# Check bad arguments testthat::test_that( "Warning is returned", { testthat::skip_on_cran() # Singletons only testthat::expect_message( coverage(rep(1,5)), "Sample coverage is 0, most estimators will return `NaN`." ) } ) # Check rarely used estimators testthat::test_that( "Coverage is estimated", { testthat::skip_on_cran() # Chao testthat::expect_lt( abs(coverage(seq_len(5), estimator="Chao")$coverage - coverage(seq_len(5))$coverage), 1/1000 ) # Turing testthat::expect_lt( abs(coverage(seq_len(5), Estimator="turing")$coverage - coverage(seq_len(5))$coverage), 1/100 ) } ) # Combine all parameters abundances <- paracou_6_abd[1, ] testthat::test_that( "No estimator fails", { testthat::skip_on_cran() # Estimate coverage systematically coverage.list <- lapply( # All estimators eval(formals(divent:::coverage.numeric)$estimator), function(estimator) { # print(estimator) suppressWarnings( coverage( abundances, estimator = estimator, level = NULL, as_numeric = FALSE, check_arguments = TRUE ) ) } ) # Coerce to a dataframe coverage.dataframe <- do.call(rbind, coverage.list) # All values must be < 1 testthat::expect_gt( 1, max(coverage.dataframe$coverage) ) } ) # Interpolation and extrapolation sample_size <- abd_sum(abundances, as_numeric = TRUE) levels <- c(sample_size / 2, round(sample_size * 1.5)) testthat::test_that( "No estimator fails during interpolation and extrapolation", { testthat::skip_on_cran() # Estimate coverage systematically coverage.list <- lapply( # All estimators eval(formals(divent:::coverage.numeric)$estimator), function(estimator) { the_list <-lapply( # Two levels levels, function(level) { # print(paste(estimator, level)) suppressWarnings( coverage( abundances, estimator = estimator, level = level, as_numeric = FALSE, check_arguments = TRUE ) ) } ) # Make a dataframe with the list to avoid nested lists the_df <- do.call(rbind, the_list) } ) # Coerce to a dataframe coverage.dataframe <- do.call(rbind, coverage.list) # All values must be < 1 testthat::expect_gt( 1, max(coverage.dataframe$coverage) ) } )