test_that("data source found", { expect_false(is_null(my_test_src_fun())) expect_silent(my_test_src_fun()()) }) test_that("copy_dm_to() copies data frames to databases", { skip_if_ide() expect_equivalent_dm( copy_dm_to(my_db_test_src(), collect(dm_for_filter())), dm_for_filter() ) expect_equivalent_dm( copy_dm_to(my_db_test_src(), dm_for_filter()), dm_for_filter() ) # FIXME: How to test writing permanent tables without and be sure they are removed at the end independent what 'my_test_src()' is? }) test_that("copy_dm_to() copies data frames from any source", { expect_equivalent_dm( expect_deprecated_obj( copy_dm_to(default_local_src(), dm_for_filter()) ), dm_for_filter() ) }) # FIXME: Add test that set_key_constraints = FALSE doesn't set key constraints, # in combination with dm_learn_from_db test_that("copy_dm_to() rejects overwrite and types arguments", { expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { copy_dm_to(my_test_src(), dm_for_filter(), overwrite = TRUE) }) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { copy_dm_to(my_test_src(), dm_for_filter(), types = character()) }) }) test_that("copy_dm_to() fails with duplicate table names", { bad_names <- set_names(names(dm_for_filter())) bad_names[[2]] <- bad_names[[1]] expect_dm_error( copy_dm_to(my_db_test_src(), dm_for_filter(), table_names = bad_names), class = "copy_dm_to_table_names_duplicated" ) }) test_that("default table repair works", { con <- con_from_src_or_con(my_db_test_src()) table_names <- c("t1", "t2", "t3") calls <- 0 my_unique_db_table_name <- function(table_name) { calls <<- calls + 1 glue::glue("{table_name}_2020_05_15_10_45_29_0") } local_mocked_bindings( unique_db_table_name = function(table_name) my_unique_db_table_name(table_name) ) repair_table_names_for_db(table_names, temporary = FALSE, con) expect_equal(calls, 0) repair_table_names_for_db(table_names, temporary = TRUE, con) expect_gt(calls, 0) }) test_that("copy_dm_to() fails legibly if target schema missing for MSSQL & Postgres", { skip_if_src_not(c("mssql", "postgres")) src_db <- my_test_src() local_dm <- dm_for_filter() %>% collect() expect_deprecated(expect_false(db_schema_exists(src_db, "copy_dm_to_schema"))) expect_error( copy_dm_to(src_db, local_dm, schema = "copy_dm_to_schema", temporary = FALSE) ) }) test_that("copy_dm_to() fails legibly with schema argument for MSSQL & Postgres", { skip_if_src_not(c("mssql", "postgres")) src_db <- my_test_src() local_dm <- dm_for_filter() %>% collect() expect_false(db_schema_exists(src_db$con, "copy_dm_to_schema")) db_schema_create(src_db$con, "copy_dm_to_schema") withr::defer({ try(DBI::dbExecute(src_db$con, "DROP SCHEMA copy_dm_to_schema")) }) expect_dm_error( copy_dm_to(src_db, local_dm, schema = "copy_dm_to_schema"), "temporary_not_in_schema" ) expect_dm_error( copy_dm_to( src_db, local_dm, schema = "copy_dm_to_schema", temporary = FALSE, table_names = set_names(letters[1:6], src_tbls_impl(local_dm)) ), "one_of_schema_table_names" ) }) test_that("copy_dm_to() works with schema argument for MSSQL & Postgres", { skip_if_src_not(c("mssql", "postgres")) src_db <- my_test_src() local_dm <- dm_for_filter() %>% collect() expect_false(db_schema_exists(src_db$con, "copy_dm_to_schema")) db_schema_create(src_db$con, "copy_dm_to_schema") withr::defer({ order_of_deletion <- c("tf_2", "tf_1", "tf_5", "tf_6", "tf_4", "tf_3") walk( dm_get_tables_impl(remote_dm)[order_of_deletion], ~ try(DBI::dbExecute(src_db$con, paste0("DROP TABLE ", remote_name_qual(.x)))) ) try(DBI::dbExecute(src_db$con, "DROP SCHEMA copy_dm_to_schema")) }) expect_silent( remote_dm <- copy_dm_to( src_db, local_dm, schema = "copy_dm_to_schema", temporary = FALSE ) ) if (is_postgres(src_db)) { table_tibble <- sql_schema_table_list_postgres(src_db, "copy_dm_to_schema") } else if (is_mssql(src_db)) { table_tibble <- sql_schema_table_list_mssql(src_db, "copy_dm_to_schema") } tbl_names <- names(remote_dm) # compare names and remote names expect_identical( table_tibble %>% arrange(table_name) %>% deframe(), purrr::map(set_names(tbl_names), ~ DBI::Id(schema = "copy_dm_to_schema", table = .x)) ) }) test_that("copy_dm_to() fails with schema argument for databases where schema is unsupported", { skip_if_schema_supported() local_dm <- dm_for_filter() %>% collect() expect_dm_error( copy_dm_to( my_test_src(), local_dm, temporary = FALSE, schema = "test" ), "no_schemas_supported" ) }) test_that("copy_dm_to() works with autoincrement PKs and FKS on selected DBs", { skip_if_src_not(c("postgres", "sqlite", "mssql", "maria")) con_db <- my_test_con() local_dm_ptype <- dm_for_autoinc_1() %>% dm_ptype() %>% dm_add_pk(t1, a, autoincrement = TRUE) %>% dm_add_pk(t2, c, autoincrement = TRUE) %>% dm_add_fk(t2, d, t1) %>% dm_add_fk(t3, e, t1) %>% dm_add_fk(t4, h, t2) %>% # Avoid clash with other test that uses the same table names dm_rename_tbl(xt1 = t1, xt2 = t2, xt3 = t3, xt4 = t4) withr::defer({ order_of_deletion <- c("xt4", "xt2", "xt3", "xt1") walk( dm_get_tables_impl(remote_dm)[order_of_deletion], ~ try(DBI::dbExecute(con_db, paste0("DROP TABLE ", dbplyr::remote_name(.x)))) ) }) # FIXME: how to check if autoincrement is actually set on DB? expect_silent( remote_dm <- copy_dm_to( con_db, local_dm_ptype, temporary = FALSE ) ) collected_dm <- remote_dm %>% collect() expect_equivalent_dm( local_dm_ptype, collected_dm ) }) test_that("copy_dm_to(table_names = ) (#250)", { dm <- dm(x = tibble(a = 1)) dm_copy <- copy_dm_to( my_db_test_con(), dm, table_names = c(x = "y"), temporary = FALSE ) withr::defer({ try(DBI::dbExecute(my_db_test_con(), "DROP TABLE y", immediate = TRUE)) }) expect_equal(dbplyr::remote_name(dm_copy$x), "y") dm <- dm(x = tibble(a = 1), y = tibble(b = 1)) dm_copy <- copy_dm_to( my_db_test_con(), dm, table_names = ~ paste0(.x, "1"), temporary = FALSE ) withr::defer({ try(DBI::dbExecute(my_db_test_con(), "DROP TABLE x1", immediate = TRUE)) try(DBI::dbExecute(my_db_test_con(), "DROP TABLE y1", immediate = TRUE)) }) expect_equal(dbplyr::remote_name(dm_copy$x), "x1") expect_equal(dbplyr::remote_name(dm_copy$y), "y1") })