# Tests for barPlot function # library(dittoViz); library(testthat); source("tests/testthat/setup.R"); source("tests/testthat/test-bar.R") grp1 <- "species" grp2 <- "island" grp3 <- "groups" test_that("barPlot can quantify clustering of groupings in percent or raw count", { expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, scale = "count"), "ggplot") }) test_that("barPlots can be subset to show only certain rows with any rows.use method", { expect_s3_class( {c1 <- barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, data.out = TRUE, rows.use = rows.names) c1$p}, "ggplot") expect_s3_class( {c2 <- barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, data.out = TRUE, rows.use = rows.logical) c2$p}, "ggplot") expect_equal(c1$data, c2$data) expect_s3_class( {c3 <- barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, data.out = TRUE, rows.use = rows.nums) c3$p}, "ggplot") expect_equal(c1$data, c3$data) # And if we remove an entire X grouping... expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, rows.use = df[,grp3]!="A"), "ggplot") # And if we remove an entire var grouping... expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, rows.use = df[,grp2]!="Dream"), "ggplot") }) test_that("barPlot main legend can be removed", { expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, legend.show = FALSE), "ggplot") }) test_that("barPlots colors can be adjusted", { ### Manual check: # Next two should look the same. expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, color.panel = dittoColors()[5:1]), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, colors = 5:1), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, color.panel = c("red","blue","yellow")), "ggplot") }) test_that("barPlots titles and theme can be adjusted", { ### Manual check: # All titles should be adjusted. expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, main = "Gotta catch", sub = "em all", xlab = "Pokemon", ylab = "Pokedex #s", legend.title = "types"), "ggplot") ### Manual check: # Plot should be boxed expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, theme = theme_bw()), "ggplot") }) test_that("barPlots y-axis can be adjusted", { expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, y.breaks = seq(0,1,0.25)), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, min = -0.5, max = 2, y.breaks = seq(0,1,0.25)), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, scale = "count", y.breaks = seq(0,45,15)), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, scale = "count", min = -5, max = 100, y.breaks = seq(0,45,15)), "ggplot") }) test_that("barPlot var-labels can be adjusted and reordered", { # Manual Check: # legend groups changed to pikachu, squirtle, ivysaur expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, var.labels.rename = c("pikachu", "squirtle", "ivysaur")), "ggplot") # Manual Check: # Torgerson on top now, orange expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, var.labels.reorder = 3:1), "ggplot") }) test_that("barPlots x-labels can be adjusted", { expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, x.labels = 4:8), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, x.reorder = 5:1), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, x.labels.rotate = FALSE), "ggplot") ### Manual Check: # L->R 4:8, with horizontal labels expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, scale = "count", x.labels = 4:8, x.reorder = 5:1, x.labels.rotate = FALSE), "ggplot") ### Manual Check: # L->R 4:8, but order reversed compared to above expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, scale = "count", x.labels = 4:8, x.labels.rotate = FALSE), "ggplot") }) test_that("barPlot can be faceted with 'split.by'", { expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, split.by = grp1), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, split.by = c(grp1,grp3)), "ggplot") # Work with rows.use expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, split.by = grp1, rows.use = df$number<50), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, split.by = c(grp1,grp3), rows.use = df$number<50), "ggplot") }) test_that("'split.by' can be given extra features", { # MANUAL: white space utilized fully expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, scale = "count", split.ncol = 1, rows.use = df[,grp3]=="A", split.by = grp1, split.adjust = list(scales = "free") ), "ggplot") # MANUAL: white space utilized fully expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, split.by = c(grp1,grp3), split.adjust = list(scales = "free")), "ggplot") }) test_that("barPlot, 'retain.factor.level' can be used to respect factor levels", { df$var_factor <- factor( df[,grp2], levels = rev(colLevels(grp2, df))) df$grp_factor <- factor( df[,grp3], levels = rev(colLevels(grp3, df))) # Manual Check: # 1. var and group.by ordering should be reverse of alpha-numeric # 2. Removed group.by group, C, should remain but have no data # 3. Removed var group, Dream, should remain in the legend but not appear in the data expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, "var_factor", group.by = "grp_factor", retain.factor.levels = TRUE, rows.use = df[,"grp_factor"]!="C" & df[,"var_factor"]!="Dream"), "ggplot") }) test_that("barPlot arbitrary horizontal lines work", { # Manual Check: # Multiple lines can be added and their parameters individually adjusted expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, add.line = c(0.25, 0.5), line.color = c("purple", "cyan"), line.linewidth = 2, line.opacity = 0.6), "ggplot") # Manual Check: # Same lines applied across all panels expect_s3_class( barPlot( df, grp2, group.by = grp3, add.line = c(0.25, 0.5), line.color = c("purple", "cyan"), line.linewidth = 2, line.opacity = 0.6, split.by = grp3), "ggplot") })