# Tests for scatterPlot function # library(dittoViz); library(testthat); source("tests/testthat/setup.R"); for (i in list.files("R", pattern="^utils", full.names = TRUE)) source(i); source("tests/testthat/test-scatter.R") df$number <- as.numeric(seq_len(nrow(df))) cont <- "number" cont2 <- "bill_length_mm" disc <- "species" disc2 <- "island" test_that("scatterPlot can plot continuous or discrete data", { expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", cont), "ggplot") }) test_that("scatterPlot basic tweaks work", { # Manuel Check: big dots expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", cont, size = 10), "ggplot") # Manuel Check: triangles expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", cont, shape.panel = 17), "ggplot") # Manuel Check: see through large dots expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", cont, size = 5, opacity = 0.5), "ggplot") }) test_that("scatterPlot main legend can be removed or adjusted, color and shape", { ### Manual Check: Legend removed expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, legend.show = FALSE), "ggplot") ### Manual Check: Legend title = "WOW" & Legend symbols LARGE (color) expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, legend.color.size = 45, legend.color.title = "WOW"), "ggplot") ### Manual Check: Legend title = "WOW" & Legend symbols LARGE (shape) expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", shape.by = disc, legend.shape.size = 45, legend.shape.title = "WOW"), "ggplot") ### Manual Check: Legend breaks not evenly dispersed & labeled with given text expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", "number", legend.color.breaks = c(1, 50, 150, 200), legend.color.breaks.labels = c("1", "fifty", "one-fifty", "two hundred plus")), "ggplot") ### Manual Check: Legend breaks not evenly dispersed & labeled with given text expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", "number", min.value = -50, max.value = 1000), "ggplot") }) test_that("scatterPlot color scale can be adjusted", { ### Manual Check: # Scale extends from below zero to 1000, all points in yellow to green range expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", "number", min.value = -50, max.value = 1000), "ggplot") ### Manual Check: # Gray-scale expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", "number", min.color = "black", max.color = "grey70"), "ggplot") }) test_that("scatterPlots can be subset to show only certain rows with any rows.use method", { expect_s3_class( {c1 <- scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, data.out = TRUE, rows.use = rows.names) c1$p}, "ggplot") expect_s3_class( {c2 <- scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, data.out = TRUE, rows.use = rows.logical) c2$p}, "ggplot") expect_s3_class( {c3 <- scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, data.out = TRUE, rows.use = rows.nums) c2$p}, "ggplot") # All equal? expect_equal(c1$Target_data, c2$Target_data) expect_equal(c1$Target_data, c3$Target_data) expect_equal(nrow(c3$Target_data), 40) # And if we remove an entire grouping... expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, rows.use = df[[disc]]!="Adelie"), "ggplot") }) test_that("scatterPlot shapes and colors can be adjusted", { ### Manual check: # Shapes should be triangle, diamond, circle # Color should be red, blue, yellow expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", color.by = disc, shape.by = disc2, shape.panel = 17:19, color.panel = cols), "ggplot") # By names ### Manual check: # Both flipped compared to above # Shapes should be triangle, diamond, circle # Color should be red, blue, yellow expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", color.by = disc, shape.by = disc2, shape.panel = c(Biscoe = 19, Dream = 18, Torgersen = 17), color.panel = c(Gentoo = cols[1], Chinstrap = cols[2], Adelie = cols[3])), "ggplot") # 'colors' input ### Manual check: # Pink, red, darker blue expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", color.by = disc, colors = 7:5), "ggplot") }) test_that("scatterPlots titles and theme can be adjusted", { ### Manual check: All titles should be adjusted. expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", cont, main = "Gotta catch", sub = "em all", xlab = "Pokemon", ylab = "Pokedex #s", legend.color.title = "types"), "ggplot") ### Manual check: top and right plot outline removed expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", cont, theme = theme_classic()), "ggplot") }) test_that("scatterPlot allows plotting of multiple vars, via faceting", { expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( data_frame=df, x.by=cont, y.by=cont2, c(cont, cont2)), "ggplot") # These should have transposed facet grids expect_s3_class( print(scatterPlot( data_frame=df, x.by=cont, y.by=cont2, c(cont, cont2), split.by = disc2)), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( print(scatterPlot( data_frame=df, x.by=cont, y.by=cont2, c(cont, cont2), split.by = disc2, multivar.split.dir = "row")), "ggplot") # Works with rows.use expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( data_frame=df, x.by=cont, y.by=cont2, c(cont, cont2), rows.use = rows.logical), "ggplot") expect_error( scatterPlot( data_frame=df, x.by=cont, y.by=cont2, c(disc, cont, cont2)), "Only numeric", fixed = TRUE) expect_warning( scatterPlot( data_frame=df, x.by=cont, y.by=cont2, c(cont, cont2), split.by = c(disc2,disc)), "will be ignored", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("scatterPlots discrete labels can be adjusted", { ### Manual Check: # Legend labels = 5:7 expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, rename.color.groups = 5:7), "ggplot") ### Manual Check: # Legend labels = 3:5 expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", shape.by = disc2, rename.shape.groups = 3:5), "ggplot") }) test_that("scatterPlot can be labeled or circled", { ### Manual Check (next 2) # Labels should move around between plots, only boxed in 1st expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, do.label = TRUE), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, do.label = TRUE, labels.highlight = FALSE), "ggplot") ### Manual Check (next 2) # No movement of lebels, only boxed in 1st expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, do.label = TRUE, labels.repel = FALSE), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, do.label = TRUE, labels.highlight = FALSE, labels.repel = FALSE), "ggplot") ### Manual Check # smaller labels expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, do.label = TRUE, labels.size = 3), "ggplot") ### Manual Check # labels to right side expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, do.label = TRUE, labels.repel.adjust = list(xlim=c(5,NA))), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, do.label = TRUE, labels.repel.adjust = list(xlim=c(5,NA)), labels.highlight = FALSE), "ggplot") }) test_that("scatterPlot labeling with numbers", { ### Manual Check # Number labels with matching legend expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, do.label = TRUE, labels.use.numbers = TRUE), "ggplot") # _ instead of : expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, do.label = TRUE, labels.use.numbers = TRUE, labels.numbers.spacer = "_"), "ggplot") # Colors should match with this original expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, do.label = TRUE), "ggplot") }) test_that("scatterPlot labeling is robust to NAs", { # In color data na_in_color <- df na_in_color$species[df$sex=="male"] <- NA expect_warning( scatterPlot( na_in_color, "PC1", "PC2", "species", do.label = TRUE), NA) na_in_pc1 <- df na_in_pc1$PC1[1:10] <- NA # Manual Check: Should be all four labels! # There should be a warning here form the x/y coords, but not the labeling expect_true( all(!grepl( "label", names(warnings( scatterPlot(na_in_pc1, "PC1", "PC2", "species", do.label = TRUE) )) )) ) }) test_that("scatterPlot trajectory adding works", { expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, add.trajectory.by.groups = list( c("Adelie","Chinstrap","Gentoo"), c("Gentoo","Adelie")), trajectory.group.by = disc, do.label = TRUE), "ggplot") # Manual Check: Arrows should move & GROW. expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", cont, add.trajectory.by.groups = list( c("Chinstrap","Adelie")), trajectory.group.by = disc, trajectory.arrow.size = 1), "ggplot") # Manual Check: Arrows should be detached from points expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, add.trajectory.curves = list( data.frame( c(-20,20,-50), c(-20,-10,0)), data.frame( c(5:20)*10, c(5:10,9:5,6:10) )), trajectory.group.by = disc), "ggplot") }) test_that("scatterPlot lettering works", { ### Manual Check: Letters should be added expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, do.letter = TRUE, size = 3), "ggplot") ### Manual Check: see through dots and letters expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, do.letter = TRUE, size = 3, opacity = 0.5), "ggplot") }) test_that("scatterPlot plotting order can be ordered by the data, or have order randomized", { un <- scatterPlot(df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, data.out = TRUE, size = 10, plot.order = "unordered") dec <- scatterPlot(df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, data.out = TRUE, size = 10, plot.order = "decreasing") inc <- scatterPlot(df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, data.out = TRUE, size = 10, plot.order = "increasing") set.seed(42) # Hopefully with 2 different seeds, we can ensure that 1 will diverge from the original ran <- scatterPlot(df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, data.out = TRUE, size = 10, plot.order = "randomize") set.seed(12345) ran2 <- scatterPlot(df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, data.out = TRUE, size = 10, plot.order = "randomize") ### Manual Check: # Orange always in front expect_s3_class( dec$p, "ggplot") ### Manual Check: # Plots different expect_s3_class( un$p, "ggplot") expect_s3_class( ran$p, "ggplot") expect_s3_class( ran2$p, "ggplot") expect_false( all(c( identical( rownames(un$Target_data), rownames(ran$Target_data)), identical( rownames(un$Target_data), rownames(ran2$Target_data)) )) ) ### Manual Check: Dark blue always in front expect_equal( dec$Target_data$color, rev(inc$Target_data$color) ) }) test_that("scatterPlot adding contours", { expect_s3_class( scatterPlot(df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, do.contour = TRUE), "ggplot") ### Manual Check: # Contour lines light blue and dashed (not black as above) expect_s3_class( scatterPlot(df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, do.contour = TRUE, contour.color = "lightblue", contour.linetype = "dashed"), "ggplot") }) test_that("scatterPlot with and without rasterization produces identical plots", { ### Manual Check: # These plots should appear nearly identical expect_s3_class( scatterPlot(df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, do.raster = TRUE), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( scatterPlot(df, "PC1", "PC2", disc), "ggplot") }) test_that("scatterPlot ignores do.letter/do.label/do.ellipse for continuous data", { expect_message(scatterPlot(df, "PC1", "PC2", cont, do.label = TRUE), "do.label was/were ignored for non-discrete data", fixed = TRUE) expect_message(scatterPlot(df, "PC1", "PC2", cont, do.letter = TRUE), "do.letter was/were ignored for non-discrete data", fixed = TRUE) expect_message(scatterPlot(df, "PC1", "PC2", cont, do.ellipse = TRUE), "do.ellipse was/were ignored for non-discrete data", fixed = TRUE) # No message for discrete data && MANUAL CHECK: ellipse is drawn expect_message(scatterPlot(df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, do.ellipse = TRUE), NA) }) test_that("scatterPlot can be faceted with split.by (1 or 2 vars)", { # MANUAL CHECK: FACETING expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, split.by = disc2), "ggplot") # horizontal expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, split.by = disc2, split.nrow = 1), "ggplot") # vertical expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, split.by = disc2, split.ncol = 1), "ggplot") # Grid with rows=island, cols=species expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, split.by = c(disc2,disc)), "ggplot") }) test_that("scatterPlot faceting and rows.use and split.show.all.others work together", { expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, split.by = c(disc2), rows.use = rows.logical, split.show.all.others = FALSE), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, split.by = c(disc2,disc), rows.use = rows.logical, split.show.all.others = FALSE), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, split.by = c(disc2,disc), rows.use = rows.logical, split.show.all.others = TRUE), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, split.by = c(disc2,disc), rows.use = rows.logical, split.show.all.others = TRUE), "ggplot") }) test_that("scatterPlot added features work with single-column faceting", { expect_error( print(scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, split.by = disc2, do.label = TRUE, split.show.all.others = FALSE)), NA) expect_error( print(scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, split.by = disc2, do.ellipse = TRUE, split.show.all.others = FALSE)), NA) expect_error( print(scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, split.by = disc2, do.letter = TRUE, split.show.all.others = FALSE)), NA) expect_error( print(scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, split.by = disc2, do.contour = TRUE, split.show.all.others = FALSE)), NA) expect_error( print(scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, split.by = disc2, add.trajectory.by.groups = list( c("C","A")), trajectory.group.by = disc, split.show.all.others = FALSE)), NA) expect_error( print(scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, split.by = disc2, add.trajectory.curves = list( data.frame( c(-10,0,-20), c(-20,-10,0)), data.frame( c(5:20), c(5:10,9:5,6:10))), split.show.all.others = FALSE)), NA) }) test_that("scatterPlot added features work with double-column faceting", { expect_error( print(scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, split.by = c(disc2,disc), do.label = TRUE, split.show.all.others = FALSE)), NA) expect_error( print(scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, split.by = c(disc2,disc), do.ellipse = TRUE, split.show.all.others = FALSE)), NA) expect_error( print(scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, split.by = c(disc2,disc), do.letter = TRUE, split.show.all.others = FALSE)), NA) expect_error( print(scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, split.by = c(disc2,disc), add.trajectory.by.groups = list( c("C","A")), trajectory.group.by = disc, split.show.all.others = FALSE)), NA) expect_error( print(scatterPlot( df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, split.by = c(disc2,disc), add.trajectory.curves = list( data.frame( c(-10,0,-20), c(-20,-10,0)), data.frame( c(5:20), c(5:10,9:5,6:10))), split.show.all.others = FALSE)), NA) }) # adjustments test_that("scatterPlot data adjustments applied", { expect_s3_class( (p <- scatterPlot( cont, data_frame = df, x.by=cont, y.by=cont, data.out = TRUE, x.adj.fxn=function(x) as.vector(scale(x)), y.adj.fxn=function(x) {round(as.vector(scale(x)), 0)}, color.adjustment = "z-score"))$plot, "ggplot") expect_equal( p$Target_data[[p$cols_used$y.by]], round(p$Target_data[[p$cols_used$x.by]],0)) expect_equal( round(mean(p$Target_data[[p$cols_used$x.by]]),0), 0) expect_equal( p$Target_data[[p$cols_used$color.by]], p$Target_data[[p$cols_used$x.by]]) expect_s3_class( (p <- scatterPlot( cont, data_frame = df, x.by=cont, y.by=cont, data.out = TRUE, y.adjustment= "relative.to.max"))$plot, "ggplot") expect_equal( max(p$Target_data[[p$cols_used$y.by]]), 1) }) test_that("scatterPlot added arbitrary horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines work", { expect_s3_class( scatterPlot(df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, add.yline = c(-1, 1), add.xline = c(2), add.abline = c(5, 1.5), abline.slope = c(0.02, -0.03)), "ggplot") ### Manual Check: # Vertical lines dotted and horizontal line red (not black and dashed as above) expect_s3_class( scatterPlot(df, "PC1", "PC2", disc, add.yline = c(-1, 1), add.xline = c(2), yline.color = "red", xline.linetype = "dotted"), "ggplot") ### Manual Check: # split.by works with lines and ablines work # Diagonal lines blue & green, # with blue thicker than green # and blue-only see-through expect_s3_class( scatterPlot(df, "PC3", "PC2", disc, split.by = "groups", add.yline = c(-5, 5), add.xline = c(2), yline.color = "red", xline.linetype = "dotted", add.abline = c(5, 1.5), abline.slope = c(2, -3), abline.linetype = "solid", abline.opacity = c(1, 0.5), abline.linewidth = c(1, 2), abline.color = c("green", "blue")), "ggplot") # Errors and warnings expect_warning( scatterPlot(df, "PC3", "PC2", disc, split.by = "groups", add.yline = -1, yline.linewidth = 1:2), "'yline.linewidth' must be length 1 or the same length as 'add.yline', using only the first provided value.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_warning( scatterPlot(df, "PC3", "PC2", disc, split.by = "groups", add.xline = -1, xline.linewidth = 1:2), "using only the first provided value", fixed = TRUE ) expect_warning( scatterPlot(df, "PC3", "PC2", disc, split.by = "groups", add.abline = -1, abline.linewidth = 1:2), "using only the first provided value", fixed = TRUE ) expect_warning( scatterPlot(df, "PC3", "PC2", disc, split.by = "groups", add.abline = -1, abline.slope = 1:2), "using only the first provided value", fixed = TRUE ) })