"), value = tibble(a = c(5L, 5L, 4L, 2L, 1L), b = 1:5) ) DBI::dbWriteTable( con_db, DBI::Id(catalog = "test_database_dm", schema = "dm_test", table = "test_2"), value = tibble(c = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 5L, 4L), d = c(10L, 11L, 10L, 10L, 11L)) ) # set PK DBI::dbExecute(con_db, "ALTER TABLE [test_database_dm].[dm_test].[test_1] ALTER COLUMN [b] INTEGER NOT NULL") DBI::dbExecute(con_db, "ALTER TABLE [test_database_dm].[dm_test].[test_1] ADD PRIMARY KEY ([b])") # set FK relation DBI::dbExecute( con_db, "ALTER TABLE [test_database_dm].[dm_test].[test_2] ADD FOREIGN KEY ([c]) REFERENCES [test_database_dm].[dm_test].[test_1] ([b]) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION" ) # test 'get_src_tbl_names()' expect_identical( get_src_tbl_names(con_db, schema = "dm_test", dbname = "test_database_dm"), list( test_1 = DBI::Id(catalog = "test_database_dm", schema = "dm_test", table = "test_1"), test_2 = DBI::Id(catalog = "test_database_dm", schema = "dm_test", table = "test_2") ) ) dm_local_no_keys <- dm( test_1 = tibble(a = c(5L, 5L, 4L, 2L, 1L), b = 1:5), test_2 = tibble(c = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 5L, 4L), d = c(10L, 11L, 10L, 10L, 11L)) ) expect_message(dm_db_learned <- dm_from_con(con_db, schema = "dm_test", dbname = "test_database_dm")) dm_learned <- dm_db_learned %>% collect() expect_equivalent_dm( dm_learned[c("test_1", "test_2")], dm_local_no_keys %>% dm_add_pk(test_1, b) %>% dm_add_fk(test_2, c, test_1), ignore_autoincrement = FALSE, ignore_on_delete = FALSE ) # learning without keys: dm_learned_no_keys <- expect_silent( dm_from_con( con_db, schema = "dm_test", dbname = "test_database_dm", learn_keys = FALSE ) %>% collect() ) expect_equivalent_dm( dm_learned_no_keys[c("test_1", "test_2")], dm_local_no_keys ) }) # Must be in the same file as the other learning tests # to avoid race conditions. test_that("dm_meta() contents", { skip_if_schema_not_supported() # produces a randomized schema name with a length of 4-10 characters # consisting of the symbols in `reservoir` random_schema <- function() { reservoir <- c(letters) how_long <- 10 paste0(reservoir[sample(seq_len(length(reservoir)), how_long, replace = TRUE)], collapse = "") } schema_name <- random_schema() # dm_learn_from_mssql() -------------------------------------------------- con_db <- my_test_con() schema_name_q <- DBI::dbQuoteIdentifier(con_db, schema_name) DBI::dbExecute(con_db, paste0("CREATE SCHEMA ", schema_name_q)) # create an object on the MSSQL-DB that can be learned withr::defer({ try(walk( order_of_deletion, ~ try(DBI::dbExecute(con_db, paste0("DROP TABLE ", schema_name_q, ".", .x, " CASCADE"))) )) try(DBI::dbExecute(con_db, paste0("DROP SCHEMA ", schema_name_q))) }) dm_for_filter_copied <- copy_dm_to(con_db, dm_for_filter(), temporary = FALSE, schema = schema_name) order_of_deletion <- c("tf_2", "tf_1", "tf_5", "tf_6", "tf_4", "tf_3") meta <- dm_meta(con_db, schema = schema_name) constraints <- dm_examine_constraints(meta, .progress = FALSE) expect_true(all(constraints$is_key)) arrange_all_but_constraint_name <- function(.x) { names <- setdiff(colnames(.x), "constraint_name") .x %>% arrange(!!!syms(names)) } expect_snapshot({ meta %>% dm_select_tbl(-schemata) %>% dm_zoom_to(table_constraints) %>% filter(constraint_type %in% c("PRIMARY KEY", "FOREIGN KEY")) %>% dm_update_zoomed() %>% dm_get_tables() %>% map(select, -any_of("column_default"), -contains("catalog"), -contains("schema")) %>% map(collect) %>% map(arrange_all_but_constraint_name) %>% map(~ if ("constraint_name" %in% colnames(.x)) { .x %>% mutate(constraint_name = as.integer(forcats::fct_inorder(constraint_name))) } else { .x }) %>% imap(~ if (is_mariadb(con_db) && .y == "columns") { # mariadb output on autoincrement column is integer # transform this to boolean mutate(.x, is_autoincrement = as.logical(is_autoincrement)) } else { .x }) %>% imap(~ if (is_mariadb(con_db) && .y == "table_constraints") { # mariadb default action for delete_rule is RESTRICT (synonym for NO ACTION) # https://mariadb.com/kb/en/foreign-keys/#constraints mutate(.x, delete_rule = if_else(delete_rule == "RESTRICT", "NO ACTION", delete_rule)) } else { .x }) %>% map(arrange_all) %>% jsonlite::toJSON(pretty = TRUE) %>% gsub(schema_name, "schema_name", .) %>% gsub('(_catalog": ")[^"]*(")', "\\1catalog\\2", .) %>% writeLines() }) }) test_that("dm_from_con() with mariaDB", { skip_if_offline() skip_if_not(dm_has_financial()) my_db <- RMariaDB::dbConnect( RMariaDB::MariaDB(), username = "guest", password = "ctu-relational", dbname = "Financial_ijs", host = "relational.fel.cvut.cz" ) expect_snapshot_output(my_dm <- dm_from_con(my_db)) expect_snapshot(dm::dm_get_all_fks(my_dm)) expect_snapshot(dm::dm_get_all_pks(my_dm)) # multiple schemata work expect_snapshot_output(my_dm <- dm_from_con(my_db, schema = c("Accidents", "Ad", "Financial_std"))) expect_snapshot(dm::dm_get_all_fks(my_dm)) expect_snapshot(dm::dm_get_all_pks(my_dm)) })