# sqlite ---- test_that("nycflights sqlite can be created", { # with DBI suppressMessages(con <- nycflights13_create_sqlite()) expect_s4_class(con, "SQLiteConnection") expect_identical( dbListTables(con), c("airlines", "airports", "flights", "planes", "weather") ) dbDisconnect(con) }) # psql ---- # odbc ---- test_that("odbc", { skip_env("odbc") con_odbc <- DBI::dbConnect( odbc::odbc(), Driver = odbc_driver, Server = "", Database = "postgres", UID = db_user, PWD = db_pass, Port = testing_port("postgres") ) test_that("DBI, with a new schema creation and odbc package", { expect_message( nycflights13_create_sql(con_odbc, schema = "new_schema"), paste0( c( "Creating the testing database from nycflights13", "Creating table: airlines", "Creating table: airports", "Creating table: flights", "Creating table: planes", "Creating table: weather" ), collapse = "|" ) ) }) test_that("DBI, with a same schema creation and odbc package", { expect_message( nycflights13_create_sql(con_odbc, schema = "new_schema"), "Creating the testing database from nycflights13" ) }) dbDisconnect(con_odbc) }) # rpostgresql ---- test_that("RPostgreSQL", { skip_env("RPostgreSQL") con_rpostgresql <- RPostgreSQL::dbConnect( drv = DBI::dbDriver("PostgreSQL"), host = "", dbname = "postgres", user = db_user, password = db_pass, port = testing_port("postgres") ) test_that("DBI, with a new schema creation and rpostgresql package", { expect_message( nycflights13_create_sql(con_rpostgresql, schema = "new_schema_rpostgresql"), paste0( c( "Creating the testing database from nycflights13", "Creating table: airlines", "Creating table: airports", "Creating table: flights", "Creating table: planes", "Creating table: weather" ), collapse = "|" ) ) }) test_that("DBI, with a same schema creation and rpostgresql package", { expect_message( nycflights13_create_sql(con_rpostgresql, schema = "new_schema_rpostgresql"), "Creating the testing database from nycflights13" ) }) dbDisconnect(con_rpostgresql) }) # rpostgres ---- test_that("RPostgres", { skip_env("RPostgres") con_rpostgres <- DBI::dbConnect( drv = RPostgres::Postgres(), host = "", dbname = "postgres", user = db_user, password = db_pass, port = testing_port("postgres") ) test_that("DBI, with a new schema creation and rpostgres package", { expect_message( nycflights13_create_sql(con_rpostgres, schema = "new_schema"), paste0( c( "Creating the testing database from nycflights13", "Creating table: airlines", "Creating table: airports", "Creating table: flights", "Creating table: planes", "Creating table: weather" ), collapse = "|" ) ) }) test_that("DBI, with a same schema creation and rpostgres package", { expect_message( nycflights13_create_sql(con_rpostgres, schema = "new_schema"), "Creating the testing database from nycflights13" ) }) dbDisconnect(con_rpostgres) }) test_that("nycflights_db() test databes", { con <- nycflights_sqlite() flights_df <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM flights LIMIT 10;") expect_identical(dim(flights_df), c(10L, 19L)) DBI::dbDisconnect(con) })