# Tests for yPlot function # library(dittoViz); library(testthat); source("tests/testthat/setup.R"); for (i in list.files("R", pattern="^utils", full.names = TRUE)) source(i); source("tests/testthat/test-y.R") df$all <- "A" grp <- "species" clr <- "island" clr2 <- "groups" cont1 <- "number" cont2 <- "bill_length_mm" test_that("yPlot can plot continuous data with all plot types", { expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = c("vlnplot", "boxplot", "jitter")), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = c("ridgeplot", "jitter")), "ggplot") }) test_that("yPlots can be subset to show only certain rows with any rows.use method", { expect_s3_class( {c1 <- yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, data.out = TRUE, plots = c("vlnplot", "boxplot"), rows.use = rows.names) c1$p}, "ggplot") expect_s3_class( {c2 <- yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, data.out = TRUE, plots = c("vlnplot", "boxplot"), rows.use = rows.logical) c2$p}, "ggplot") expect_s3_class( {c3 <- yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, data.out = TRUE, plots = c("vlnplot", "boxplot"), rows.use = rows.nums) c3$p}, "ggplot") expect_equal(c1$data,c2$data) expect_equal(c1$data,c3$data) # And if we remove an entire grouping... expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = c("vlnplot", "boxplot"), rows.use = df[,grp]!=0), "ggplot") }) test_that("yPlot main legend can be removed", { expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, legend.show = FALSE), "ggplot") }) test_that("yPlot colors can be distinct from group.by", { expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = c("vlnplot", "boxplot", "jitter"), color.by = clr), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = c("vlnplot", "boxplot", "jitter"), color.by = clr2), "ggplot") }) test_that("yPlot shapes can be a distinct from group.by", { expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = c("vlnplot", "boxplot", "jitter"), shape.by = grp), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = c("vlnplot", "boxplot", "jitter"), shape.by = clr2), "ggplot") }) test_that("yPlot shapes can be adjusted in many ways", { ### Manual Check # Shapes should be triangles instead of dots expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = c("vlnplot", "boxplot", "jitter"), shape.panel = 17), "ggplot") ### Manual Check # Shapes should be dot and triangle first instead of dot and square expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = c("vlnplot", "boxplot", "jitter"), shape.by = clr2, shape.panel = 16:20), "ggplot") ### Manual Check # Shapes should be enlarged in the legend expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = c("vlnplot", "boxplot", "jitter"), shape.by = clr2, jitter.shape.legend.size = 15), "ggplot") ### Manual Check # Shapes legend should be removed, but color still there expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = c("vlnplot", "boxplot", "jitter"), shape.by = clr2, jitter.shape.legend.show = FALSE), "ggplot") }) test_that("yPlots colors can be adjusted", { ### Manual check: # These two should look the same. expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = c("vlnplot", "boxplot"), color.panel = dittoColors()[5:1]), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = c("vlnplot", "boxplot"), colors = 5:1), "ggplot") }) test_that("yPlots titles and theme can be adjusted", { ### Manual check: # All titles should be adjusted. expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, main = "Gotta catch", sub = "em all", xlab = "Pokemon", ylab = "Pokedex #s", legend.title = "groups"), "ggplot") ### Manual check: # plot should be boxed expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, theme = theme_bw()), "ggplot") }) test_that("yPlots y-axis can be adjusted, (x for ridgeplots)", { expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, min = -5, max = 100), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, y.breaks = seq(10,60,10)), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = "ridgeplot", min = -50, max = 100), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = "ridgeplot", y.breaks = seq(10,60,10)), "ggplot") }) test_that("yPlots x-labels can be adjusted, (y for ridgeplots)", { expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, x.labels = 5:7), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, x.reorder = 3:1), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, x.labels.rotate = FALSE), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = "ridgeplot", x.labels = 5:7), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = "ridgeplot", x.reorder = 3:1), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = "ridgeplot", x.labels.rotate = FALSE), "ggplot") ### Manual Check: # L->R, 5:7, with horizontal labels expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, x.labels = 5:7, x.reorder = 3:1, x.labels.rotate = FALSE), "ggplot") ### Manual Check: # B -> T, 5:7 with rotated labels expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = "ridgeplot", x.labels = 5:7, x.reorder = 3:1, x.labels.rotate = TRUE), "ggplot") }) test_that("yPlot can have lines added and adjusted individually", { expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, add.line = 20), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, add.line = 20, line.linetype = "solid", line.color = "green"), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = "ridgeplot", add.line = 20, line.linetype = "solid", line.color = "green"), "ggplot") # Manual Check: # Multiple lines, one solid, one dashed, both green, first thick, second thin. expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, add.line = c(20, 300), line.linetype = c("solid", "dotdash"), line.color = "green", line.linewidth = c(0.5, 2)), "ggplot") # Manual Check: # Lines applied across panels properly for both ridgeplot and other plots expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, split.by = "species", plots = "ridgeplot", add.line = c(20, 300), line.linetype = c("solid", "dotdash"), line.color = "green", line.linewidth = c(0.5, 2)), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, split.by = "species", add.line = c(20, 300), line.linetype = c("solid", "dotdash"), line.color = "green", line.linewidth = c(0.5, 2)), "ggplot") }) test_that("yPlot jitter adjustments work", { # Manual Check: # Large blue dots that, in the y-plot, wider spread than normal. expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = "jitter", jitter.size = 10, jitter.color = "blue", jitter.width = 1), "ggplot") # Manual Check: # Large blue dots expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = c("jitter","ridgeplot"), jitter.size = 10, jitter.color = "blue", jitter.width = 1), "ggplot") ### Manual Check: 1. jitters that touch / align with vlnplot widths. # 2. jitters that far from touch, NOT aligned properly # 3. jitters that far from touch. Tests control, by default, by the boxplot input. # 4. jitters that far from touch. Tests control, by default, by the vlnplot input via the boxplot input. # 1. Defaults expect_s3_class( print(yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = "all", color.by = clr2, plots = c("vlnplot", "boxplot", "jitter"), shape.panel = 21, jitter.size = 2, vlnplot.scaling = "width")), "ggplot") # 2. jitters further apart, not aligned with other reps expect_s3_class( print(yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = "all", color.by = clr2, plots = c("vlnplot", "boxplot", "jitter"), shape.panel = 21, jitter.size = 2, vlnplot.scaling = "width", jitter.position.dodge = 2)), "ggplot") # 3. set by boxplot dodge, jitters far apart but aligned with boxplots expect_s3_class( print(yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = "all", color.by = clr2, plots = c("vlnplot", "boxplot", "jitter"), shape.panel = 21, jitter.size = 2, vlnplot.scaling = "width", boxplot.position.dodge = 2)), "ggplot") # 4. set by vlnplot.width. jitters not touching (other edit), but aligned with violins and boxes expect_s3_class( print(yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = "all", color.by = clr2, plots = c("vlnplot", "boxplot", "jitter"), shape.panel = 21, jitter.size = 2, vlnplot.scaling = "width", vlnplot.width = 1.5, jitter.width = 0.1)), "ggplot") }) test_that("yPlot boxplot adjustments work", { ### Manual Check: # Blue boxplots that touch eachother, with jitter visible behind. expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = c("jitter", "boxplot"), boxplot.width = 1, boxplot.color = "blue", boxplot.fill = FALSE, boxplot.show.outliers = TRUE), "ggplot") ### Manual Check: # boxplots that overlap, with thick lines expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = c("jitter","boxplot"), color.by = clr, boxplot.width = 0.4, boxplot.position.dodge = 0.2, boxplot.lineweight = 2), "ggplot") df$with_outlier <- df$number df$with_outlier[50] <- 400 ### Manual Check: # no outlier expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, "with_outlier", group.by = grp, plots = c("boxplot"), boxplot.show.outliers = FALSE), "ggplot") ### Manual Check: # giant outlier expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, "with_outlier", group.by = grp, plots = c("boxplot"), boxplot.show.outliers = TRUE, boxplot.outlier.size = 20), "ggplot") }) test_that("yPlot violin plot adjustments work", { ### Manual Check: # Almost non-existent lines, with quite overlapping vlns. expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, vlnplot.lineweight = 0.1, vlnplot.width = 5), "ggplot") ### Manual Check: # The next three should look different from eachother: expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, vlnplot.scaling = "count"), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, vlnplot.scaling = "area"), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, vlnplot.scaling = "width"), "ggplot") }) test_that("yPlot ridgeplot adjustments work", { ### Manual Check: # Almost non-existent lines, with quite overlapping ridges. expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = "ridgeplot", ridgeplot.lineweight = 0.1, ridgeplot.scale = 5), "ggplot") ### Manual Check: # Lots of space at the top. expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = "ridgeplot", ridgeplot.ymax.expansion = 5), "ggplot") ### Manual Check: # Histogram expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = "ridgeplot", ridgeplot.shape = "hist"), "ggplot") ### Manual Check: # Hist with narrower bins expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = "ridgeplot", ridgeplot.shape = "hist", ridgeplot.bins = 60), "ggplot") ### Manual Check: # Hist with even narrower bins expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, group.by = grp, plots = "ridgeplot", ridgeplot.shape = "hist", ridgeplot.bins = 60, ridgeplot.binwidth = 1), "ggplot") }) test_that("yPlot can be facted with split.by (1 or 2 vars)", { # MANUAL CHECK: # FACETING expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, grp, grp, split.by = grp), "ggplot") # horizontal expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, grp, grp, split.by = grp, split.nrow = 1), "ggplot") # vertical expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, grp, grp, split.by = grp, split.ncol = 1), "ggplot") # Grid with rows=age, cols=groups expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, grp, grp, split.by = c(grp,clr)), "ggplot") # Works with rows.use (should have grey points) expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, grp, grp, split.by = c(grp,clr), rows.use = rows.logical), "ggplot") }) test_that("yPlot with and without jitter rasterization produces identical plots", { # MANUAL CHECK: # Should be indentical expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, grp, grp, do.raster = TRUE), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, grp, grp), "ggplot") # Jitter in front. expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, grp, grp, do.raster = TRUE, plots = c("vlnplot", "jitter")), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, grp, grp, plots = c("vlnplot", "jitter")), "ggplot") # Should be lower resolution expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, cont1, grp, grp, do.raster = TRUE, raster.dpi = 10, plots = c("vlnplot", "jitter")), "ggplot") }) test_that("yPlot allows plotting of multiple vars, via faceting (deault)", { expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, c(cont1, cont2), grp), "ggplot") # Works with rows.use expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, c(cont1, cont2), grp, rows.use = rows.logical), "ggplot") # These should have transposed facet grids expect_s3_class( print(yPlot( df, c(cont1, cont2), grp, split.by = clr)), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( print(yPlot( df, c(cont1, cont2), grp, split.by = clr, multivar.split.dir = "row")), "ggplot") expect_warning( yPlot( df, c(cont1, cont2), grp, split.by = c(clr,clr2)), "will be ignored", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("yPlot allows plotting of multiple vars, via group or color", { expect_s3_class( print(yPlot( df, c(cont1, cont2), grp, multivar.aes = "group")), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( print(yPlot( df, c(cont1, cont2), grp, multivar.aes = "color")), "ggplot") # Works with rows.use expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, c(cont1, cont2), grp, multivar.aes = "group", rows.use = rows.logical), "ggplot") expect_s3_class( yPlot( df, c(cont1, cont2), grp, multivar.aes = "color", rows.use = rows.logical), "ggplot") })